Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Labor market in Berlin: lowest unemployment rate in 23 years – tagesspiegel

10:33 clock Simon Frost

In March, 202,253 people were in Berlin unemployed – as few as at this time since 1992, no more. The unemployment rate fell to eleven percent – causes are the weather and the upswing. In league it looks similar.

It is an early spring at the Berlin labor market. Because of the mild winter, the spring upturn have already indicated in February, reports the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. In March, have continued this momentum “seamless”

In figures this means. In Berlin, a total of 202,253 persons were reported, 2,826 fewer than in February 2015 and 8115 less than in March 2014. The unemployment rate was eleven percent, 0.2 percentage points lower than in the February and 0.7 percentage points lower than in March 2014th

In order to seasonal effects were adjusted number of unemployed at 197,000. Those were 1,000 fewer than in February and 8000 less than a year ago.

Berlin with lowest unemployment rate since 1992

The number of unemployed youth fell on a year significantly compared with February were in the capital, but 172 people aged between 15 and 25 years without work. Compared to March 2014 were 2072 adolescents less – total 16,113. Berlin and Brandenburg have national comparison it very difficult to get young people into work and keep.

Despite this ongoing structural problem showed the head of the regional authority satisfied. “The continued economic

growth in the city leads to a further increase in social insurance contributions and thus also provides unemployed job good opportunities,” said Jutta Cordt. With the current decline in unemployment “we achieve the lowest unemployment rate and quote being in a March 1992″.

Nationwide steeper decline than experts expected

The national average was the number of unemployed in March for the first time since December last year under the brand before three million. The Federal Employment Agency (BA) registered 2,932,000 unemployed, the Authority announced in Nuremberg on Tuesday. These were 85,000 fewer than in February and 123,000 less than a year ago. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 percentage points to 6.8 percent.

This is the lowest unemployment rate in March for 24 years. “The favorable development in the labor market has been,” said BA chief Frank-Juergen Weise. He explained this with the “strong economy and the onset of spring revival”.

A decline in registered unemployment in March usual because usually the employment in outdoor occupations increases with the decline of winter weather like in construction. This year, the decrease was somewhat higher. By deducting the seasonal variation, the unemployment rate went according to BA back 15,000 compared to February. Experts had expected a decline of 12,000.


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