Greece its creditors have agreed to a third rescue package. On Wednesday, the Bundestag will vote on it. The IMF calls for further debt relief for Athens. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Third rescue package on the way.
- Bundestag shall vote on Wednesday.
- IMF remains open whether he granted more loans.
The facts: The finance ministers of the euro group have paved the way for the third-Greece aid program on Friday evening. You accept in Brussels previously negotiated by expert conditions for planned loans of up to 86 billion euros. On Wednesday, the Bundestag votes on the aids. An agreement is considered safe. Exciting as many Unions Member will however, vote against
Schäuble:. “One hundred years repayment term would be unconvincing”
20.09 Clock: Prior to the Bundestag vote on the third aid package for Greece on Wednesday, the governing parties CDU and the SPD to promote the broadest possible agreement. Especially in the Union but the skepticism about the 86-billion program remains large. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) admitted on Monday evening on ZDF, he also personally have wrestled with his decision. But: “I think it is under consideration of all aspects the right decision.”
The finance minister expects his own words, determined with a further involvement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the new aid package. “If the conditions are met, (IMF chief Christine) Lagarde is the IMF Board recommended an additional financial contribution,” he said of the recording of the ZDF broadcast “What now, Mr Schäuble?”. Debt relief for Greece were possible. 32.5 years repayment term as previously were not the absolute limit. “But 100 years would not be very convincing.”
Berlin feared at No About Athens Deal isolation in Europe
16.11 Clock: The federal government has in deciding in favor of Greece the concern vexed that a No Germany in Europe would have isolated. Had an agreement ultimately failed to Berlin on Friday in the circle of euro zone finance ministers, would have had the significant impact on the European Union and the euro zone, it said on Monday from circles of the CDU-led Ministry of Finance. When costs weighing a role have played, whether the potential risks it were worth, “completely in Europe to isolate”.
Conversely’ve Greece looked into an abyss after the turmoil with three-week bank closures temporarily. Then have provided “enormous inputs” Athens. Now there was a “good, acceptable compromise” for the third utility, on the tunes of the Bundestag on Wednesday.
‘haircut’ for Greece is off the table
14.40 Clock: Even if they can imagine a debt relief, the debate over a classic haircut for Greece has been completed for the Budnesregierung. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Monday: “From a German perspective, it is a success, that of a haircut, so from a nominal haircut, no longer is the question.”
A spokesman for the German Finance Ministry said it a longer grace period and longer repayment periods, however, are quite possible. Details he did not name. An involvement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the third aid package for Greece remains “indispensable,” said the Sprecher.
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