Friday, March 27, 2015

Live Scores plane crash: +++ 9:57 “training of the pilots as in the … – NEWS


 Friday, March 27, 2015


The Federal Council has thought at the beginning of its meeting the victims of the air crash in the French Alps. Federal President Volker Bouffier said the tragedy were all deeply saddened and shocked. The Federal remember the dead and grieve with the family and friends. Such losses “literally change everything.”

+++ 9:57 “training of the pilots in the 1970s as” +++
Among the dead of German Wings Supermarket are also many Spaniards. The newspaper “El Mundo” now complains pilot training. The technical development is not accompanied by “an adequate training of the pilots, which is practically still carried out as in the 1970s.” Also, it seems obvious that there is a need to improve the medical and psychological tests of the pilots. “Both the time of acquisition of the flight license and during later regular tests that are currently far from being strictly” the newspaper writes. The tests have failed because it was the copilot’s no personality abnormality was detected.

+++ 9:32 Federal President Gauck goes to Haltern +++
Three days after the plane crash over France visited President Joachim Gauck particularly affected by the disaster Westphalian community holders on the lake. The head of state will mourn with citizens and bring its solidarity with the victims and their relatives expressed. Among the victims of the crash are 16 students and two teachers from holders. Gauck is accompanied by NRW Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft.

+++ 8:58 “As European authorities are called” +++
CDU traffic expert Oliver Wittke calls for the introduction of a “four-eyes principle” in the cockpit and looks the EU’s responsibility. “Since the European authorities are required now. We can not regulate on a national level,” says Wittke at ARD. The member of the Transport Committee welcomes the decision that German air carriers will undertake after the crash of a German Wings aircraft with 150 deaths a “four-eyes principle” in the cockpit.

+++ 8 12 rescue work continued in clear weather +++
The rescue work at the site of Airbus wrecks went into the fourth day in the French Alps. The first helicopter took off at a cloudless sky towards the Tête de l’Estrop – behind this summit the engine of Lufthansa subsidiary German Wings was shattered on Tuesday. The attention of the forces is particularly true of the search for the second flight recorder that could provide further insight to what is happening in the cockpit before the crash

+++ 7:47 Report. Copilot had been “major depressive episode “+++
copilot Andreas Lubitz had a report in the newspaper” Bild “According to psychological problems. The paper quoted from Lubitz ‘medical records, in which it obviously is, he had his pilot’s training interrupted for several months. The reason for this is said to be a mental illness. One and a half years he seek treatment for it. 2009 with him – according to “Bild” newspaper a “decayed severe depressive episode” found

+++ 6:48 Air France also thinks about two-person rule according +++.
The Air France is thinking about filling in their cockpits after. Air France attend closely the development and results of the legal and technical investigations after the accident, according to a statement from the airline. The question of the presence of a second person in the cockpit is an important issue. On Thursday first airlines had announced consequences of the crash. You want to introduce the two-person rule in the cockpit.

+++ 5:36 holders gather in mourning +++
in the hard-hit by the plane crash city holders at the lake is the Joseph King High School on Friday to two funerals, to commemorate the in the crash died while students and teachers. Out of respect for the feelings of relatives, friends and colleagues of the victims, the public is not admitted to both parties. When disaster in the southern French mountains 16 boys and girls and 2 teachers of the school were killed.

+++ 4:50 helpers are preparing to day 3 before +++
At the crash site in the French Alps is imminent accident investigators and rescue workers, the third day of use. In addition to

the crime scene and the recovery of the remains is for the experts to search for the flight data recorder in the foreground. The case of the black box was discovered on Wednesday shortly after the cockpit voice recorder in the hard to reach debris field. The first findings of the analysis had given the investigation a new direction. Based on the audio recordings from the cockpit, the authorities believe that the copilot brought the machine to crash deliberately.

+++ 3:36 police evaluates personal documents from +++
After the search, two flats of the German Wings copilot does not expect the prosecutor with investigation results fast. Officials had searched on the eve in connection with the plane crash an apartment in Dusseldorf and the residence of the parents of the copilot for clues. The action in Dusseldorf lasted about four hours, it said. Investigators left the house on the outskirts of Düsseldorf with moving boxes. The officers thus followed a request from the French judiciary. The co-pilot is suspected to have brought the German Wings machine with other 149 people on board on Tuesday with intent to crash. Also in the house were the pilots in Rhineland-Palatinate Montabaur Westerwald policemen were representations. Police detectives were looking for clues to a possible motive or signs of mental illness copilot, it said. A special focus lies on personal documents, said the prosecutor’s office in Düsseldorf. The evaluation of the documentation will likely take some time.

+++ 2:19 overseer consider new cockpit rule +++
The crash of flight 4U9525 will probably change the air traffic forever: In the future, not a pilot during a flight to longer alone may stay in the cockpit, as Matthias von Randow, the chief executive of the Federation of German Air Traffic Management (BDL) said. Before the weekend, the new two-person control with the Federal Aviation Authority should be discussed. A number of airlines intend to implement the new preset delay. These include the German Lufthansa, German Wings, Air Berlin, Condor and TuiFly. Previously, the airlines Easyjet and Norwegian had already announced to introduce the two-person rule

+++ 1:17 Report. Pilot resorted to emergency ax +++
The locked-pilot of the crashed German Wings machine has a report, apparently a few minutes before impact tries to open the door to the cockpit with an ax. “Bild” newspaper reported, citing security circles, he used it supposed to be the on-board emergency ax to return to the closed cockpit. His goal was to stop the descent, the newspaper reported

+++ 12:31 German Wings boss. Indeed, “inexplicably” +++
If the airline German Wings prevails after allegedly deliberately brought about by the copilot crash disbelief and horror. “We are all under perfect shock,” said German Wings CEO Thomas Winkelmann, adding: “. We have here a fact that we can imagine so do not have” The act was “completely inexplicable.” We will do everything to ensure that such an event will never happen again.

More about

12:14 +++ New Notes on autopilot input +++
The speculation about the events in the last few minutes on board flight 4U9525 endless: According to US media reports, it appears from the transponder data of misfortune machine that the autopilot of a person was changed manually in the cockpit. Recent evidence suggests that it may involve only one input of the copilot. Allegedly, the specification of a cruising altitude of 38,000 feet (about 11,600 meters) to only 100 feet (30 meters) was changed

Note. The live ticker with an overview of the events of Day 2 after the crash Find here.



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