Sunday, August 16, 2015

NSA affair: US telecom group helped NSA – ZEIT ONLINE

New Snowden documents prove: AT & T gave the NSA access to billions of e-mails to its customers and helped to spy the United Nations.

actions. This included about spying the Internet communications at the UN headquarters in New York.

Under the program called Fairview led AT & T therefore daily one million e-mails to the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade in the US state Maryland on. Planned a program called Stormbrew, the connections to the telecommunications giant Verizon and the former company was also having MCI and should monitor the message traffic of foreigners to foreigners.

In 2011, AT & amp began; T thus to pass on more than 1.1 billion mobile phone call records from the domestic to the NSA daily. Was preceded by the “an impetus to get this river before the 10th anniversary of 9/11 operational”, as stated in an internal newsletter of the authority to which the New York Times applies.

The NSA has spent $ 188.9 million for the Fairview program. The second largest program Stormbrew have, cost about half as much.

While it was known for some time that the NSA spying has been accomplished in collaboration with the American telecommunications company, show the new revelations that the partnership with AT & T was particularly unique and productive. A document describing the relationship as “very helpful” in another of the “extreme will to help” the Group was praised.

In one of the Snowden documents are reminded during visits to AT & NSA employee; to be polite t-systems. “This is a partnership, no contractual relationship,” it says in a note

NSA, AT &. T and Verizon refused, according to the New York Times , the report comment.


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