Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Plane crash in Live-Ticker: voice recorder of the German Wings machine … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 03.25.2015, 10:11
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The recovery of crashed in southern France machine of Lufthansa Daughter German Wings is extremely difficult. The Airbus A320 was en route from Barcelona to Dusseldorf. There were 150 people on board, including 67 German. The prosecutor’s investigation for manslaughter.

  • French prosecutor accepts inquiries on
  • 150 people on board, including 67 German
  • flight 4U9525 was traveling from Barcelona to Dusseldorf
  • crash site to erreichendem in difficult area at Barcelonette
  • group of students from NRW on board
  • Reporter Team ABC Online locally in Seyne

collision speed above 700 km / h? Airbus crashed with tremendous force

The news channel N24 speculate on the details of the crash of flight 4U9525. Science editor Mick Locher says that one can only guess what the pilots have taken in the minutes before the crash.

Maybe they were trying to outsmart the computer in order not to smash into the mountain range. could impact speed up to 740 hours kilometers have amounted to. Certainty must now bring the evaluation of the voice recorder. This is indeed damaged, but still evaluable

Flight loss in German Wings

09.46 clock. Though obviously do not want to fly more German Wings crews must the company emphasize only one flight , as it says in a statement. “Some crews are still not ready to use out of grief and emotional concern”, tells the Lufthansa subsidiary. The company did understand that. The staff had lost some good friends of the injured crew members.

Even with Lufthansa drops from a flight. A flight from Cologne to London was canceled

In Video:. Why German Wings crews refuse to fly?

Lufthansa puts global minute’s silence

09.33 Clock: The Lufthansa Group has called on his staff, today at 10.53 clock with a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of the German Wings crash.

At that time the Airbus subsidiary of Lufthansa German Wings was the day before an accident with 150 people on board in the French Alps. In the wake of the global minute of silence intention to deliver a media statement in the Frankfurt headquarters Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr.

Among the victims is also a married couple

09.21 Clock: Among the victims is probably a newly married couple. “” reports the cousin of the groom, who arrived severely affected at the airport of Dusseldorf: “I lost everything today. My cousin just got married, three days before he celebrated his 26th birthday. He visited his wife in Spain “

09.06 clock.

Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) will inform the Transport Committee of the Bundestag at noon on the first findings. The Committee will insist on a full and complete investigation, the chairman Martin Burkert (SPD) said on ARD television.

The Lufthansa has already received the first maintenance results, Burkert said. “We will question everything. It’s about the maintenance plans, it is a question of working hours for pilots, crew, but it’s also about technical details.”

If consequences would have to be drawn, which must be done without regard to finances. “Road safety is always a top priority,” Burkert said.

First findings from the evaluation of the damaged voice recorder should will be presented at a press conference at noon, says an ARD correspondent in the news.

08.25 clock, Seyne: The press has gathered around the supermarket hypermarket, reported FOCUS Online reporter Antonia Shepherd of the spot. The store has an extra rather put up today because of the many people present, told a staff member.

Recovery can “days or weeks” take

08.16 Clock: Recovery of the remains of the crashed A320 can, according to the French Ministry of the Interior drag on “days or weeks”. said a ministry spokesman on Wednesday the transmitter BFMTV. First, the accident must be secured. The rugged terrain is described as dangerous terrain. The work will take a systematic approach. During the work, the emergency services focused primarily on the recovery of the victim.

About 50 special forces were on foot to the accident. They were started in the evening near Seyne-les-Alpes and had bivouacked at night, said ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandel in Seyne-les-everything. “They did not take any chances,” he said. “The conditions are very difficult.” A total stood at about 600 personnel in the field. When the victim could be salvaged, is unclear. The recovery was very difficult to get a timing not possible.

In Video: On the ruins you can still see the German Wings logo

families of the dead should be as close as possible to the place the disaster

08.09 Clock: The families of the dead shall be brought to the scene of the disaster as close as possible. Psychologists believe it is important that members, if they want it, can see the scene of the accident.

It is still unclear how the families can be brought out of the crisis center near the debris field. The steep terrain is accessible only by helicopter. Since daybreak the recovery of bodies continues. Helper abseil down to find the body and to carry away by air

In Video:. Steinmeier: “Locally there is a picture of horror shows”

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