Friday, March 27, 2015

Workers in the chemical industry get 2.8 percent more money – ABC Online

Friday , 03.27.2015, 17:15
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The chemistry is right again: After much wrangling is in the labor dispute in the chemical industry the breakthrough.

The approximately 550 000 employees in the sector in Germany get 2.8 percent wage increase as trade union and employers’ association mitt rushed in Stuttgart on Friday. In addition, employers pay in the coming years strong in the so-called demographic fund may finance as measures to retirement age or period of time with the companies.

The negotiators spoke of a “fair compromise”. The negotiations were this time relatively difficult for the industry. Three rounds of negotiations at the federal level were necessary last ten years ago. Until the very end a labor dispute has not been excluded on the trade union side. Around 100 000 people took to the streets to give weight to the demands of the union. At the end have been shown again that social partnership is strong, said Chemical Employers President Margret Suckale. “It is extremely sturdy nylon threads in chemistry,” said the IG BCE Chairman Michael Vassiliadis

The agreement

reflects a compromise resist. The tariff increase will apply only after a vacancy month. For companies in particular economic difficulties they may even be pushed further two months back. Negotiated is with the respective employee representatives. “We need to take action in a collective bargaining agreement provision that from the small shoe polish factory to BASF all find”, had the negotiators of the employer, Hans-Carsten Hansen, warned in the course of the talks.

are on both sides the trenches been shoveled, said Hansen now. The union had originally demanded 4.8 percent more money in a term of twelve months. The employer wanted to increase the charges after two months only 1.6 percent vacancy and pay only 200 euros in a so-called demographic fund. The running time should be for 15 months.

Now, the fund is in 2015 increased by 550 euros per person 2017 750 Euro. IG BCE negotiator Peter Hausmann spoke of a “great project for the future”. Thus consider that the volume in the direction to make a three- or four-day week for older workers.

At runtime, the employers have, however, prevailed with 17 months. Effective collective change in tariff districts of North Rhine, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse is the tariff change on April 1, in other states it only occurs in May or even June force.

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