15:55 clock
The Greek Prime Minister Alexander Tsipras has come to inaugural visit to Berlin. In the run-up details of the planned reforms in Athens were known. And there is renewed discussions about reparations. Keep track of the events in the Live Ticker:
15.55 Clock: Athens plans to increase VAT on tourist islands in the Aegean – such as Mykonos and Santorini. For Hotels VAT is to be raised, as well as the taxes on tobacco and alcohol. It is still unclear how the government will fulfill its promise to ask the wealthy in Greece to pay.
In the reform list that was now known, it is a statement of intent. It is not about implementation steps
15.47 clock. As further was known to be trying the Greek tax authorities have transferred all the Greeks, the black money abroad in the coming days, call to report to the tax office. “We know who they are and give them one last chance to save himself,” a senior official said the Ministry of Finance of the German Press Agency. In Athens already are the lists of thousands of Greeks who have paid more than EUR 100 000 each to other countries in recent years. According to information from the German Press Agency more than 100 000 Tax payers are already registered electronically with the tax authorities that they intend to make use of the new law. The actual outstanding, however, are much higher: The Ministry of Finance owe around 3.7 million Greeks and 447 000 companies the state about 76 billion euros
15.35 clock. Immediately prior to the visit Alexis Tsipras Angela Merkel further details of the anticipated reform list were known. Accordingly, the coalition government in Athens will wash with a mix of tax increases, privatization and repayments of tax evaders money into the empty state coffers. The learned the German Press Agency on Monday from government in Athens. In addition, Greek media reported inspectors of the international donors have resumed on Monday in Athens their work. The government permission for these controls is a prerequisite for further assistance.
Tsipras, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Yiannis Dragasakis Yanis Varoufakis had worked intensively on the weekend of the reform list. The final document and the details were still being worked out, it was from government in Athens. The international donors have made the implementation of concrete reforms as a condition for disbursement already asked in Ausschicht aid.
Among the plans of the Greek government also includes a pension reform. One of the envisaged measures: Except for a few exceptions, no one should be able to get a pension from his 62 years of age and at least 40 years of payment of pension contributions. This project is considered to be tricky because it was one of the central election promises of the Left Alliance not to touch pensions.
15.14 Clock: On the stock market is very closely monitored as it goes with the Greek drama. The German DAX benchmark index is 1.4 percent lower than in the afternoon on Friday night. The Euro Stoxx 50 stood at 3696 meters, 0.8 percent weaker. “After a rally such seduction is great to take some profits – especially before the Berlin visit of Tsipras,” said a broker in relation to dpa. Even if speculators always look at the state of the negotiations with Greece, with the visit of Alexis Tsipras, the decline is not directly involved on Monday something in all probability because the stock markets falter in the United States.
14.55 Clock: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will also hit the top of the Green Party in his visit to Germany. How Green leader Cem Özdemir announced in Berlin on Monday, it will give and at the request of Tsipras on Tuesday talks with assistant party leader Peter Simone him. The Greens wear – unlike the Left Party – the aid
14.50 clock. SPD General Secretary Yasmin Fahimi has their own expectations for the meeting Tsipras / Merkel: “What we do not use can be either a finger-wagging even a raised middle finger. But what we need now is a policy with hand and foot. In this respect, maybe a little less passion and a little more cool head would be advisable here, “said the politician before the meeting of the two leaders.
14.45 Clock: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will also meet leaders of the Left Party on the occasion of his visit to Germany. On Tuesday, the parliamentary leader Gregor Gysi and the party leader Katja Kipping come together to talk with Tsipras said a party spokeswoman on Monday in Berlin. The left divides the only parliamentary party comprehensive review of Tsipras to reform conditions which have prevailed the euro partners and the International Monetary Fund for financial aid to Greece. The party also advocates the payment of reparations to Greece for the crimes committed during the Second World War by German occupiers crime
14.40 clock. Some 5,000 demonstrations are held every year in Berlin. Two of them today by 16 clock at the Federal Chancellery. By 16 clock starts the action of the international campaign network Avaaz for German-Greek cohesion: Dozens German-Greek couple want to kiss and hug in front of the Chancellery. At the same time in the same place, the Friends of Nature Germany meet under the motto “Solidarity with Greece: an end to the policy of blackmail!”
14.35 Clock: The EU Commission has restrained on a Warning letter of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to Chancellor Angela Merkel reacts. In the letter dated 15 March Tsipras warns a report from the “Financial Times” against potential defaults, if it should not be short-term financial assistance for his country. “We now have 23 (March),” the chief spokesman for the authority said Monday in Brussels. “A lot of things have happened since then.” He wanted to discuss any issue that was a week old.
14.30 Clock: The federal government has subdued before the first official visit of the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with German Chancellor Angela Merkel expectations of a breakthrough in the debt dispute. The encounter can not and should not replace a solution to the Euro Group, said Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday in Berlin. According to a report warned Tsipras Merkel in a letter from short-term financial difficulties of his government. From the perspective of the Bundesbank, the euro zone should be able to withstand the insolvency of a member state in principle. Go to the Greeks the money actually made, this could soon be the case
14.25 clock. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived on Monday on his first official visit to Berlin. The SYRIZA chief landed in the military section of Tegel Airport, where it took an honor escort in reception. By 17 clock will Chancellor Angela Merkel will welcome him with military honors in front of the Federal Chancellery. The focus of their conversation concerning the reform policy of the bankrupt country should be threatened. Tsipras Merkel wants it to introduce a list of reforms to overcome the severe financial and debt crisis in his country. He hopes to persuade the European and international lenders for payment has already been asked in view grants. (with rtr / AP)

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