Monday, March 30, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Federal Government is no reform list of Athens … – ABC Online

Updated on Monday, 30.03.2015, 14:05
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis ? Or is it already too late? The government of Athens has now presented a reform list. All information in the news ticker.

  • Athens submitted reform list.
  • Central bank: exit to Athens from the euro is not an option
  • ECB. Greek banks will no longer buy government bonds
  • . Rumors about resignation of Finance Varoufakis

Greek gambling company OPAP benefited from cost reductions

13.25 Clock: cost reductions have the Greek lottery and sports betting company OPAP after complete privatization brought a sharp rise in profits. The surplus rose last year by 41 percent to almost 200 million euros, as Europe’s number two announced by the UK market leader William Hill on Monday. In addition to new games, especially savings for the growth would have taken care of after the company suffered in previous years under the economic and debt crisis in Greece. Revenue increases by about 15 percent to 4.3 billion euros, costs fell by eleven percent. The dividend was increased by 80 percent to 45 cents per share

Federal Government is no reform list of Athens before

12.23 clock. The Federal Government is by its own account an announced by the Greek government comprehensive reform list not yet available. The spokesman for the Treasury, Martin Jäger, said on Monday in Berlin, so there is still no date for a meeting of the Euro Group, “This has to do with the fact that we have up to this point, no Greek proposals.” The euro zone finance ministers have currently no active role, because they were waiting on Greek proposals. “The ball is now in the Greek pitch,” said Hunter. He also stressed that before any payment of further aid a jointly agreed and Reform list should be adopted also by the Greek Parliament

Athens is planning new tax on fatty foods

12.05 clock. Can the specialty meat gyros contribute to the rescue of Greece? In the fight against the empty coffers of the State Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis reportedly planning a special tax on fatty foods – including for gyros. Foods high in salt or sugar content will also be subject to high taxes, as several Greek media reported over the weekend. The Finance Ministry has denied reports on Monday is not. Details such as the amount of tax was initially unclear

Athens wants to promote privatization – but intra-party dispute

11.27 clock. The Greek government wants government on the privatization allow companies do not sell. The state should retain at least a third of the shares of major companies, a senior government official said on Monday the German Press Agency. However, the management should take over the respective private investor, he added.

Within the Athenians left-right government, there is currently a dispute over privatization of the port of Piraeus. Deputy Prime Minister Giannis Dragasakis announced during a visit to China at the weekend, there will be a tender for the leasing of large parts of the Greek Mediterranean port soon. The Chinese shipping company COSCO had already expressed great interest in the acquisition. A little later rose Vice-Minister of Shipping Theodoros Dritsas caveat: It does not comply with the program of the ruling party SYRIZA to privatize strategic state-owned. It is expected that now Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras needs to resolve the intra-party dispute.

Greek debt dispute burdened markets

10.44 Clock: The threat of Greek default has depressed prices of government bonds of the country on Monday. In turn, yields rose. The return on ten-year bonds climbed slightly to 11.10 percent. Greece is currently trying feverishly avert national bankruptcy . However, as

presented by the government on Friday reform list is apparently still not the document on the wait donors. On investor sentiment also expressed that the rating agency Fitch downgraded the credit rating of the euro-state. The credit will be rated CCC, has so far weathered Greece at Fitch to B. “We are waiting further, but the clock is ticking louder still,” the analysts wrote Metzler Bank in a comment.

EU Parliament Vice Lambsdorff – emergency “Grexit” risk

09.15 Clock: The Vice-President of the European Parliament, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) has argued, if necessary, to accept a withdrawal of Greece from the euro. When the country was still unwilling to submit its partners on paper a list of credible and verifiable reforms, “you would have , where appropriate, a break, a Grexit risk ” Lambsdorff said on Monday in “Germany radio”. Then one must develop a plan on how to help the country after leaving the euro zone. “Greece is financially speaking almost on the brink,” said the politician.

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Greece committed to repay its debts

07.59 Clock: Greece has committed itself to repay its debts. Although put the country five years after the implementation of the first bailout of its donors further into the crisis and the animosity between the Europeans was more pronounced than ever, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis wrote in a commentary in the “Handelsblatt”.

From this “ Black toxic blame game” benefited but only in Europe enemies. “It has to stop.” Only then can the country – with the support of its European partners who shared an interest in its economic recovery – focus on the implementation of effective reforms and growth-enhancing policies. “This is essential to enable Greece finally in a position to repay its debt and to meet its obligations to its citizens,” Varoufakis wrote.

Varoufakis calls for more civility

06.15 Clock: Athens Finance Yanis Varoufakis has called on German and Greek politicians to no longer mutually insulting. One has arrived now at “open hostility” Varoufakis criticized in a commentary for the “Handelsblatt”. “Only benefit from this toxic black blame game Europe enemies,” he wrote. “It has to stop.”

Varoufakis defended to have advocates for early 2010 to write off Greek sovereign debt and to adopt any new loans from the European partners. “The fact is that Greece had no right to be, to borrow money from the German or other European taxpayers at a time when his government debt were no longer cope.”

In his view, was already been anticipated that the planned rescue policy, the income of the people would be so much break in, that the operation of the new loans would be impossible. “Five years after the implementation of the first bailout puts Greece on in the crisis,” said the 54-year-old

Video:. Stinkefinger debate rather than reform list

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