Wiesbaden – time, time to go back tidy shop: Real wages of German workers in 2014 increased so much as never before since surveys began in 2008. According to the calculations of the Federal Statistical Office, mainly the small price increase led to an increase in real wages of 1.7 percent, the Authority announced.
The statistician corrected so that its preliminary results in February by 0.1 percentage points upward. 2013, real wages in Germany were down by 0.1 percent in 2012 increased by 0.5 percent.The nominal wages increased in 2014 over the previous year by 2.6 percent. 2013 there had been an increase of 1.4 percent in 2012 from 2.5 percent. Since the consumer prices last year but rose by only 0.9 percent, the workers had more money at.
Highest salaries in banks
According to the information mainly benefited higher-skilled workers from the wage increase. Thus, the nominal earnings growth the employee was in a managerial post with an
Including bonuses earned Full-Time 2014 in Germany an average of 46,575 euros gross. The highest average earnings were paid by banks and insurance companies (68,104 euros) and in the field of information and communication (63,591 euros).
The lowest average gross annual earnings were workers in the hospitality industry with 26,455 euros. Statisticians stressed, however, that almost two thirds of full-time workers earned less than the average. The remaining third would be paid above average.

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