Trade unions and employers ended their talks on Thursday without an approach and gave each other the blame for the deadlock. However, it held “mutually useful to continue to keep talking,” said Verdi boss Frank Bsirske at the end of the nearly two-hour hearing in Offenbach. The president of the municipal employers’ organizations VKA, Thomas Böhle, said both sides would meet again in early October. Bsirske had threatened strikes in the first half of October.
The MCA had brought no improved offer with to the negotiating table, as it had demanded the unions. “We have a clear course on the employers’ side to an escalation of the conflict,” said Bsirske. The unions had now no other option than “very concrete” prepare for the continuation of the strike. “The MCA considers itself unable to make improvements possible,” he criticized after the negotiations. Are strikes thus become more likely? “Yes, definitely,” he said.
butBoth parties stressed their readiness produced, not to allow the diplomatic channels open. “We are and remain ready to talk,” said Böhle. The next few weeks would trade unions and employers now the chance to think again in peace.
“We have gone to our pain threshold”, the MCA president said. Employers would still be facing to the arbitration proposal made in late June. “We regret that we were unable to agree on this basis.”
In the arbitration proposal income improvements from 2 to 4.5 per cent for workers in the education and social sectors were provided. The requirement was for around 10 per cent. At that time, the union representatives had agreed to the recommendation, but the result was encountered at their base on clear rejection. “We have all together held the result of statements capable than it then in fact end was” Bsirske conceded on Thursday. He is chief negotiator for the workers, as well as sitting still representatives of the PRO and the official Federal DBB at the table. Also in these two workers’ organizations, the members had the conciliation recommendation rejected by a large majority.
The pressure on the negotiating parties is large. From politics and of parents, there were demands to settle the conflict without a recent labor dispute. “The parties should use the summer to resolve the conflict, so that no further strikes threaten” Federal Family Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said on Wednesday the “Bild” newspaper. The Federal representation of parents with children in daycare centers (BEVKi) rejected recent strikes at the facilities from also.
The state chairman of the CDU in Rhineland-Palatinate and deputy CDU chairman, Julia Klöckner, called for a compromise. “Trade unions and employers must now find a solution together. For a continuation of the wage dispute comes primarily at the expense of families and children, “she said.
The former chairman of the OTV, Herbert Mai, threw Verdi before a wrong strategy. “A union must not give the impression that a requirement of ten percent can be enforced in a collective bargaining round to its members,” he told the “Handelsblatt” (Friday). Verdi he saw in a difficult situation: “If the expectations of employees is driven up and – as in this case – are also broad public support, it’s at the end of hard, because again come down.”

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