The FTA TTIP is controversial in parts of the European population.
After criticism from parliamentarians EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström will continue to publish “detailed and comprehensive reports” about the TTIP negotiations in all official EU languages. This was announced by the Swedish commissioner on Friday in her blog with. The EU Commission had not sent the confidential report on the tenth round of talks with the United States on the transatlantic trade agreements TTIP to the EU member countries, but made open only to officials and politicians in a secure reading room in Brussels.
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had Greens and the Left in the German Bundestag the Commission accused an overreaction. Malmström said there are no new restrictions, “only one report has been designed in a reading room.” The liberal politician added, “German Vice-Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has informed me his thoughts on the transparency of the negotiations for the EU-US Free Trade Agreement, as well as previously President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert. I will speak in the coming days with Federal Minister Gabriel directly. “
The debate on the agreement seem to be stuck “in a fog of confusion,” Malmström wrote further on her blog as a justification for the step. About TTIP has been previously negotiated in ten rounds. The agreement to double standards and tariffs eliminated and created with 800 million consumers is the largest economy in the world. The planned trade pact is controversial because of objections from consumers and environmentalists. The Europeans hope that vertices are for the coming year. While the proponents of the agreement are hoping for additional growth and employment impulses, Critics fear compromising in protection standards, such as social and environmental.

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