Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Telecommunications: For Android phones: With WhatsApp you can now … – ABC Online

Tuesday , 31.03.2015, 12:15 pm
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With the popular messenger program WhatsApp can now also users in Germany . calls The Facebook daughter added on Monday night (March 30) in the
version for Android smartphones the menu point “calls” to. When WhatsApp activates the function switches on other smartphone platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone or Blackberry, the company said not to.

When telephoning via WhatsApp conversations over the Internet run on the servers of the Facebook group. So far WhatsApp users have been able to exchange audio messages in walkie-talkie style but not make calls live as competing services such as Skype (Microsoft) or FaceTime (Apple). WhatsApp had been released only a limited number of people for calling feature. These limitations appear to have been repealed in for the Android users in Germany.

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