Thursday, March 26, 2015

German Wings crash: Co-pilot had only 630 hours of flight experience – THE WORLD

The co-pilot of the crashed in France German Wings machine worked for the airline since September-2013. The Lufthansa said a spokeswoman at the request of AFP. He has completed 630 hours of flight time. Before hiring was the man at the Pilot School Lufthansa, the parent company of German Wings, trained in Bremen to the pilot.

According to data from the French investigators circles was short before the crash of one of the two pilots in the cockpit of the aircraft not. Thus, one of the men left after the start of the engine and the cockpit later came not back in.

“The man knocks out slightly on the door, but it is no answer, “it says in a report to the” New York Times “, citing investigators circles. This appealed according to the report on the evaluated data of the voice recorder found.

” It only comes with a code into the cockpit “

              Is it possible that one of the pilots left the cockpit and could not get into it? Science editor Mick Locher explains what could have happened on board the misfortune machine. Source: N24

“Then knocks it closer to the door, and again no response. There is no answer. And then you can hear as he tries to enter the door, “an investigator is quoted as saying. Why he left the cockpit is unclear. The question about which of the two pilots it is in the Excluded remained unclear.

The Lufthansa spokeswoman said she could this version of events neither confirm nor deny. The company subject to far no details of the competent authorities. At night, German Wings had also stated in a press release that they have not yet received any authority details of the reported events.

The captain of the accident aircraft was in accordance with previous data from German Wings a very experienced pilot. He was flown accordingly for over ten years for Lufthansa and German Wings and had completed on the A320 more than 6000 flight hours.

The machine was on Tuesday morning on the way

crashed from Barcelona to Dusseldorf in the French Alps. Of the 150 people aboard were no survivors.

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