According to “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS) it comes down to subsequent demands for technology suppliers such as Siemens, Bosch and T-Systems, which is to have the company paid to the cancellation of the opening date in 2012. A spokesman for the airport declined to comment on the report on Sunday.
Also, Siemens made its omission, pointed in a statement but points out that the group had been established in recent years a comprehensive control system. “While we can individuals making mistakes so completely rule not,” said a spokesman for the airport company.
Compliance Officer monitors anti-corruption rules
“But if there is evidence of alleged breaches are laws and internal policies, we expect this,
If the airport company for over a year a new compliance officer who on compliance According to have to watch about anti-corruption rules. The “Bild am Sonntag” it is heard about the bills. The company stressed that there is still no final invoice. In their creation but would all “paid since the project began upfront and deferred consideration a repeated, holistic testing “subjected to exclude overpayments can
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