antennas on rooftops in Athens
The Greek government has completed their eagerly awaited reform list. As the spokesman of the parliamentary faction of the ruling Left Party SYRIZA, Nikos Filis, the German Press Agency said, want three close associates of Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis travel on Friday to Brussels to present the list of the experts of the donors. Now the inspectors have to evaluate the projects.
Athens faces a liquidity problem. The cash could already be empty in mid-April. The government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras leaked to the press on Friday, outstanding assistance should not be soon paid to Athens, Greece will not be able to meet its obligations.
18 measures, up to 3.5 billion euros bring
“Yes, the list is finished,” Filis said. On it stood 18 measures that Athens would bring about 3.5 billion euros. Other government sources spoke of three billion euros. Cuts in salaries and pensions reform agenda has not on the list, told the German Press Agency of circles, the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras are close. Greece wants this year thus achieve a so-called primary surplus (excluding interest payments) in the amount of 1.5 percent of gross domestic product and a growth of 1.4 percent.
So far, only parts of the reform list are known. Filis said Athens planning measures in areas that remained untouched by previous governments, including the allocation of TV and radio frequencies. The rights were allocated in 1989 for the time being. Their owners needed no royalties to pay, because a final settlement was provided. There is, however, since not come. The State carried annually by escaped revenue of around 100 million euros, Filis said. The transmitter includes the largest construction companies in the country. Already tax-deferred shipowners mix with with them. In the future, pay all charges.
fraudulent evasion of VAT is to be combated
Another measure is the electronic connection of cash registers all shops, restaurants and bars with the tax office. This is a fraudulent evasion of VAT to be fought, as Filis said. Privatizations there should be.
The Office of Tsipras announced in Brussels there will be a meeting of the so-called “Brussels Group” on Saturday. This consists of the experts of donors. Decisions are not made at the meeting.
The inspectors of the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to examine whether the reforms Greece will bring enough money. The Athenians measures are intended to replace required by the donors pay cuts and layoffs in the public service. Only if the inspectors evaluate the measures to be sufficient, the working group of the Euro group could come together to evaluate the reform steps also. In Athens, there was hope for a decisive meeting of the Euro Group middle of next week.
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Should it come to an agreement, looks Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann significant problems. “If a member country of the currency union decides that it does not fulfill obligations, and adjusts the payments to bondholders, it is a disorderly default in fact unavoidable,” he told the magazine “Focus”. “The economic and social consequences would be severe for Greece and anything but recommended.”
Greece is cut off from the capital market, tax revenues plummeted last. Banks suffer because customers empty their accounts. They are dependent on emergency loans, the ECB must approve new regular basis.
Was resignation rumors are amusing
Accompanied the debate on reform projects of new vortex around Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis:
Varoufakis. Government officials in Athens rejected media reports that the 53-year-old economist would resign. Varoufakis wrote on Twitter, whenever the negotiations came to ride, dip a new rumor about his resignation. “That’s funny …” Among other things, the “Bild” newspaper had reported in its online edition, citing the Athens government circles, Varoufakis obviously think about his retirement after. In Germany he had last raised with the “middle finger” affair discussions, as he had called a video with the gesture as a forgery. Domestically, he had come under pressure due to private glossy photos in the French magazine “Paris Match”. In recent days, Varoufakis had hardly spoken out and canceled appointments abroad.
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