Saturday, March 28, 2015

Troika does not expect 2015 with Greek primary surplus –

The troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund expects that Greece will earn this year against original planning no primary surplus in its budget. It was originally planned that the increase of current income over expenditure, apart from the interest payments should be three percent of gross domestic product, “of which is likely to remain nothing left,” citing “Der Spiegel” Troika circles.

The Reform stop in Greece since taking office of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras exacerbating the financial situation of the country. Experts were expecting an additional financing gap of ten to 20 billion

euros, reports “The Mirror”. This sum would have to be balanced in a third bailout. Whose volume could therefore increase to 30 billion euros or more.

The Greek government announced in Brussels that they soon may no longer meet their financial obligations if possible.


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