Sunday, March 29, 2015

Adolescents according to Greenpeace hide in clothing problems – STAR

J ugendliche fade after a Greenpeace study when buying clothes negative factors such as the exploitation of textile workers or a high use of chemicals from. Although these problems are aware almost all young people, but only for about ten percent of them are manufacturing conditions or textile symbols a purchase factor was published by the environmental organization representative study in the age group of twelve to 19 years.

A sustainable purchasing behavior is decelerated according to Greenpeace by “prejudice”. So my about a third of respondents,

green fashion not be able to afford. Second hand clothes declined nearly seventy percent because she was “not clean”. Kristen Brodde, Greenpeace textile expert, said that among the young people were “creative solutions such as sharing clothes, replace or revamp” not popular enough.


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