Sunday, March 29, 2015

Collective bargaining agreement in the public sector: A bit of peace – except in the … – tagesspiegel

17:47 clock Simon Frost

In the public sector there is a collective bargaining agreement and the salaried teachers are not happy with it. Over Easter is peace – but then threaten new strike.

buy the right to strike – that sounds hard. Among the many satisfied voices on the compromise in the collective bargaining for the public sector in the countries intervened on Sunday and bitterness. With 30 euro allowance for individual groups of teachers the states would want to about 200,000 salaried teachers to strike their right “buy” criticized Andreas Gehrke, chief negotiator for the Education Union (GEW). He then rejected the employer offer a collective agreement for salaried teachers.

The bitterness of the teachers’ union agrees well from the failure of collective bargaining in recent years. For the third time namely failed the representatives of salaried teachers with their demand to align their income to the tenured colleagues

Verdi. The degree is acceptable

Still, like the rest around 600,000 employees in 15 states – Hesse than 16 belongs to the collective community of German (TdL) not to – get teachers and educators with retroactive effect from March 1, 2.1 percent more content. The same date next year salaries rise again by 2.3 percent, but not less than 75 euros. The agreements negotiated trade unions Verdi and GEW with the TdL until late Saturday night in Potsdam to apply for two years.

For Verdi boss Frank Bsirske the result is “the bottom line is acceptable.” That the original call for 5.5 percent more money would be fulfilled, would compromise the principle of collective bargaining contradicted anyway. In sum, the collective bargaining agreement is an increase of 4.61 percent corresponds to.

Operating income countries is too expensive

As a special success Verdi turned out that the pension scheme remains stable. The countries was namely employee benefits in the current form too expensive – life expectancy is rising, falling interest rates. A reduction of 20 percent had been in the room. However, employees must continue to pay additional contributions. In the West, 0.2 percentage points are due this year, over the next two years, 0.3 per and 0.4. In the East there are 0.75 percentage points – but the Christmas bonus is raised. Employers participate each to the same extent.

The additional contributions required from employees much admitted

TdL negotiators Jens Buller Jahn (SPD) a. In contrast, however, the retirement will not let future proof, said the Finance Minister of Saxony-Anhalt. The federal government wants to strengthen and expand the company pension plan.

With the overall package is Buller Jahn, who had presented offers the employer in the previous three rounds of collective bargaining showed basically satisfied. The confronted with the debt brake countries costs of completion this year manageable 650 million euros and 1.5 billion euros in the coming year. The past year, the country had indeed finished with a total surplus of 1.9 billion euros. In a debt of 622 billion euros, but that is no signal to the big money spending.

Berlin teacher soon back on the road?

The Civil Service Association dbb is now demanding that the result quickly to the approximately 1.2 million provincial officials is transmitted. That would be the cash burden countries much more. Bayern and Hamburg but announced that they would accept the conclusion of their officials. From Berlin’s finance minister Kollatz-Tree (SPD) took place on Sunday to this question is no concrete answer. You must advise the result only a spokeswoman said.

A response from the Berlin Senate will have to think for its salaried teachers. Although it is encouraging that there was room for improvement in salaries, told the Berliner PRO spokesman Tom Erdmann. But at the base of displeasure with the negotiations in Potsdam and also about the negotiation of GEW is obviously great. He was not taken to the streets for this result, said an appointed teacher. Erdmann not want to comment on such voices. After the end of the Easter holidays – so mid-April – will advise on the conclusion, before then the base will question the Tariff Commission, he said. Finding the compromise of Potsdam no consent, Berlin students and parents will prepare well for further strikes. Their potential impact is growing: in the new school year, more than half of the 28,000 teachers Berlin without official status will be the first time. And employees are allowed to strike.


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