Sunday, March 29, 2015

Countries employees get more money: teachers’ union GEW … – RP ONLINE

Potsdam. Comparing the financial statements for the countries workers with other sectors, the agreement may well be proud. But were disappointed once again hired teachers. Now it might come back to teacher strikes.

The approximately 800,000 employees of the country get in this year and next, significantly more money, but must pay for their occupational pension pay more. The salaries are increased retroactively on March 1, 2015 by 2.1 percent. This income is already raised then to March 1, 2016 again by 2.3 percent, but at least draufgeschlagen 75 euros. This is what the collective community (TdL) and the unions agreed late Saturday night in Potsdam.

In sum corresponds to the collective bargaining agreement in the public sector in the country in 2015 and 2016, an increase of an average of 4.61 percent, calculated on the current content. Given a historically low inflation rate is likely a good proportion of the premium actually arrive in the pockets of workers.

TdL negotiators Jens Buller Jahn (SPD) was basically satisfied. The confronted with the debt brake countries costs of completion this year manageable 650 million euros and 1.5 billion euros in the coming year. Hesse does not belong to the TdL.

The services union Verdi and the Civil Service Association dbb demanded that the result will now be transferred quickly to around 1.2 million provincial officials. However, this would then charge the countries coffers much more. Nevertheless, Bavaria, Hamburg and Rheinland-Pfalz announced already, to take over the completion of their officials. Baden-Württemberg wants to take obvious, but only delayed in time. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is considering a takeover. In Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg and Saxony, a decision is open. Lower Saxony state parliament had already decided on June 1, 2015, increased salaries by 2.5 percent.

Teachers disappointed

The Education Union (GEW ) could appear in this round of collective bargaining not enforce their demand that the approximately 200,000 salaried teachers achieve the same income as their tenured colleagues. She threatened with another teacher strikes.

PRO-negotiator Andreas Gehrke criticized: “With 30 euros a month allowance for individual groups of teachers they wanted to buy the right to strike.” This is refused.

In the pension unions managed to repel interference with the performance. However, employees must continue to pay additional contributions. In the West, 0.2 percent are due to the gross wage in the next two years of 0.3 and 0.4 percent this year, such as Verdi said. In the East there are 0.75 percentage points – but the Christmas bonus is increased

The countries occupational pensions too expensive because life expectancy is increasing and interest rates are low.. Therefore, they demanded cuts. The agreement in this area require the employees from much Buller Jahn admitted, the Minister of Finance is in Saxony-Anhalt. But just so you have to make retirement in the face of increasing life expectancy, future-proof. The federal government is currently planning to expand as additional pillar beside statutory and private occupational pension schemes.

Verdi boss Frank Bsirske stressed, particularly low-income benefited from the financial statements. For the lowest income groups, there is an increase of up to 6.87 percent. For the public sector include not only employees in government agencies and street wardens, firefighters and police officers, nurses, janitors and around 200,000 employed teachers.

Originally, the unions had demanded a wage increase of 5.5 percent this year alone. Compared with the recent completion in the rich chemistry of the compromise reached may well be proud. There, the union demanded 4.8 percent wage increase for 12 months and was 2.8 percent for 17 months

Source: AP

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