More than 20 million euros, which apparently should be backed up by a major contract had been spilled on the Bilfinger subsidiary Mauell. This was reported by the “Bild am Sonntag”.
According to the newspaper, the illegal payments went to Brazilian local politicians and leaders of the football world governing body FIFA. For details about the alleged involvement of the accused were not made.
The FIFA rejected the allegations on Sunday and made it clear that it had no influence on the project. “The traffic control and security centers in the twelve host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup was a project of the local governments. Neither FIFA nor its employees were involved in the awarding of contracts of the host cities or the Federal Government, “it said in a statement.
A comprehensive internal investigation has already begun, according to the Bilfinger Group. “The company and the Supervisory Board have an interest in ensuring that
Bilfinger Mauell had the twelve World Cup -Austragungsorten in Brazil traffic control centers equipped with a total of 1500 video walls and software. The central coordinated operations of the police, emergency services and fire. “If the allegations proven to be true, Bilfinger is personnel sanctions and take legal action,” said a company spokesman.
As the company announced on Sunday, Bilfinger received appropriate internal references last year and “immediately a comprehensive investigation initiated. “The allegation concerns alleged corrupt payments by employees of Bilfinger company in Brazil. The suspicion had now confirmed that investigations had not been completed.
According to information from the “Bild am Sonntag” should Bilfinger managers have diverted the bribe when getting in and resale of software products. The delivery of the control rooms to Brazil to have been approved by Bilfinger Group Executive Board. After consolidated information, the contract for the security centers was around six million euros. Contracts of this magnitude would not be considered by the Group Executive Board.

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