Wiesbaden – Germany’s exporters have so many goods sold last year in another country than ever
However, the record was slightly weaker than initially calculated as the Federal Statistical Office on the basis of revised figures announced.
Thus, Goods were carried out with a total value of € 1,133.5 billion and imported goods worth 916.6 billion euros.
To Germany achieved an export surplus of 216 9 billion euros, surpassing the previous record of 195.3 billion euros in 2007 significantly.
In a first calculation of external trade statistics in 2014 the beginning of February the Wiesbaden authority the value of exports slightly higher and slightly lower imports specified with 1,133.6 billion euros to 916.5 billion euros.
The balance was according marginally higher at 217 billion euros. The values are not calculated according to the statisticians in the course of multiple new, final figures will it probably be in October.
At the basic trend, however, is likely nothing Edit: Goods “made in Germany” are more popular than ever worldwide
Although the economy in the euro-partner countries further weakens and exports for the ailing Russia. have collapsed, the domestic auto makers, machinery and other exporters 2014, the previous record of 2012 surpassed. Economists are convinced that the success story will continue in 2015. Exporters benefit among others from the weak euro.
Communication Federal Office 03/23/2015
Communication Federal Office 09/02/2015
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