Thursday, March 26, 2015

German Wings crash endangered Image by Lufthansa on – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. endangers the plane crash the already-loaded image of the airline also. By Thomas Reisener

Germany’s biggest airline is in crisis. Now must cope with Lufthansa also one of the most serious disasters in the history of German aviation. Against the backdrop of unspeakable suffering, that is, the Airbus crash yesterday on the French Alps for the relatives of the 150 fatalities, the consequences for the Lufthansa act indeed banal. But the coming weeks will show that the crash is also a business disaster. The reaction of the stock market, where the Lufthansa share gave yesterday in the meantime by five percent, just a taste.

CEO Carsten Spohr (48) is a self-taught pilot and has provided leadership to the ailing airline before not even a over year. His mission: He has the former state-owned enterprises fitmachen for a competition that threatens to crush the Lufthansa now

On the one hand Spohr fights against the Arab airlines due to ample government subsidies with exclusive service at reasonable prices. points. On the other hand it cost airlines such as Ryanair and Easyjet down your neck, in contrast to Lufthansa have no expensive group rates and therefore fly cheaper.

Ironically, the Lufthansa subsidiary German Wings, which has operated the accident Airbus, is Spohr now the ultimate platform for the reorganization of the group. The Cologne-based company that Lufthansa is a wholly owned since 2009, is his bridge to the low cost segment

Because the over 2,000 employees of subsidiary less than earn her colleagues at the Lufthansa Group tariff, German Wings flies around 20 percent cheaper than Lufthansa. So Spohr was based in Cologne daughter more and more air connections. At the expense of the “classical” Lufthansa employees in the parent company – what is the deeper reason for the series of strikes, pestered with the Lufthansa pilots and to some extent the cabin crew, passengers for months. Starting this spring, German Wings will take over almost the entire European operations for

Lufthansa in which Lufthansa has even written for years in the red because of their high cost.

But German Wings is just the beginning. The second Lufthansa subsidiary Euro Wings flies even cheaper by 20 percent, which is why German Wings will go up in Euro Wings fall. This decision has long been known before the accident Spohr – accused of wanting to make us forget the brand German Wings and the evil one can not therefore make it. But another accusation is currently out loud: Does the whole Sparerei not end but also a security risk

Corporate Insiders say no?. Neither of the maintenance of the aircraft still in the training of the pilots will save. “That’s all Lufthansa level, no matter what the daughter,” says a member of the German Wings Supervisory Board, the unnamed but wants to quote each. Why not? “Because of the accident. We now have a very strict communication management.” Even the competitors attest German Wings behind his hand a reliable security management. And that “cheap” does not automatically “dangerous” means in aviation demonstrated by the example Ryanair: The most radical of all budget airlines there has been virtually no incidents

But the image of an airline is not just about. Facts do. So far included technical and organizational security reliability for Lufthansa brand essence. For Spohr it was difficult enough to transfer that image on the daughter of German Wings. That this is possible also in the establishment of its new Euro Wings strategy it is questionable after the accident yesterday. “For Lufthansa will cause a significant loss of trust that is not to clean up again without further notice”, the analyst Jochen Roth Bacher says of the Equinet Bank. It would be necessary: ​​Record the AG reported a loss last of 732 million euros

. Source: RP


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