With strikes at schools, daycare centers, universities and government agencies, trade unions had been pressing.
The salaries of the 800,000 employees of the federal states rise in two steps by 4.61 percent. Retroactive to March 1, 2015 their salaries be increased by 2.1 percent. Next year, 2.3 percent come back to it, but at least 75 EUR. This is what employers and unions agreed on Saturday in Potsdam. The collective bargaining agreement expires 24 months. The negotiators of the Staff Federation dbb, Willi Russ, called, the result would be quickly transferred to the approximately 1.2 million provincial officials.
But for the staff costs of completion the states – except Hesse, which is not in the collective community (TdL) – This year, around 650 million euros. In the coming year a further 1.5 billion euros will be added.
Especially low earners benefit: For the lowest income groups, there is an increase of up to 6.87 percent. For the public sector include not only employees in government agencies and street wardens, firefighters and police officers, nurses, janitors and around 200,000 employed teachers. Originally, the unions had demanded a wage increase of 5.5 per cent for it.
A compromise agreed trade unions and collective community (TdL) in pension provision. There were no interventions in the power law, emphasized Verdi boss Frank Bsirske. However, employees must continue to pay additional contributions. In the West, 0.2 percent are due this year, in the next two years for each 0.1 percent. In the East there are 0.75 percentage – but bonuses are raised. Employers contribute to the same extent.
The countries occupational pensions too expensive because life expectancy is increasing and interest rates are low. Therefore, they
The tariff classification of some 200,000 salaried teachers however, there was no result. “Employers want to continue to dictate the payment,” criticized the negotiators of the teachers’ union GEW, Andreas Gehrke. “With 30 euros a month allowance for individual groups of teachers they wanted to also buy the right to strike.” This is refused.
Gehrke criticized the TdL have stuck to a coupling of the collective agreement at the 15 provincial officials laws. “This inequalities, inequities and inconsistencies are not eliminated, but also committed nor by collective agreement.”
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