No files found in Kita-Strike: Collective bargaining for educators and social workers have so far not disclosed any. Even mediation did not help, the arbitration proposal was rejected. If there is now new strikes? The development in the news ticker
- Mediation in Kita-labor dispute -. Schlichter different salary increases before
- Kids Apps to Kita-strike: All Apps for your their children
- Verdi and the GEW call for better classification
- The main objective: More content (about ten percent) for nationwide about 240,000 employees
- Kita-arbitration proposal rejected – Bsirske: No new strikes – for now
The facts: Four weeks have nationwide strike for more money Kita-workers. The arbitration proposal met with massive rejection. Whether it really comes to new strikes next week will be decided. In Kita-wage dispute of the municipalities affected members of trade unions Verdi and GEW
18.50 Clock: In Kita-armed strikes have become more likely. Trade unions and employers ended their talks without an approach and gave each other the blame for the deadlock. However, it held “mutually useful to continue to keep talking,” said Verdi boss Frank Bsirske at the end of the nearly two-hour hearing in Offenbach. The president of the municipal employers’ organizations VKA, Thomas Böhle, said both sides would meet again in early October. Bsirske had threatened strikes in the first half of October
Verdi begins with preparation of new daycare strikes
15.14 clock. In Kita-wage dispute wants the services union Verdi begin preparing new strikes at daycare. There was a “clear course to an escalation of the conflict,” said Verdi boss Frank Bsirske after the inconclusive end of the negotiations with the employers on Thursday in Offenbach. There is therefore no other option than to become “very concrete” to the continuation of the strike.
Bsirske lifted at the same time willing to talk to the unions out. Both sides considered it useful to keep talking, said the head of Verdi. According to his words but no concrete date for the continuation of the negotiations it was agreed. The President of the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA), Thomas Böhle, had previously spoken of,
Thursday 13 August 14.18 clock. Without agreement trade unions and employers are parted in Kita-wage dispute. But they would be made up in early October again and look for a solution in the wage dispute, the president of the local employers’ association VKA, Thomas Böhle
Kita-strikes said on Thursday. Minister warns of new impositions for Parents
14.16 Clock: Despite hardened fronts in Kita-wage dispute does not expect North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister for Family Affairs Ute Schäfer (SPD) with new permanent strikes in autumn. “It all have understood that you can not bring into the situation parents, almost four weeks are in front of closed doors”, the SPD politician said on Thursday in Dusseldorf. Therefore, you start from a solution of the conflict. On Thursday trade unions and employers were in Offenbach to a new round of negotiations along. If there is no convergence, in early October could be closed the doors of many kindergartens in Germany again.
Background: The unions had new classification rules and job features originally requested for the 240,000 employees of the municipal social and educational services, what their information to ultimately an average of ten percent more should lead content. The conciliators’ recommendations are partly significantly lower. The negotiations will be continued on 13 August.

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