Sunday, March 29, 2015

Strong wage increase for workers countries – Reuters Germany


– Thorsten Severin


Potsdam (Reuters) – The 800,000 public employees of the countries receive significantly more money in the next two years.


unions and employers agreed on Saturday night in Potsdam on increasing the salaries retroactive effect from 1 March at 2.1 percent. On the same date in 2016, there will be a further increase to 2.3 percent and less than 75 euros per month. In occupational pension for public service higher contributions come but on employees and employers. It was agreed at the fourth round of negotiations also a new charging system for salaried teachers. However, the union PRO does not contribute to this part of the compromise and is considering new teacher strikes.


Overall, levels rise Verdi salaries of employees over the entire term of 24 months, depending on the processing way around 4.61 to 4.83 percent. Employers expect anything less. Disproportionately benefit according to the unions, the lower income groups, with increases of up to 6.87 percent. The remuneration of trainees is expected to increase in 2015 and 2016 respectively by 30 euro per month.


“This will benefit the employees of the countries of significant real wage increases,” said Verdi boss Frank Bsirske after more than twelve hours of negotiation. The chairman of the collective bargaining unit German (TdL), Jens Buller Jahn, called the compromise reasonable and responsible manner. It was succeeded in bringing together economic conditions, the financial resources of the countries and main demands of the unions. According to the agreement TdL cost the country this year, about 650 million and 1.5 billion euros next year. The decisions will also be transmitted time and identical in content to the will of Verdi and the Civil Service Association dbb to the 2.2 million civil servants and pensioners have to decide what their parliaments. Which could bring additional costs of up to four billion euros added.


The unions had gone with the requirement of 5.5 percent more content and at least 175 euros per month for a period of twelve months in the negotiations. The remuneration for trainees should rise to 100 euros per month. In recent weeks, tens of thousands of employed teachers, educators, and staff of university

hospitals, universities, and road maintenance authorities with strikes pressure were exerted on the employer.


An agreement was achieved also in the central dispute over the company pension scheme. Employers were required incisions, because they lack insurance due to increasing life expectancy is too expensive. The unions agreed to increase the contributions to the supplementary pension plan. In the West, they are expected to rise by 0.2 percent on July 1, and in the following two years each 0.1 percent. To the east, a parallel increase by 0.75 percent. Employers contribute to the same extent. Bsirske said, so will the need for action on the provision for old age to wear them without interfering with the pension benefits or leave the system. The agreements do not apply Hesse, does not belong to the TdL.





Verdi and dbb also approved a new charging system for salaried teachers that provides an east-west alignment among others. However, the PRO was the offer does not go far enough. They therefore does not contribute to the collective agreement at this point. The PRO sees their demand is not met, to create an entry in the same pay of salaried civil servants and teachers. With an allowance of only 30 euros was trying to buy out the teachers their right to strike, criticized PRO negotiator Andreas Gehrke. Organized in the GEW teachers now are not subject to duty and want peace, according to a spokesman vote the way forward in the coming weeks. As a way of indefinite strikes apply. Buller Jahn said he had no sympathy for the exit of the GEW. The behavior is irresponsible to employees, criticized the Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt.


remained unclear on Sunday whether the GEW teachers still benefit from the financial improvements for the teachers. The union itself assumes that these only apply to salaried teachers in the dbb. The TdL sees things differently.


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