Friday, August 14, 2015

Euro group agrees on new aid for Greece –

The finance ministers of the euro-zone countries have agreed on the conditions for new billions in aid to Greece. They accepted the guidelines for the planned lending of up to 86 billion euros. Now a few parliaments have to approve.

The third aid package for Greece has met with the finance ministers of the euro-zone agreement. At their meeting in Brussels, they discussed the previously negotiated by expert conditions for the planned lending of up to 86 billion euros. They gave her Yes to the first tranche of 26 billion euros to settle the most urgent liabilities.

The chairman of the Euro group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said there had been “natural differences given. But we have managed to solve ultimate questions. ” EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker expressed his satisfaction: All parties had complied with their commitments, Athens come to its obligations. “The message of today’s meeting is loud and clear: On that basis and remains Greece irrevocably a member of the euro zone.”, Said Juncker

IMF sees Greece under “unsustainable” debt burden

Even the part of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) there was strong agreement, as ARD correspondent. IMF chief Christine Lagarde took part in the deliberations of the Euro Group by videoconference. The IMF had made debt relief for Greece by the EU condition for its continued participation. Lagarde stated in writing, the utility was “a very important step” forward. The debt burden is but “unsustainable” for Greece.

Schäuble defends decision

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained his consent to the change of course in Athens , “It would be irresponsible not to take advantage of the opportunity,” he said after the meeting of the Euro Group. There is a

“completely different situation compared to what we had until July,” he said, referring to the parliamentary decision in Athens to implement the tough reforms.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seem “to try” to bring his country so on the way that it “may be its economic interests. We want to seize this opportunity.” He made clear, however, that the tranches of the program would not be paid if Greece did not fulfill the requirements


In Expert level had Greece and its lenders agreed already in the early hours of Tuesday on a framework for the new utility. He foresees that the new loans are paid out to far-reaching reform and austerity commitments. These are, for example, tax increases and changes to the pension system. Only on Friday morning Parliament in Athens had approved the reform and savings plan


Bundestag must still approve

Should the Bundestag which meets on Tuesday or Wednesday, and other national parliaments agree as expected early next week, Greece could meet liabilities when due next Thursday debts amounting to EUR 3.4 billion with funds from the new utility. Is there still unexpected obstacles, would have a further bridging loan ago.

The debt is about 3.4 billion euros, the Athens of expiring bonds and interest rates to the European Central Bank ( ECB) must be paid. If the repayment fail, the ECB may have to the country actually turn off the money tap, which could have the collapse of the economy result



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