Sunday, March 22, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: corruption allegations against Minister of Tsipras – ABC Online

Updated on Sunday, 03.22.2015, 09:56
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Athens racing against time. Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? Allegedly, the Greeks have again thrown the troika of the country. All information in the news ticker.

  • Greece goes on April 8 out of money
  • Athens wants to tax evaders to the numbers put
  • Varoufakis calls the end of the Obscene Finger dispute to
  • Juncker says Athens billion aid in the fight against poverty

Newspaper raises allegations of corruption against Greek Prime

09.57 clock: In Greece there are allegations of corruption against a member of the government. According to a report of the Athens Sunday newspaper “To Vima” Deputy Interior Minister Giorgos Katrougalos should have a lawyer represent official dismissed, the reinstatement he announced as a minister. The Journal of published documents, which aimed to show that the law firm of Katrougalos still on 27 January – has signed such contracts – the day on which he assumed responsibility for administrative reform. As an honorary twelve percent of the amount in dispute had been agreed.

The pre-publication on Saturday made in Athens for substantial eddy. The opposition demanded the resignation of the minister. In a statement, and later in a press conference Katrougalos rejected the allegations and tried to smooth the waves. He gave up his law practice last summer after he was elected to the European Parliament. That of “To Vima” published document concerns neither officials dismissed, it was rather decreased by wage differences. “If all this were true, I would not only withdraw, but left the country or kill me,” Katrougalos said.

German disclaim reparations to Greece from

09.00 Clock: 20 percent of Germans are in favor of Greece for crimes committed during World War II crimes to pay compensation. 71 percent oppose it. This resulted in a representative Emnid survey on the “Bild am Sonntag” reported. Emnid interviewed last Thursday 503 people

Oppermann requires reform list: SPD sets conditions for Greek aid package

08.20 Clock: The SPD weaves a yes to a third aid package for Greece in the words of parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann to several conditions. “More aid for Greece will only be able to give if Greece is fully prepared to solve its own problems,” Oppermann, “Spiegel Online” said the texts published on Sunday. Specifically it relates to the modernization of public services, the establishment of an effective tax administration and rapid anti-corruption measures.

For these conditions, it needs a “robust assurance “of the Greek Government Alexis Tsipras. Prior to the meeting of Tsipras with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin Oppermann called the Greek Prime Minister to present his reform list when visiting

Greeks stash billion. Athens wants to talk to Switzerland on black money

21.27 Clock: The Greek government wants to talk with Switzerland on untaxed money in Swiss bank accounts. Responsible for

International Financial Matters Secretary Jacques de Watteville will travel next week for talks in Athens, a spokesman for the Ministry of Finance in Bern said on Saturday. These are the first talks about the Greek black money in Switzerland since the appointment of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras end of January.

As the Swiss newspaper “Tages-Anzeiger” reported on Saturday, hoard Greek citizens 1.5 billion francs (1.4 billion euros) in Swiss bank accounts. A portion of the proceeds is therefore untaxed. The Ministry spokesman declined referred to in the report sum, however, did not confirm.

In the past few days in the Swiss media has been speculation about why the verge of bankruptcy Greece does not care about the millions of illegal money in Switzerland. Last Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf had spoken in February 2014 with her then-Greek counterparts Giannis Stournaras on the subject. On Friday Tsipras had then announced at the EU summit in Brussels early negotiations with Switzerland to talk about an “agreement on the funding of Greeks in Switzerland”.

Greece needs because of its heavy debt crisis to the anxious remain in the euro. The euro-countries are willing Greece continue to help, but only if they hold the land to the negotiated austerity and reform commitments. Because the negotiations falter, Athens is in acute financial

European Commission has calculated. Greece is on April 8 out of money

16.40 Clock: The Greek government has until April 8th sufficient liquidity. This is clear from internal calculations of the EU Commission, based on new figures for its professionals in Athens, the Sunday newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAS) reported, citing diplomats. The Commission considers that Athens end of the month to fully pay wages and salaries. They assumed here that the Government of Alexis Tsipras also relies on cash of the social funds and state-owned enterprises; as the legal requirements have been created in the past week.

Tsipras remain so over two weeks to coordinate with donors a complete reform list. Only then money can flow out of the last outstanding tranche of 7.2 billion euros. On Friday Tsipras had agreed with the tips of the European institutions to present such a list “in the coming days.” Preparations are already underway in Brussels; the technical experts of the donors have resumed work in Athens on Friday.

In the EU Commission is expected as the FAS further reported that the experts work next week again in the Greek Ministries and may examine the books. Then came the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker during the negotiations with Tsipras at night on Friday. Juncker pointed to the example of the International Monetary Fund. Sends every year experts in the ministries of the Member States in order to determine financial and economic indicators. Tsipras Juncker had not objected to, writes the FAS

From 9 April the financial situation of the Greek government in the EU Commission is classified as “critical”. The country then must pay back the IMF loan tranche in the amount of 467 million euros. In mid-April will also need short-term government bonds worth 2.4 billion euros refinanced

. Video: Greeks love! Until you see the money, you’re already gone bust

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