This said Matthias von Randow, the chief executive of the Federation of German aviation industry (BDL), the German Press Agency on Thursday night.
On Friday, the new two-person control with the Federal Aviation Authority should be discussed, he announced. The airlines want to implement the new policy immediately.
The concerns about the Lufthansa Group with German Wings, Air Berlin, Condor and TuiFly. This is what the Association have agreed with the member airlines on Thursday after the recent findings on the crash in southern France.
According to investigators, the co-pilot of the crashed German Wings aircraft with 150 people on board has locked out the pilot and the machine controlled with intent on the death rate. For this reason, a discussion of the occupation in the cockpit has started.
Union Group Vice Arnold Vaatz had asked all airlines to voluntarily exacerbate the cockpit rules. “I am sure that in the future a person from the cabin crew must be in the cockpit However, while either the pilot or co-pilot leaves the cockpit,” responsible for traffic CDU politician of the “Rheinische Post” (Friday) said.
Before the crash in the southern French Alps, the pilot was gone, according to the findings to the toilet and had left his colleague the tax. Then he could no longer pass through the automatically locked car door back into the cockpit.
In addition to German Airlines and airlines such as Easyjet, Norwegian and Air Canada announced that this also “four-eyes principle” mentioned procedure introduce in the cockpit. Ryanair was the rule in force.
“As of now, must always two people in the cockpit,” said a spokeswoman for the Norwegian airline said Thursday the German Press Agency. “This means that if one of the pilot leaves the cockpit, about to go to the toilet, one of the crew members have to go into the cockpit.”
In the USA and in Europe Airlines the “four-eyes principle “implemented already widespread in the cockpit. In Germany, the applicable regulations of aviation authorities hitherto.
© dpa-AFX | Ill .: Lufthansa | 26/03/2015 20:38
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started on 26/03/2015 -. 23:54 clock
This is already more than half a day on the box where it was formed.
Until the “Philosopher’s Stone” is found helps all the 4-eyes principle
. Unless the Philosopher’s Stone is found (which it will not be), helps nobody, the 4-eyes principle, that is all mature passenger absolutely clear. You have currently no idea what to do. That is so far not objectionable, but you must also be honest with the customers think. . Uncompromising
started on 26.03.2015 – 23:52 clock
@ ReqHighspeed: It may be activism, but I do not think he’s blind. It is here I think about the passengers trust return. Whether it works is completely irrelevant, there must be only feel the passengers, it might work. Just as the life jacket
If we were to install or implement everything that was required in the last two days down the pub and in the press, radio and television, the aircraft could only remotely. But the passengers would feel good.
Who has called four eyes principle in flight TM470 a year ago? An absolutely comparable accident has claimed the 38 dead, but was taken in Germany almost not true. Were only Africans ……
started on 26.03.2015 – 23:43 clock
Again, one should keep in mind that theoretically one person could decide about life hundreds of other people entrusted to you; this alone justifies a sensitive and responsible handling of the security issue. Unless the “Philosopher’s Stone” is found Allen helps the 4-eyes principle.

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