Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rating agency Standard and Poor’s lowers outlook for EU – SPIEGEL ONLINE

The credit rating remains unchanged for now at AA +. However, the rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s (S & P) lowered its outlook for the European Union to negative. This increases the risk for the EU of a downgrade within the next two years. So far, the outlook was stable. Overall, the risks to the EU financial have increased, a statement said

These included the currently discussed new aid to Greece, it was said in the announcement of S &. P. In addition, the UK, the second largest contributor, the withdrawal of top credit rating threatened. S & P lowered recently for the UK also the outlook to negative.

Another factor is reported to the multibillion dollar investment plan by President Jean-Claude Juncker. For a new European fund for strategic investments (EFSI) is to be placed, which is to mobilize a total of 315 billion euros over three years. S & P assumes that the EU could bear the first loss in connection with the financing



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