19:10 clock
Hotline for Dusseldorf Airport for members: 0800-7766350
Crisis Hotline of the Foreign Office in Berlin: 030 – 5000 3000
Hotline German Wings: 0800-1133 5577
19.10 clock: Interpol sent experts to the crash site
Interpol, an investigation at the crash site of the German Wings Maker in southeastern France support , After an appropriate request of France, a team of specialists will be deployed in the disaster region, said the international police organization on Wednesday in Lyon.
First, four experts should help in identifying the likely 150 victims. Interpol will provide any support after the tragic accident, said Secretary Jürgen floor in a message
19.01 clock. Funeral at Lufthansa colleagues
The eyes closed hands folded waiting a Lufthansa stewardess on writing the condolence book. In front of her just two employees from the ground staff in dark blue and yellow workwear lean over the book. “It could happen to anyone of us,” she says. This idea do not you go out of your head “For each of us, who works in the air, that’s a terrible day.” She is about to get back on a plane to Berlin, the safety precautions will explain, as if nothing had happened. “I have long wondered if I can say so today without my voice trembling,” she says. In any case, they wanted to unsettle the passengers in addition. Then she thought of the colleagues who go just as it would have to like her. “We need to pull together and move on. We have a responsibility.” “Flight attendants do not die, they just fly higher,” she writes in black marker on the thick paper, as it is his turn.
18.29 Clock: Memory in Aachen Cathedral
At the moment of silence for the victims of the plane crash in France is on Thursday at 10.53 clock sound the funeral knell of the Aachen Cathedral. Diocese of Aachen Cathedral Chapter and have been invited to a short prayer and remembrance in the cathedral. “We are all deeply affected by the disaster,” Vicar General Andreas Frick said on Wednesday. The prayer applies to the victims, the dependents without, joys and colleagues of the victims, rescue workers and chaplains
18.20 clock. “Recyclable” audio file found
Voice recorders of the crashed in the French Alps German Wings Airbus have found a “usable” audio file investigators. The head of the French aviation investigation agency BEA, Rémi Jouty, confirmed Wednesday in Le Bourget near Paris that were there to hear voices in the cockpit. He wanted to make no further information on the content of the file. His authority could still leave “no explanation” for the cause of the plane crash
17.58 clock. Russian Patriarch condolences
According to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has also the Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow expressed his grief over the death of 150 people in the plane crash in southern France. He wished the German people “steadfastness and unwavering spirit,” writes the head of the church in a paper published in Moscow on Wednesday evening telegram to Chancellor Angela Merkel. He pray for the mercy of God, so that families and friends of the victims would find solace. Kirill I also condoled the Spanish King Felipe VI
17.30 clock. Bureau of Investigation closes explosion before crash
Before the crash of the German Wings machine, there has been no explosion. “The aircraft is flown to the end”, it had so been no explosion, told BEA director Rémi Jouty. According to him, the Authority could ensure “audio data collection” from the first box. The second black box has not yet been found
but was “too early to draw a conclusion,” Jouty said. It does not give “the slightest explanation” for cause, “At this time, you can not specify a hypothesis.” In her last contact the pilots of the Airbus 320 had made a routine message. Have priority in addition to the further evaluation now that the second box would be found, the BEA director explained. He had not yet been localized in the hard to reach area. Why the machine is out of time flown in Barcelona,
Jouty could not tell.
17.10 clock: French investigation authority BEA: data from voice recorder
French accident investigators succeeded by its own account to gain from the cockpit voice recorder of the machine records , This tells the Authority with BEA in Paris. However, an evaluation’ll weeks, if not can take months. It is also not possible to give the slightest explanation for the crash. In their last contact the pilots of the Airbus 320 had made a routine message. Have priority in addition to the further evaluation now that the second box would be found, BEA said. He had not yet been localized in the hard to reach area
17.05 clock. Rajoy certified Hollande “impeccable attitude”
The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy after the German Wings crash pledged his country’s support. “I can tell you that we will be in solidarity that we will work together that we will determine together,” said the head of the conservative Madrid government. He he thanked “emphatically” the members of the rescue team and also for Hollande, who have shown in the tragedy an “impeccable attitude”
17.00 clock. Merkel thanked volunteers – “It is a real tragedy “
German Chancellor Angela Merkel thanked for a flight over the crash site the helpers and the many local volunteers, the brave, with” unprecedented helpfulness, incredible dedication and with great heart help “. It was a good feeling to be so close to each other in such an hour of pain and to learn as much solidarity. Turning to the French President, Merkel said: “Dear Francois, a very big thank you” on behalf of millions of Germans who knew to appreciate what was being provided here for victims and their families. “It is a true tragedy,” Merkel said to the crash and the death of 150 people. The Chancellor
insured, locally every effort is made to “educate the unbelievable as far as possible”
16.55 clock. The PK begins
The French President Francois Hollande has expressed his “deepest feelings of sympathy” expressed. The whole French people stand at this time of examination at the side of the victims families who came from 15 nations. Hollande told that France would “do everything we can to the victims’ families” to help. He thanked all the volunteers who are dedicated to this disaster. He was “moved by emotions such as all get together to care for relatives and families of the victims.” France will do everything to clarify the cause of the crash: “We need to understand what has happened, which is essential,” Hollande said at the press conference with Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. The first black box already found will further evaluated: The study of speech recorder to would last. The second flight recorder was not found – only the container, not the black box itself, Hollande said
16.50 clock, “New York Times”: No information in voice recorder
The “New York Times” reported that the evaluation of the voice recorder has adduced no evidence – because the recorder data could not be read. From the box, the second found recording device lacks the memory card
16.40 clock. The highly anticipated press conferences are delayed
In Seyne-les-Alpes near the crash site statements by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy were expected. In Paris, the authorities wanted to announce initial findings from the evaluation of the voice recorder from the misfortune machine
16..30 clock. Merkel and Hollande bear in Kondolenzbüchern a
her visit near the crash site has the people in the region for their “friendship” thanked Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). In the village of Le Vernet Merkel wore together with French President François Hollande in a book of condolence. “In great sadness that the family and with heartfelt thanks for the friendship of the people in the region and in France,” wrote the Chancellor. Hollande also expressed his “support” for the families of the victims.
16.08 clock: Lufthansa organizes special flights for members
A Lufthansa spokesman in Paris, confirmed that the company tomorrow will organize several special flights to southern France. Between 250 and 500 German and Spanish Relatives of the victims of the German Wings flight 4U9525 could arrive to Marseille. There is no definite figures. However, Lufthansa trying all members who wish to allow a journey and a stay. In addition, Lufthansa has the families of the crash victims promised any help again. “The members have for us now top priority,” said Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr on Wednesday at the Düsseldorf Airport. You would get all the help they needed – including financial support
15.40 clock. CDU deputy Wellmann warns of flights with German Wings
The CDU Member of the Bundestag Karl-Georg Wellmann warned on his Facebook page before flights with German Wings, which earned him sharp criticism from the SPD and the Greens. “Before German Wings can only warn you yet. Outdated machinery and lousy service. With that I will no longer fly,” wrote the MPs from the Berlin constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf late on Tuesday after the crash of the German Wings machine. Leaders of the SPD and the Greens reacted angrily. “I think of such a lurid comments shortly after terrible misfortunes anything,” said SPD federal Vice Ralf Stegner the online edition of the newspaper “Handelsblatt”. “No one should try to beat from such situations political capital.” Now it is a matter that the professionals were clarifying the causes of the crash. The thoughts and condolences are with the families and friends of the victims. The deputy leader of the Green parliamentary group, Kerstin Andreae, called Wellmann’s Facebook-comment the tragedy “just cheap”. “Now you should think about the victims and not about the service of an airline swagger”, Andreae told the “Handelsblatt”
16.30 clock. Merkel and Hollande bear in condolence book a
During her visit near the crash site Chancellor Angela Merkel has the people in the region for their “friendship” thanked. In the village of Le Vernet Merkel wore together with French President François Hollande in a book of condolence. “In great sadness that the family and with heartfelt thanks for the friendship of the people in the region and in France,” wrote the Chancellor. Hollande also expressed his “support” for the families of the victims.
14.59 clock: students from holders were drawn for travel
The accident in the plane crash in southern France pupils from holders have been drawn for the fateful trip to Spain. Because there was to participate in the eight-day exchange trip to the near Barcelona are more applicants than places, the lot had fallen on the now lost their lives girls and boys, said a spokeswoman for the county government. And relying on Wednesday at the Headmaster of King Joseph High School in brackets at the lake. At least one of the students had to hit on the Nachrückliste the tour group. According to information from the “Halterner newspaper” is 40 students had applied for the journey – 14 students and two students were selected. Overall learned in the tenth grade of Joseph King High School 65 students Spanish. 16 of them and two teachers were killed in the crash of the German Wings Airman killed
14.36 clock. Helpers teams from France, Spain, Germany and Italy cooperate
The Crisis Center of the Fire Department of Marseille and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region near the Marseille-Provence airport rescue workers coordinate the recovery of bodies in the Alps – two and a half hours drive from Marseille. Here they also care about the victims’ families and provide the necessary infrastructure ready for it. With the next Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to late afternoon other members arrive. Responsibility rests with Lufthansa, the French company has employees in use.
Also, specialists from Italy are in the crisis center of the firefighters present. “We offer our French partners like our help,” says the team leader from Turin. However, the rescue work was still in its initial phase. Comparable with the German Technical Forum (THW) helps the international team from France, Spain, Germany and Italy in logistics, which is necessary for the identification and transport of corpses. In addition, psychologists are mainly from Germany and Spain willing to friends and family to give comfort and an open ear
14.30 clock. Merkel: “This is a sign of incredible friendship”
Chancellor Angela Merkel thanked the French workers for their use after their arrival in the vicinity of the German Wings crash site. “This is a sign of incredible friendship and help. We are very grateful,” Merkel, who had arrived together with the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and French President François Hollande on Wednesday in Seyne-les-Alpes said. Merkel, who is accompanied by North Rhine-Westphalian state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD), spoke with emergency services and found out first-hand about the difficult recovery of
14.16 clock. Merkel and power arrived on the scene
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and French President François Hollande are at the crash site. The North Rhine-Westphalian state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD) is
14.15 clock. Box is evaluated in Paris
In Paris experts to investigate the flight data recorder started. This was “indeed damaged,” said Transportation Secretary Alain Vidalies. “But we think that it is available.” Should voices be heard on the device, then the evaluation will go “very fast”. The analysis of possible sounds will take longer. Voice recorder is available in each aircraft. They automatically record the conversations of the pilots and all other sounds in the cockpit – usually, however, only the last half hour, then old data will be deleted. However, since the last few minutes are critical in a disaster usually before the crash, often give the recordings vital clues in the search for the causes.
14.02 clock: Merkel and Hollande on the way to the accident
The weather conditions have it now but admitted that Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande by helicopter to the crash site the German Wings flying machine.
13.40 clock: Merkel phoned Mayor of holders
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the mayor of supporting their participation in the death of 16 students and two teachers expressed from the Westphalian city. People in brackets – parents, siblings, friends and classmates – were experiencing very serious hours, said the deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz. Merkel has therefore the Mayor of holders Bodo Klimpel, phone, “and pronounced him their deepest condolences.” The Federal Cabinet had started his routine morning session with a minute’s silence
13.26 clock. Opera singer Maria Radner and Oleg Bryjak among the victims
Among the victims of German Wings crash in the French Alps is also the opera singer Maria Radner. The confirmed Wednesday the German Opera on the Rhine in Dusseldorf, where Radner had many guest performances. The contralto was, along with fellow who died baritone Oleg Bryjak on the flight back from a stint at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. Both singers had appeared in Richard Wagner’s “Siegfried”. The 1981 born Radner was born from Düsseldorf
13.12 clock. Bad weather hampered flight from Merkel and Hollande to the accident
Because of bad weather organize the French authorities a plan B for Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande. Vehicles have positioned close to the airport. If it is not possible to fly towards the Alps by helicopter, the motorcade would bring the two leaders after Seyne. French security officials at the airport suspect that Merkel and Hollande can get to the scene of the accident in about 30 minutes by helicopter if the weather does not worsen
13.07 clock. Merkel arrived in Marseille
The machine of Angela Merkel has arrived in Marseille, shortly before the plane of François Hollande had landed. The two meet on the tarmac
13.00 clock. Dobrindt: “Any speculation is ruled out”
A visibly entrained Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), still on Tuesday along with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) flew over the crash site, describes at noon in front of the Transport Committee briefly his impressions. “The biggest part that was identified was a board wall portion, including the extent of three aircraft windows.” You’ve seen the helpers, as they had been roped in part by helicopters, says Dobrindt, the assistants were working in extremely difficult conditions. The situation was “extremely stressful” for them.
For the cause of the accident it was still not possible to say something Secured: “Any speculation is ruled out,” says Dobrindt. As the flight recorder so far could not be evaluated, it can not be said what had happened in the last eight minutes before the collision on board the aircraft.
12.42 Clock: 72 German victims
German Wings CEO Winkelmann at the press conference in Cologne: Among the victims are 72 German and 35 Spaniards. Questions of the journalists present can Winkelmann not.
12.32 clock: German Wings: care of the bereaved has priority
In Cologne has started the press conference of German Wings. CEO Thomas Winkelmann says, taking care of the bereaved “is our top priority.” Yet you have not yet to contact all families. It’ll work. All stakeholders to benefit from psychological support. German Wings will offer on Thursday two special flights to southern France, so that civilians could get to the crash site
12.25 clock. Berlin remembers the victims
About 120 to 150 people have arrived in Berlin Cathedral to commemorate the victims of the plane crash in France. They sit distributed throughout the room – there are a lot more than usual for lunch devotions. The organ plays “Are you with me.” Some people have tears in my eyes start as the organ playing. Preacher Thomas Müller says: “The crash of the German Wings machine in France leaves us stunned back – also because at the situation is so familiar, because we ourselves have been sitting on the plane from Spain, have participated in the student exchange The shocked us -. even if we are not concerned itself “
12.21 clock. Spanish Prime Minister arrived in Marseille
The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy at the airport in Marseille a few arrived minutes. He is, according to French security circles with the car on the way to Seyne, where he held a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande will hold about 14 clock. Merkel and Hollande by helicopter towards the Alps and want to make it your own picture of the devastating disaster. By 14 clock citizens of Spain, France and Germany will look at the supermarket Intermarché in Seyne. In the small town in the Alps Merkel and Rajoy is currently all the press conference with Hollande, prepared
12.05 clock. Prayer for the victims of the plane crash
At noon should start at the Berlin Cathedral, a prayer for the victims of the crash of flight 4U9525. You can also register for nine clock in the condolence book, which also can pick up in the cathedral
12.08 clock. Relatives of the victims are expected in Marseille
On Marseille airport meet today during the day, the families and relatives of the victims of the unfortunate German Wings machine. Employees of the small German Consulate General in Marseilles take care of the German mourners. Embassy staff asked for peace and respect for the families. You have difficult days ahead. The salvage operations can continue because of the bad weather and difficult terrain in the Alps to over the weekend also
11.52 clock. Lufthansa CEO: “We want something never, never experience again”
Lufthansa employees and the subsidiary German Wings have thought on Wednesday morning with a minute of silence for victims of the plane crash in France. The minute’s silence was held at 10.53 clock, the time when the Tuesday of the contact of the air traffic control was stopped at the German Wings Airbus. Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said in Frankfurt am Main to “a very emotional moment.” It is inexplicable that a crash could “technically perfect” plane with two experienced pilots, Spohr said. Lufthansa Chief Financial Officer Simone Menne said at a small memorial service for employees subsequent to the minute of silence: “We want something never, never see again.” These were “difficult days, if not the hardest day for Lufthansa.” Many employees were terminated after the devastating crash their holiday, among them the chairman Wolfgang Mayrhuber
11.46 clock. In Marseille Angela Merkel is now expected
The weather in Marseille is very poor. Gale, decent rain and thick cloud cover. But the presidential helicopter that is directly on enclosed area of the airport Marseille-Provence now, waiting for Angela Merkel, François Hollande and Mariano Rajoy.
11.28 Clock: headmaster: “Somewhere parents still have hoped”
Ulrich Wessel, director of the Joseph King High School in brackets, has experienced on Tuesday shortly Ago 14 clock of NRW Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD) that the students and teachers of his school were on the passenger list of the crashed aircraft. Before that he had not yet able to receive information, the parents of the children: “German Wings made tight, the lines at the Foreign Office were overloaded,” says Wessel, “and somewhere the parents still have hoped.” Wessel it was who brought the news of the death of her children for many parents. “Such a moment, I do not need a second time in my life. Parents to give the news that a plane crashed with their children and that there is probably no survivors there,” he says.
Earlier, the school principal described at the press conference in brackets, as the school had sent on Tuesday a week ago “16 young men and two young cheerful teachers traveling”. “At our school, nothing will be as it was,” he says now. But the compassion now applies particularly to parents, grandparents and relatives all the children and teachers, and he mentioned again the young colleague who has been married for six months. Wessel also thanks again for the support and then says: “In the head of the disaster has arrived, but until I have understood correctly, this will still take
11.15 clock. Löhrmann” We can only try to share the pain “
The North Rhine-Westphalian Education Minister Sylvia Löhrmann (Green) came into Joseph King High School in brackets at the lake in the early morning and in the . has lost crash 16 students and two young teachers Löhrmann which itself is a teacher, speaks at the press conference – which, however, does not take place in high school – a “very terrible tragedy” Actually, she says, she would have already come on Tuesday, however. the headmaster had wished that you first consult with the teaching staff, as the school as teachers and students to deal with misfortune.
“The pain about the incredible loss no power of people to the families the victim take, “says Löhrmann, the stand even the tears in his eyes. “We can only try to share the pain and hope of the common parts a little comfort can grow.” At eleven clock is also a first mourning meeting held in the school with all students, Löhrmann also asks again for your understanding that students, parents and teachers come together shielded from the public and the media. “This is so terrible that you can not imagine the.”
Quite a lot of people would now ask what they can do and would like to show their sympathy, says Löhrmann. Therefore, there would be in North Rhine-Westphalia on Thursday at 10.53 clock a minute’s silence. At this time there had been on Tuesday radio contact with flight 4U9525 last
10.53 clock. Bundeswehr offers help
The Bundeswehr has the French authorities offered their support if help is needed at the crash site of the German Wings machine. “We are, of course, our possibilities and capabilities, if we are asked,” a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday in Berlin. This could include transferring the corpses to Germany. For this purpose, the dead must first be identified, however, said the spokesman. The Bundeswehr also has other material and human resources that could be helpful on site may – Helicopter about or mountain troops
10.30 clock: None of booked Airlines
10.01 clock. Air Berlin and TUIfly help German Wings
Air Berlin and TUIfly support daughter the competing Lufthansa Group German Wings with machines and crews as to fly not currently see some of the crew of German Wings able. “German Wings is now eleven aircraft primarily by other airlines such as Lufthansa, Air Berlin and TUIfly to about 40 flights a,” it said in a press release. In the canceled flight, there were a flight from London Stansted to Cologne. All other flights would take place – whether it be estimated between 200 and 300.
9.34 Clock: German Wings sweeps only one flight
In the airline German Wings has been initially omitted only one air on Wednesday, because pilots will not fly again after the accident on Tuesday. That said a spokeswoman for the German Wings parent company Lufthansa in Frankfurt am Main. At Lufthansa therefore no connection fails for this reason. Previously, it was said that more flights would fail
9.31 clock. Crash area
The rescue of the victims of German Wings crash is about the size of two football fields after assessment of the police chiefs of the region are very difficult. “We are here in the mountains,” Police General David Galtier said on Wednesday.

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