Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Euro finance ministers to give 26 billion euros for Athens Free – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          EU Commission Vice Chief Dombrovskis announced the first release of the finance ministers with



The euro zone finance ministers have approved a Credit first installment of 26 billion euros from the new rescue package for Greece. The reported EU diplomats in Brussels on Wednesday after a telephone meeting of department heads.


EU Commission Vice Chief Valdis Dombrovskis informed on the short message service Twitter, the support for Greece had been decided by the euro zone. Half the money, ie 13 billion euros, according to earlier information flows directly to Athens. Ten billion are thus reserved for the bank resolution and transferred to a special account. Three billion euros aid to flow only in the fall.


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The euro rescue fund ESM said that the 19 euro zone finance ministers that the framework for the new aids, so-called Memorandum of Understanding, approved. In it, the reforms are anchored, which should provide Athens as a return for new aid. Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem said: “We are sure that we will have problems in the coming years. But I trust that we can solve them (the problems). “The euro countries had argued for months on new

aid for Greece.


Earlier on Wednesday, the German Bundestag approved the third aid package for Greece with loans up to 86 billion euros. Even the Dutch parliament ensured the Greeks to further assistance. Greece has until Thursday just under 3.4 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) to repay.




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euro zone finance ministers give 26 billion euros for Athens Free

From the new rescue program for Greece, the euro zone finance ministers have already approved 26 billion euros. Only half of them, however, flows in a direct way to Athens.

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