Sunday, March 29, 2015

Collective agreement: Significantly more money for public employees – teachers … – T-Online

collective agreement for employees in the public sector: the 800,000 employees of the countries should get in this year and next noticeably more content. Then, the negotiating parties agreed on Saturday evening in the fourth round of negotiations in Potsdam. No agreement there was, however, about the payment of the nation’s 200,000 salaried teachers.

According to the head of the service union Verdi, Frank Bsirske, increase the charges in the next two years by an average of 4, 6 percent. Under the agreement, union wages are raised in two steps: retrospective effect from 1 March, they increased by 2.1 percent, 2.3 percent more Plus there is 1 March 2016, however, at least monthly 75 € more

<. h3> pension contributions are raised in East Germany

In addition to company pensions – as otherwise required by the employer, the Tarifgemeinschaft German (TdL) – do not sink. However, the contributions of the employee and employer are raised slightly to the west in three steps. In East Germany, the contributions will increase significantly more in also three steps by 0.75 percent, because there is a deficit of 2.5 billion euros is already running. To compensate, however, the annual bonus in the East is to be increased, according to Verdi.

The federal states were satisfied. The final invoice to the collective agreement mean for the country – without Hesse, which is not in the TdL – this year now costs 650 million euros. With such an order had been expecting. 2016 are 1.5 billion due, you still can now schedule in the households.

Bsirske said, as well as the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) of a “great success”, DBB Beamtenbund negotiators Willi Russ from a “hard-won compromise”. The unionists stressed now the result would be completely transferred to the 1.2 million civil servants in the country.

Teachers reject agreement from

Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said this for the Bavarian officials promptly. The cost of this had already been planned in the state budget, he said on Sunday in Munich. Ver.di and jointly negotiating trade unions of the DAR officials Confederation, however, had demanded a wage increase of 5.5 percent,

the equivalent of 175 euros per month.

Public service - changes in remuneration since 2006. (Source: Reuters) Civil service – changes in remuneration since 2006. (Source: AP)

Despite the wage increases salaried teachers rejected the agreement. They had demanded the same pay as the tenured colleagues. The teachers’ union GEW considers the offer of the employer for teachers-classification as simply “a joke that was in no way acceptable to us.” The PRO will now continue their fight for a tariff classification of teachers.

“At 30 euros a month allowance for individual groups of teachers they wanted to buy the right to strike,” criticized the negotiators of the PRO-union, Andreas Gehrke. More teacher strikes are likely.

criticism of PRO

The countries criticized the tough stance of the GEW. The negotiators TdL, Saxony-Anhalt’s Finance Minister Jens Buller Jahn (SPD), said he did not understand that the teachers’ union had dropped out of the proposed entry into the salary adjustment. The DGB again called it “irresponsible” that the employer is “more equitable classification of salaried teachers working refuse”.

In the past two months, the collective bargaining were accompanied by several nationwide strikes, where after the unions more than 100,000 employees in each country involved. The collective bargaining agreement does not apply to Hesse. The country does not belong to the TdL and is own wage settlements from.


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