Monday, March 23, 2015

Toys from China often dangerous –

 It is year after year the same image: Sharp toys, clothes full of chemical irritants and electric devices without securing entering the European market. The dubious goods are brought there with an elaborate security system from the shelves to prevent injury. Nevertheless, there are about 1,000 deaths per year due to product defects. Two thirds of the risk-imports come from China, more than every fourth case concerns a toy. The EU Commission as appropriate European body praises her warning system RAPEX and cooperation with the Chinese. But progress in access barrier is not recorded.

“It get too many dangerous products on the European market,” complains the consumer policy spokesperson of the SPD in the European Parliament, Evelyne Gebhardt. The new figures – the RAPEX Annual Report 2014 – confirm: 2435 time was sounded the alarm about the warning system. That is, a country reported health hazards of a

product that other countries are considering it also from the market or stop it at the border. The number of messages increases steadily for years. 2014, it was again three percent higher than the year before.

For the Commission, “which means that consumers are better protected because more dangerous products being stopped.” It could mean good indeed just that more risky goods are exported to Europe. “The aim of the industry should be that recall actions are possible unnecessary,” Gebhardt required. The new version would serve the two EU laws on product safety and market surveillance. It comes in years ahead in the Council of Ministers.

     Knut Pries


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