Thursday, March 26, 2015
The desire to buy is no end to the Germans as not for more than a decade spend their money so much. But the shopping mood depends on clearly identified factors – and they are anything but fixed .
In Germany, consumers no longer sits the money continues as loose as many years. The corresponding consumption barometer for April rises to 10.0 by 9.7 meters in March, as the Nuremberg market researcher GfK predicted. This is the highest level in more than 13 years. The willingness to buy expensive goods, such as cars or furniture, it is as pronounced as for almost ten years, not more.
A positive outlook on labor market, the prospect of rising salaries and low energy costs increase the buying mood, said GfK expert Rolf Bürkl. The Nuremberg researchers ask month 2000 consumer whether they think it is currently advisable to make major purchases. The corresponding barometer rose already the sixth time in a row and scratch the record level
According to GfK also promotes the European Central Bank (ECB) with its zero interest rate policy, at least indirectly, the propensity to consume of the Germans. “The alternative – saving – is currently very attractive, “Bürkl said. The tug of war over the fate of Greece in the euro-zone can consumers so far unimpressed. “Based on a weak euro, which stimulates exports, and low energy costs do the consumers the German economy clearly on the rise,” explained the experts.
More aboutIn addition, consumers could hope for significant wage increases, “And this optimism is not unfounded,” Bürkl said. The first collective agreements in the metal and electrical industry in the amount of 3.4 percent have therefore a “certain signal function” for other industries. It is fitting that the consumers and the economic outlook will always appear brighter. . The corresponding barometer gaining 9.6 points to 36.8 meters – the fourth consecutive increase
At a boom is also indicated by the Ifo index point: The most important German economic barometer rose in March already the fifth month in sequence.

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