Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fraport is negotiating with Greece continue through airports – Reuters Germany

Frankfurt / Athens (Reuters) – Fraport is in the negotiations with the Greek government to the contract for 14 regional airports not yet reached our goal


“The Greek government has taken a decision, which is a basis for further negotiations on the operation of 14 regional airports” said a Fraport spokesman on Tuesday. Contracts are not yet signed. Some media had previously reported, with reference to a publication in a Greek official Gazette that the 1.2 billion-euro deal was already signed and sealed. The do not be so, said a Greek government source tells Reuters. The publication confirms only that the talks on the basis of pre-agreed key points continued. “This clears the way for a final agreement in the next few weeks.”

Fraport had received in November 2014 together with a local partner the preliminary contract for the airport. In the bag, the purchase is not

so, since the final terms have to be negotiated. Confusing was the situation when the new Greek government asked many privatization projects in question. Among the 14 airports Airports belong to destinations such as Rhodes, Corfu, Mykonos and Santorini. But the airport of Thessaloniki is one of the package. It is planned that the Frankfurt operating the systems for 40 years. Fraport is already involved in several airports abroad, as in the Peruvian capital Lima, the St. Petersburg, Russia or the Turkish Antalya. Most recently, the Frankfurter had acquired a majority at the airport of Ljubljana. In other major tenders of MDAX-listed group was left empty-handed. Thus, the Hessen competed unsuccessfully for the operation of airports in Brazil and the new main airport in Istanbul.


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