Date: 03/29/2015 07:32 clock
The approximately 800,000 employees of the countries get significantly more money in two steps. Employers and unions agreed to in the fourth round of negotiations. In the end, both sides were satisfied. Only the representatives of the 200,000 salaried teachers there were long faces.
In the case of collective bargaining for 800,000 employees of the countries unions and employers a breakthrough at the negotiating table in the fourth round. This was confirmed by DBB Beamtenbund negotiators Willi Russ and the Chairman of the services union Verdi, Frank Bsirske in Potsdam. Retroactive March 1, 2015, employees will receive 2.1 percent more in the coming year again 2.3 percent, but not less than 75 euros.
On average 4.83 percent Money
Bsirske called the result is not easy, but the bottom line is acceptable: “This will benefit the employees of the countries of significant real wage increases,” he said after the completion of twelve hours of negotiations. Originally Verdi had but 5.5 percent wage increase claimed at least 175 euros a month.
especially low-income earners are likely to be happy about the result. For the lowest income groups there by the agreed minimum increase of 75 euros, an increase of up to 6.87 percent. Average wage increase is 4.83 percent, according to Verdi
additional costs in the billions for the countries
The collective bargaining agreement mean for the country this year is expected additional cost of 650 million euros. 2016 should be even 1.5 billion – and a great deal more, if the result is transferred to the 1.2 million civil servants. The negotiators of the collective community of countries, Jens Buller Jahn (SPD) was satisfied. The Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt described the deal as “in the pop-sensible and responsible.”
compromise on pensions
was a compromise it at the pension, which had become too expensive countries because of rising life expectancy. Here, the employees must continue to pay
To the east, a parallel increase by 0.75 percent. Bsirske said, so will the need for action on the provision for old age to wear them without interfering with the performance or to leave the existing system.
No agreement for salaried teachers
For the public sector include not only employees in government agencies and road maintenance workers, firefighters and police officers, nurses, janitors and around 200,000 employed teachers.
Even if the agreement for teachers a pay rise means they rejected the result. Your negotiator Andreas Gehrke drew attention to the unmet demand, just to get as much money as tenured teachers. “Employers want to continue to dictate the payment of the nation’s 200,000 salaried teachers. At 30 euros allowance per month for individual groups of teachers they wanted to also buy the right to strike,” criticized Gehrke.
New Teachers -Streiks
In rejecting the result you require is not peace. Thus threaten new strike. In this case, however, the teachers could have a problem: Bsirske said the Education Union (GEW), although full solidarity, but they would have to strike alone. They rejected the compromise. So they have to face the consequences.
The teacher must now strike in each country to enforce their wage demands. Strike can be sustained but only where sufficient employed teachers could take to the streets. That’s just not possible in Saxony, Berlin, and to a lesser extent, in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to the unions. Comprehensive Teacher strikes are therefore not in sight.
The teachers’ union advises today about the consequences.

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