The euro zone finance ministers have approved an initial emergency payment of EUR 23 billion to the debt-ridden country. Time was short, today Athens must make an overdue repayment to the ECB. Previously, the Bundestag had approved a third rescue package.
The euro zone finance ministers have approved the Credit first installment of a total of 26 billion euros from the new rescue package for Greece. The Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) agreed in the evening to transfer a first tranche to Athens, as consisting of the finance committee announced after a teleconference, the department heads. EU Commission Vice Chief Valdis Dombrovskis informed on the short message service Twitter, the support for Greece had been decided by the euro area
Half the money, ie 13 billion euros, according to earlier information flows directly to Athens. Ten billion are thus reserved for the bank resolution and transferred to a special account. Three billion euros aid to flow only in the fall. Greece has until now nearly 3.4 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) to repay
Previously, the German Bundestag had by a large majority the way for the new Greek aid package vacated. 453 MPs followed Finance Minister Schäuble’s appeal, Athens still give a chance. 113 parliamentarians voted against. Even the Dutch parliament approved the aid package. The coalition of Prime Minister Mark Rutte from liberals and social democrats rejected by 81 votes to 52 on a request not to support the third program. At the same time, the coalition factions fought a
In return for the bailout, Greece must now implement far-reaching reforms and austerity measures. In reviewing these measures will also participate, the European Parliament Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. In a letter to Parliament President Martin Schulz Tsipras is asking for to send representatives of Parliament in the expert group of donors that will examine the implementation of the Greek auxiliaries and austerity program. This round was last heard of the earlier troika of EU, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) by a representative of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) has been enhanced to a quartet. The European Parliament is the only EU body that have a “mandate from the people,” Tsipras argues in his letter.
According to information from the Athens government circles have Tsipras and Schulz also together phone. Schulz had assured it that he would discuss the issue after the opening of the European Parliament with the political groups.

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