Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Federal Statistical Office: Regular Sunday work is increasing – Tagesspiegel

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On Sunday is not working. In about one in seven is not true. Total recognized statisticians an increasing trend.

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Well, every seventh employee often works also on Sunday. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden announced on Tuesday, had 14 percent of the workforce in 2014 “continuously or regularly” to work on Sunday. 20 years ago there were only ten percent.

On Saturdays had therefore work in the past year more than a quarter of employees often – a total of 26 percent. 1994 had still been 21 percent

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Exceptions apply, for example, for the fire

The Sunday work are set legal limits. After the Working Hours Act employees may be used on Sundays and public holidays only in exceptional cases, “where the work can not be carried out on weekdays”.

This is true, inter alia, ambulance services, fire services, hospitals, restaurants and theaters.

Work is currently much debated

Working hours are currently socially much discussed. In the current debate about the digitization of the economy employers and trade unions argue about a possible abolition of the eight-hour day. While companies argue for more flexible working times, fear parts of the workforce an insidious weakening of their rights.

Sunday work was most recently a topic in the strike at Deutsche Post. In mid-July decided the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia that the company may deregister in NRW on Sunday no mail and packages in the future, which are left lying by the strike. (Az: 4 B 791 and 792/15)

In other European countries the Sunday work on the agenda. So the French government expressed early July by an economic reform bill, which provides for an extension of Sunday opening times. Economy Minister Macron hopes that the liberalization a boost to the economy and more jobs. (sf / AFP)

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Current Topics from the Economy Department

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