Achieving a balanced budget in Germany is due, according to experts primarily to interest savings due to the debt crisis. The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) estimated the savings for the State since 2010 to a total of around 100 billion euros, or more than three percent of gross domestic product (GDP). At least a portion of which let clearly traced back directly to the Greek crisis, have thus benefited financially from Germany.
advantages have Germany drawn inter alia from the fact that investors in the crisis tried to invest their money as safe as possible. Every time there was negative news regarding Greece during the European debt crisis, interest rates on German government bonds had fallen, explained the IWH. This was therefore also, as the Greek Government ansetzte her controversial referendum on the future austerity measures in June.
Other countries like the US, France or the Netherlands benefited the calculations According to IWH by this effect, although to a lesser extent than Germany. Thus surpass for the German state budget that already occurred even benefits the cost risk if Greece its debt should no longer repay. According to IWH It is also the planned third rescue package for Greece, is currently under negotiation, also taking into account.
Other economists referenced in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” also on positive interest effects of the debt crisis for the state budget. However, the advantage is not for Germany as a whole, but just for the state applies, the economy Lars highlighted field.
While the indebted public budgets would relieves , would depositors suffered losses due to the low interest rates – “You have to expect to,” said the field of “FAZ”. A “redistribution of the citizens to the state,” complained in the same sheet and the financial scientist Clemens Fuest.
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