Saturday, August 22, 2015

Social plan for closure of Karstadt stores stands – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          on the closure list: Karstadt branch in Bottrop



When department store group Karstadt paving the way for the closure of four stores in the coming year are made. Employers and council have agreed, according to employee representatives on a social plan for about 580 employees in Recklinghausen, Bottrop, Dessau and Neumünster. “The social plan for the employees in the closure of branches is signed and sealed,” quoted the “West German Allgemeine Zeitung ‘Karstadt General Works Manager Jürgen Ettl. The company was on Saturday not to reach for an opinion on the social plan at first. Verdi holds the four closures wrong.



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For the affected houses Karstadt had already announced store closures for 2016 in May. After "WAZ" information end of the operation in March in Bottrop and Dessau should probably be set, the end of June in Recklinghausen and Neumünster. The withdrawal from Bottrop and Recklinghausen had Karstadt explains, among other things with a weak population growth and strong competition from shopping centers. With reference to plans of the company reported that "WAZ" further that the operation in Bottrop and Recklinghausen even months - should run normally

- also during the important Christmas business.

In detail, inter alia, severance pay and a transfer company are loud Gesamtbetriebsrat provided the social plan. Karstadt had assured to provide

for workers in areas affected by a closure of branches short free application training to help you move to new employers.


The negotiators of Verdi for Karstadt, Arno Peukes, described the Karstadt plan to close the four branches to be false. "The example Mönchengladbach shows that things can be different," he said on Saturday, the news agency DPA.


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In Mönchengladbach the branch will be saved with the help of the municipality. The development company of the city of Mönchengladbach accepts According to July the store for an average of millions of euros from the previous owner High Street and rebuild it. As a result, a portion of the previously used by Karstadt area will be rented to other merchants. Karstadt CEO Stephan Fanderl had therefore withdrawn the closure plan for this department store branch.




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ailing Warenhauskonzer

social plan for closure of Karstadt stores is

Now the plan is set in stone: In 2015, four branches of the ailing department store chain Karstadt close - in Nordrhein -Westfalen, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein. Now what should happen to the employees.

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