Saturday, March 21, 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Your most difficult mission – RP ONLINE

Berlin / Athens. The new Greek government is not responsible for the debts of the country. Nevertheless, they compromised with their course the whereabouts of their country in the euro. Chancellor Merkel will meet them now, without abandoning the austerity plan. An almost impossible mission By Martin Kessler


The Chancellor is clueless. Your entire European Credo consists of compromise and comprehensible decisions. But the uncompromising rejection of all saving efforts by the new government has fueled her deep suspicion. She finds it visible hard now to find the right course. Your Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is different. He has responded directly to the line of the Greeks.

He already speaks publicly of “Grexit”, the exit of the country from the euro zone. For Angela Merkel is a dirty word. Rather, it has tried to build the insubordinate new rulers on the southern flank of Europe a golden bridge. In its policy statement she spoke for the first time in a long time again assume that “Europe will fail if the euro fails”. This can be interpreted two ways.

First, it could Tsipras and his team regarded as a license that does not trust the Europeans to send Greece into bankruptcy. This would of course take any pressure for reform, because the Greeks for their unsecured debt a payer -. Germany and other euro-countries

The crisis meeting to Greece in the Press Room at the Council building . PHOTO: dpa, h0

It looks almost as would Germany, despite all the rhetoric saving engage in it. Because not only in parts of the Union considerable doubt whether Tsipras really presents a robust list of proposals for reform. Also strategic reasons, such as the important NATO edge in southeastern Europe and the fear of a Russia-friendly course to play here with the new government.

But the phrase can also be interpreted differently. Merkel does not want to blow up a country that breaks all the rules, the monetary union. “Europe is constructed to compromise,” the Chancellor repeatedly stressed. This would be contrary to a rescue at any cost. Merkel has in turn respected political etiquette. She met with Tsipras and other top members of any special agreement.

The statement clearly states that the participating institutions in Athens to explore the facts about the country’s debt and the euro group then initiates the necessary political , Merkel tried mainly to improve the atmosphere. The same objective has also the state visit of the new Greek prime minister, to take place on Monday with large delegations, military honors and state dinners.

Debt Crisis: Press to Athens provocations PHOTOS: Qvist / RPO

Between these poles Merkel moved. It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult issues in their tenure. Because the behavior of Tsipras is little ausrechenbar. At the core Tsipras looks at his base in the country. Wants to end the austerity and remain in the euro. That this is incompatible, the Greek government has not yet completely identified. It even seems inclined to venture the showdown with the EU and to let the people vote on the austerity measures and the Euro. New elections with a strengthened mandate for Tsipras’s SYRIZA movement are possible.

of power politics, it’s a game at a high level. Merkel can feel that nothing goes in the EU without Germany Tsipras. Therefore, to help the Greeks, all attempts to divide anything if he wants to pull Dijsselbloem to his side as President Juncker or Euro Group boss or bosses want to play against the Minister of Finance. On the other hand, Merkel is willing to compromise when it comes to the details of the austerity measures. Thus, it attracts the Greeks. And she knows that is stronger at the end, which can be something as the one who needs something. But to the stronger partner have to think the unthinkable case, the exit of Greece from the euro zone. Here hesitates Merkel.

The meeting of the Euro Group in February 2015 PHOTO: ap


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