Tuesday, March 31, 2015

General Strike: Argentina stands still – Reuters

general strike in Buenos Aires

Empty highway in Buenos Aires: A general strike put on Tuesday in Argentina not only train stations and airports lame

(Photo: Reuters).

Buenos Aires A general strike against the insidious progressive taxation has largely paralyzed on Tuesday Argentina. Buses and trains stood still, aircraft remained on the ground. The banks and many shops were closed.

Protesters also blocked main roads around the metropolis of Buenos Aires, told the state news channel TN. In the industry, it also came to lost because many employees stayed at home because of lack of transportation

Topic:. South America

Three in

opposition to the government standing trade unions had called for the 24-hour walkout. They wanted to push through an increase in the allowance for salaries, on which no income tax is payable.

Currently salaries in excess of 15,000 pesos per month (nearly 1,600 Euro) will be taxed. Since this limit for years despite annual inflation numbers from 20 to 30 percent is constant, more and more people would have to pay income tax, opponents argue.

Cabinet Chief Aníbal Fernández, however, said of the payroll taxes are only about ten percent of earners affected , The unions announced further action

Topic:. Top News Politics


On the death Klaus Tschiras: entrepreneurs, scientists, patron – n-tv.de NEWS


 Wednesday, April 01, 2015


 He was an entrepreneur legend and generous patron – SAP co-founder Klaus Tschiras death triggers dismay. Not only the University of Heidelberg loses a patron and friend.



companions describe him as down to earth, humorous science and enthusiastic people: Klaus Tschira was best known as co-founder of the software company SAP in Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg. The physicist, the company had created in 1972 together with Dietmar Hopp, Hasso Plattner and two other partners in life. At the same time Tschira was one of the best-known patrons of Germany. On Tuesday, he died unexpectedly at the age of 74 years.

“He was a personality here at the science location Heidelberg,” said the local Unirektor Bernhard Eitel the honorary senator and supporter of the institution. “He was there for the natural sciences. His special love was devoted to mathematics, computer science and physics.” Tschira had seen as mediators of science. He was a humorous, life facing man who had remained on the floor.

“The rogue has always flashed from his eyes.” In 1995, the patron in Heidelberg had the Klaus Tschira Foundation established in which he earned SAP shares with a value of then 14 billion dollars – and

thus a large part of his private assets. The foundation he established with the aim of science, computer science and mathematics to promote. In 1997, the native of Freiburg and the father of two children and the EML (European Media Laboratory), an institute for applied computer science

More about

In May 1998, – 57 years – is Tschira withdrew from operations for SAP and joined the Supervisory Board of the Group. “You have time to make room for younger people who take things then in their hands There are too many examples of people that stick too long on their chairs -. In business, and in politics than ever”, he explained at the time his step. In 2007, the enthusiastic amateur astronomer also withdrew from the Supervisory Board of the company.

  Source: n-tv.de


Ex-CEO Thomas Middelhoff Arcandor files for bankruptcy – THE WORLD

The former top manager Thomas Middelhoff is insolvent. At the Magistrate Court in Bielefeld former head of Bertelsmann and the Karstadt Arcandor mother had applied for insolvency proceedings on his own property. The court subsequently the Bielefeld lawyer Thorsten Fuest from the law firm Brinkmann & amp; Partners used as provisional liquidator.

The crash of the former “child prodigy of the German economy,” as Middelhoff was called in his best days as a manager, so that goes into an incredible panache on. Administrator Fuest will now get a full picture of how high are the claims against Middelhoff and how much wealth the 61-year-old is currently even still has. That will certainly “take a few weeks,” it said on the part of the court.

Especially Fuest already speaks of “complex financial circumstances”. Following is then judged whether after the preliminary insolvency and due process is initiated. During this time period Middelhoff, who sits currently following a conviction by the Regional Court of Essen in custody no longer be any remaining assets have.

liquidator must account transaction approve

“It may spend no more money. And everyone who owes him money must not pay him,” said a spokesman of the court. Each account transaction must be approved by the administrator -. A fact that an experienced decision-makers as Middelhoff has incredibly hurt, as experts suggest

Middelhoff’s lawyer Hartmut Fromm established the Revelation so that his client was not currently in a position to “fulfill a due income tax owed by the Treasury.” Although an action against that claim was pending, but was rejected a stay of execution

What’s more, the tax office Bielefeld outer city has not given the fulfilling demands apparently before Middelhoff even filed for bankruptcy. However, the Authority will not comment with regard to tax secrecy. The court wants to can not comment and only confirms their own application.

turning point in the life of “Big T”.

The comes as no surprise to experts. Because only rise to the possibility of the so-called residual debt for Middelhoff. It allows indebted people, after a good behavior period of six years to be completely debt free.

Middelhoff’s financial situation was in the last few months repeatedly subject to various legal proceedings, has run against the former top managers or Middelhoff even brought against banks and individuals. A consistent picture has it apparently never found.

Judge John Smith, in November 2014 the district court food for embezzlement in 27 cases and tax evasion in Middelhoff three cases had convicted, in any event, was surprised at his then two-hour verdict that even after several months of negotiations could not be completely resolved, how much wealth Middelhoff at all.

No later than this

method, against whose decision the Middelhoff lawyers have filed an appeal, marked a turning point in the life of” Big T. “as the manager Middelhoff was only too happy to call. Because since then no longer fighting the former multimillionaire for a new job, but his freedom.

dispute with Sal. Oppenheim

So far, however vain. With several habeas appointments could Middelhoff and his lawyers, the court failed to convince that in the 61-year-old who had always stated in his last public appearances as a principal residence St. Tropez, not a flight risk. Even as close friends and family members of Middelhoff offered a deposit of almost 900,000 euros, this could not sway the judges. Whether the bankruptcy petition because something changes, it will turn out in the coming weeks.

Dates in any case would Middelhoff, who claims to be as Bertelsmann manager the Internet to have brought to Germany, enough, namely the German courts. Part of the Ex-Karstadt CEO is sued for millions of dollars. And sometimes he accuses himself for the release of large amounts of money. In July last year, he underlined that it was not to be broke.

He alone had the problem that he is not receiving its liquidity by the Bank Sal. Oppenheim’ll blocked. “Since 2009, the Sal. Oppenheim blocked the deposit accounts of Thomas Middelhoff related to investments of spouses Middelhoff under which long-term total assets managed by Oppenheim-Esch,” says lawyer Fromm. For this purpose, as well as the release of further deposits, a dispute might be brought before the District Court of Cologne. A final judgment is currently not foreseeable.

creditors welcome insolvency proceedings

Middelhoff’s claims in the various processes estimated with a three-digit million range. Conversely, he sees himself apparently walkouts in the amount of 90 million euros compared with, they say. Therefore the creditors welcome the bankruptcy petition and hope for long-awaited information on the financial conditions.

“We welcome the fact that there are creditors now in an orderly and asset situation of Mr Middelhoff will be fully investigated by the insolvency administrator, “said example Claus Thiery, the lawyer of management consultants Roland Berger, the” world. “

Berger, with which Middelhoff actually on the Thursday before the District Court of Bielefeld should argue, requires Middelhoff about 6.7 million euros. The trial date has picked up on Tuesday morning at the request of Middelhoff lawyers, the Regional Court of Bielefeld. The Berger side had no objection, it said in a statement the court. If and when a new date was scheduled, am not certain.


For insolvency – tax claim brings Middelhoff into trouble – Süddeutsche.de

  • On Tuesday noon Middelhoff put through its lawyers, the District Court of Bielefeld a request to open insolvency proceedings over his private assets.
  • Until his arrest in November denied Middelhoff energetic, to be broke.
  • The request from Middelhoff came to the tax office Bielefeld foreign city before. It had also filed for bankruptcy against Middelhoff, the court had not yet decided about that.

By Uwe Ritzer

It would have been a spectacular showdown, on Holy Thursday at 11.30 clock in the hall 18 of the District Court Bielefeld. Thomas Middelhoff eye to eye with Roland Berger. The former top manager, who is in prison for four and a half months, and his creditors Berger, the doyen of business consultants in this country. Middelhoff called Berger once called his “father’s former friend”. Meanwhile, there’s nothing left of sympathy. Berger and he quarrel bitterly over millions of euros they charge each other mutually. Whether it will ever come to this process, however, has become questionable.

The process with the reference number 1 O 210/14 is indefinitely on hold, because things have changed. On Tuesday afternoon Middelhoff put through its lawyers, the District Court of Bielefeld a request to open insolvency proceedings over his private assets. As a provisional liquidator, the Court of a lawyer Thorsten Fuest. He wants to be first of all make “a picture of the complex financial circumstances” Middelhoff and then clarify “in dialogue with him and his creditors” of the procedure.

With his application Middelhoff came to the tax office Bielefeld foreign city before. It had also filed for bankruptcy against Middelhoff over which the court had not yet decided. Reason, significant tax liabilities of the 61-year-old who once called CEO of media giant Bertelsmann and the retail group Karstadt-Quelle (later Arcandor) was one of the most powerful and best paid managers in Germany. How much of the exchequer required of him, tax authorities and judicial say not -. Tax secrecy

Just hours later, he was arrested Thomas Middelhoff on November 14, 2014 District Court of Essen.

(Photo: Frank Augstein / AP )

creditors want 90 million euro

His client was “currently not in a position to meet a due income tax owed by the Treasury,” said Middelhoff’s lawyer Hartmut Fromm. About a lawsuit against this demand the competent tax court has not yet decided. Well but it rejected a request Middelhoff to stay the driving of the tax liability. To ensure that the state belongs to Middelhoff’s creditors. The other creditors, as his former asset manager Josef Esch, Roland Berger, Bank Sal. Oppenheim, the Berlin housing association Gewobag or the Arcandor insolvency, require about 90 million euros.

When applying for a Privatinsolvenz- process recovers the crash of Middelhoff again to ride. No German top managers have experienced similar. In July his creditors Berger forced him to submit a sworn information assets, commonly known as: bankruptcy. Then Middelhoff fled through a spectacular jump out of the window on the first floor in front of the photographers that lurked at the court entrance. A few weeks later distrained in Essen court bailiff its an expensive wristwatch, which was subsequently foreclosed. Since November 14, 2014 Middelhoff is imprisoned for a flight risk in custody in the prison food after him, the district court had sentenced to three years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion. It was about flights in private jets and other issues that are deemed the court to be private, but Middelhoff

Arcandor had them pay

The decision is not yet final. Middelhoff’s lawyers have filed an appeal to the Federal Court. Their attempts to get Middelhoff free, all of them have failed so far. A few days ago, the Oberlandesgericht Hamm refused a request for a flight risk, although family and friends EUR 900 000 deposit offered.

Unclear financial situation

But have as much money Thomas Middelhoff and his family at all? How much you ever heard of the swanky villa high above Saint-Tropez and the equally spacious property with riding and tennis courts in Bielefeld? From the luxury cars and other status symbols?

News Encyclopedia “personal bankruptcy”

Thomas Middelhoff, the former head of the department store company Arcandor has with the district court Bielefeld an application for personal bankruptcy provided. This option is available for private individuals since 1999. The goal of the Act to to enable debtors a line under their past – after six years they can be freed from their debts, even if they have not fully repaid. But they have to overcome hurdles: First, an attempt is made to obtain an out of court settlement with the creditors with the help of a lawyer or a counseling center. It is used a trustee, who tried to exploit the property of the debtor, such as a car. Eventual content is seized up on the breadline. The failure to settle out of court, the bankruptcy application may be made. The court then tried to implement a plan to reduce debt with creditors. Votes more than half of the plan into effect. The debtor is protected during the process before execution by creditors. If he behaves well for six years, the remaining debt to him is adopted. Since July 2014, this means that after five years if the debtor bears the costs – and even after three years if he pays 35 percent of its debt. Each year around 100 000 German citizens to apply for personal bankruptcy. Harald Freiberger

Until his arrest in November Middelhoff strenuously denied being broke. He had enough money, but is just not liquid. Blame, it said on Tuesday his lawyer Fromm, was Sal. Oppenheim, which had been frozen in 2009 a total of almost 30 million euros mainly on fixed deposits of Thomas Middelhoff and his wife Cornelia. The money home and the couple took part in the so-called Oppenheim-Esch Fund. The Middelhoff feel pulled over the table and demand the rescission. The bank refuses and demands that the Middelhoff’s loans continued use, they have added to their fund holdings. The dispute is before the Landgericht Köln pending, where the presiding judge Middelhoff’s action but “quite unfavorable prospects things stand now,” admitted.

The villa high above Saint-Tropez, main official residence of Middelburg Hoffs, is now for sale. Your price will be between 30 and 35 million euros, which is unclear if and how much Middelhoff would collect the event of any sale. Long have here creditors proverbial hand on it.

After SZ-information and the Bielefeld home seems to be not secured. Apparently it is owned by a company with family members. Creditors can just check the ownership and are determined to realize their claims there. Roland Berger also do not want to let loose. His lawyer Claus Thiery said they welcome the fact that “the financial situation of Mr Middelhoff will be fully investigated by the insolvency administrator”.


Ex-top managers Middelhoff is broke – Badische Zeitung

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01. April 2015

personal bankruptcy requested.

BIELEFELD (dpa). The former top executive Thomas Middelhoff has applied for personal bankruptcy at the district court of Bielefeld. The temporary insolvency lawyer Thorsten Fuest had been ordered from Bielefeld, told a court spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Middelhoff’s lawyer Hartmut Fromm justified the move so that his client was not currently in a position “to meet a due income tax owed by the Treasury “. An appeal against this claim was pending, but was rejected a stay of execution. In addition, a large portion of the assets of the manager of his former bank will blocked. Background are controversial counter-claims of the bank.

The former head of the now bankrupt previous Karstadt parent

company Arcandor was sentenced on November 14 from Essen district court for embezzlement and tax evasion to three years in prison. The Federal Court will decide in a few months about his revision. Attempts by Middelhoff’s lawyers to get the 61-year-old free again failed. The reason: The judges recognized a flight risk. The difficult financial situation of the manager had already overshadowed the trial of Middelhoff. Middelhoff himself had conceded in the summer receivables of 83.4 million euros, but spoken by 200 million euros counterclaims.

Author: AP

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Middelhoff files for bankruptcy – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung




Thomas Middelhoff has admitted that he is broke: The former CEO of Bertelsmann and Arcandor filed on Tuesday at the Bielefeld district court to file for bankruptcy. This was confirmed by a court spokesman on request. As a provisional liquidator of the Bielefeld lawyer Thorsten Fuest was used.


Joachim Jahn Joachim Jahn, born in 1959, business correspondent in Berlin, in charge of “Law and Taxes”

The day before had his signature concerned in the penitentiary for information this newspaper Middelhoff’s lawyer Hartmut Fromm. The 61-year-old former top managers sitting for four months because of risk of flight in custody; the district court food had sentenced him to imprisonment for a term of three years. Middelhoff should have made many private flights at company expense. Also, the tax office Bielefeld outer city has filed for insolvency proceedings against him.


Middelhoff therefore can also cancel a trial, to be held this Thursday at the District Court of Bielefeld. He complains there against the corporate consultants Roland Berger. This has obtained a writ of execution because he had Middelhoff once borrowed some 7 million euros for a joint company. A court spokesman said that Middelhoff’s lawyers had based its request on “Appointment lifting” with the insolvency proceedings.



Several creditors collect millions of claims against the former

manager, including the insolvency of department store chain Karstadt-Quelle. During his criminal trial even his watch was attached. Compared with a bailiff he had to pass an “affidavit”. Middelhoff countered with claims against the private bank Sal. Oppenheim.


The Cologne Regional Court has, however, made it clear last November that it will reject his claims probably. In addition, prosecutors determined in Bochum, Essen and Munich against him.


To sign the Munich prosecutors in the case against the Co-Chairman of Deutsche Bank, Jürgen Fitschen, and several former directors of the bank, Middelhoff have billions process of media entrepreneur Leo Kirch against the bank before the Munich Higher Regional Court wrong about a conversation testified to the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. It was only the prosecutor he later solved, “what was actually agreed with the Registrar week of 27 January 2002″.


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Ex-Arcandor CEO

Middelhoff for insolvency

From Joachim Jahn

Since November, the former top manager Thomas Middelhoff is in prison. Now he has filed for insolvency in itself.

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Ex-Arcandor Manager: Thomas Middelhoff declares bankruptcy – STAR

D he former top manager Thomas Middelhoff has filed for insolvency proceedings against its assets under pressure from his creditors. This was confirmed on Tuesday the district court Bielefeld Bielefeld and continued the lawyer Thorsten Fuest as a provisional liquidator. From this was initially received no comments. Middelhoff attorney Winfried Holter Müller did not respond. The former head of the former Karstadt Arcandor mother and the media giant Bertelsmann had been sentenced for embezzlement and tax evasion in mid-November by the Landgericht food to three years in prison. He sits in custody ever since.

Middelhoff currently fighting on several fronts. Two weeks ago he had failed in an attempt to come to the payment of a deposit of around 900,000 Euros released. Against Infidelity judgment of the District Court eating along with the sentence, his lawyers have appealed to the Bundesgerichtshof. The district court food looked it proven that Middelhoff settled accounts among other private flights with charter jets and helicopters from Arcandor and so

a total of inflicting damage of about half a million euros his former employer. The management consultant Roland Berger asks Middelhoff loud Bielefeld District Court nearly seven million euros.

The Bochum prosecutors had indicted again Middelhoff in January. In this case, it is, according to a spokesman for the payment of the Arcandor Group in the amount of 800,000 euros from the year 2009 to the University of Oxford. It is suspected that there had been no consideration for it. The court must decide whether it will accept the charge. Middelhoff calls itself again from Sal. Oppenheim in a civil action, the payment of fixed deposits and repayment of interest and principal payments on loans totaling around 100 million euros. The bank had responded with a countersuit.


Telecommunications: For Android phones: With WhatsApp you can now … – ABC Online

Tuesday , 31.03.2015, 12:15 pm
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With the popular messenger program WhatsApp can now also users in Germany . calls The Facebook daughter added on Monday night (March 30) in the
version for Android smartphones the menu point “calls” to. When WhatsApp activates the function switches on other smartphone platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone or Blackberry, the company said not to.

When telephoning via WhatsApp conversations over the Internet run on the servers of the Facebook group. So far WhatsApp users have been able to exchange audio messages in walkie-talkie style but not make calls live as competing services such as Skype (Microsoft) or FaceTime (Apple). WhatsApp had been released only a limited number of people for calling feature. These limitations appear to have been repealed in for the Android users in Germany.

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Bertelsmann plans this year, more sales and profits – THE WORLD

Recommend this article by e-mail Bertelsmann plans this year, more sales and profits

The Bertelsmann SE wants to increase its profits this year. Acquisitions and higher sales of digital products bring Europe’s largest media group’s medium-term sales target of 20 billion ….

 The Bertelsmann SE wants to increase its profits this year. Acquisitions and higher sales of digital products bring Europe’s largest media group’s medium-term sales target of 20 billion ….


End of the milk quota: Become milk and yogurt now even cheaper? – ABC Online

Tuesday, 03.31.2015, 07:58
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On the EU dairy market a new era begins: The odds that should control the three decades of production, are eliminated. The farmers get the more entrepreneurial freedom – but also new risks.

When customers in the supermarket to buy a liter of fresh milk are the complex rules of European agricultural market quite far away. For dairy farmers, the requirements from Brussels but are an important foundation of their daily business.

And there after 31 years is now a real turning point: For the month changes the milk quota falls away as a protective mechanism. You should establish with the help of limits to production a balance between supply and demand.

That after the end Odds again arise butter mountains and milk lakes in Europe, the industry does not feared. As well as the prices in the supermarket – for dairy producers a new freedom, which also brings uncertainty with it begins.

What has brought the milk quota?

Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) do not mourn the quota for: “State intervention in the market is not a viable solution and in view of the global market no longer realistic.” The official government balance for milk quota falls because even rather disappointing.

Instead reliably stabilize the income of dairy farmers, the prices of raw milk in the past 30 years have fluctuated despite the rate by up to 20 cents per kilo. Many farms disappeared. The number of milk producers in Germany declined since 1984 from 369 000 to 77 000

Video:. No desire for expensive sandwich spread? Easy to make Nutella

Why should cease the rate now?

When the milk quota was introduced in 1984, there was too much milk in the European market. And therefore the income of farmers – – Due to the limitation of the bid prices should be backed up. Who exceeded the allowed quota had to pay a tax. But now expect politicians and experts with an increasing demand for dairy products in the world – especially in countries

catch up economically. Of these export opportunities to benefit European farmers.

What does that mean Odds from consumers?

“Last twitches” of the quota were felt in the past few days yet, as the Information and Research Centre of the food industry observed. In order not to risk more penalties, some farmers have cut back production by slaughtering Cows or reduced amounts of food. Internationally decreased deliveries so that the last relatively low prices rise again, as the Dairy Industry Association analyzed.

Also, consumers would therefore expect in the coming months with higher prices . Beyond the exports might focus more on smaller farms own markets, for example, with regional organic milk.

What do the dairy farmers?

“The quota is a relic of an agricultural policies of the past,” says the vice president of the Farmers’ Union, Udo Folgart. Now, the companies would get more freedom of choice, barns and milking could better utilize and reduce their fixed costs. The Small Farmers’ Association but also looks problematic effects when the ratio eliminates the penalties for exceeding the limit. This makes it verbillige when businesses even more expansion set and buy more milk cows. This is likely to happen but especially in areas with favorable pasture conditions. On the other hand could, for example in the low mountain ranges many dairy farmers give up .

What is next?

There are hardly any growth potential in Germany, the hopes of the Export set. The global demand for milk and cheese is forecast to rise steadily. But for years the rate of Europe have committed, while the USA, New Zealand and Australia widened the production, explains the Farmers’ Association. “If the EU does not play here, it will be displaced at the end of the global markets.”

The Federal Association of German dairy farmers, however, warns against a higher dependence on the world market. Since only relatively small quantities are traded globally, the price fluctuations are likely to be violent in the future – “with long valleys and short spikes”.

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Labor market in Berlin: lowest unemployment rate in 23 years – tagesspiegel

10:33 clock Simon Frost

In March, 202,253 people were in Berlin unemployed – as few as at this time since 1992, no more. The unemployment rate fell to eleven percent – causes are the weather and the upswing. In league it looks similar.

It is an early spring at the Berlin labor market. Because of the mild winter, the spring upturn have already indicated in February, reports the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. In March, have continued this momentum “seamless”

In figures this means. In Berlin, a total of 202,253 persons were reported, 2,826 fewer than in February 2015 and 8115 less than in March 2014. The unemployment rate was eleven percent, 0.2 percentage points lower than in the February and 0.7 percentage points lower than in March 2014th

In order to seasonal effects were adjusted number of unemployed at 197,000. Those were 1,000 fewer than in February and 8000 less than a year ago.

Berlin with lowest unemployment rate since 1992

The number of unemployed youth fell on a year significantly compared with February were in the capital, but 172 people aged between 15 and 25 years without work. Compared to March 2014 were 2072 adolescents less – total 16,113. Berlin and Brandenburg have national comparison it very difficult to get young people into work and keep.

Despite this ongoing structural problem showed the head of the regional authority satisfied. “The continued economic

growth in the city leads to a further increase in social insurance contributions and thus also provides unemployed job good opportunities,” said Jutta Cordt. With the current decline in unemployment “we achieve the lowest unemployment rate and quote being in a March 1992″.

Nationwide steeper decline than experts expected

The national average was the number of unemployed in March for the first time since December last year under the brand before three million. The Federal Employment Agency (BA) registered 2,932,000 unemployed, the Authority announced in Nuremberg on Tuesday. These were 85,000 fewer than in February and 123,000 less than a year ago. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 percentage points to 6.8 percent.

This is the lowest unemployment rate in March for 24 years. “The favorable development in the labor market has been,” said BA chief Frank-Juergen Weise. He explained this with the “strong economy and the onset of spring revival”.

A decline in registered unemployment in March usual because usually the employment in outdoor occupations increases with the decline of winter weather like in construction. This year, the decrease was somewhat higher. By deducting the seasonal variation, the unemployment rate went according to BA back 15,000 compared to February. Experts had expected a decline of 12,000.


Monday, March 30, 2015

The mailing threaten strikes before Easter – Südwestpresse

The labor dispute between German Post and Verdi is getting worse. Numerous letters and parcels could stay at Easter on the line.

Because of the collective dispute Deutsche Post with the Verdi union could wait many customers at Easter in vain for their packages. Verdi will call its members from 1 April to nationwide strikes in the logistics group, said the union. You mean to their demand for reduction in working hours without loss of pay vigor. “More smoke grenades at the negotiating table, we do not need,” said Verdi negotiator Andrea Kocsis.

Management of Deutsche Post has, however, there had already been submitted to a broader concept of the working week. “There is therefore out of the negotiations is absolutely no reason for strikes,” said Post-Human Resources Manager Melanie circle. The next trial date had been scheduled for April 14 in Berlin, the social partners. The post assumes that there will be announced by the strikes “to delay individual shipments.” “You can never completely prevent the impact,” said spokesman Dirk

Klasen post. When and where strikes are to take place, Verdi will announce at the last minute

Verdi asks for information on their 140,000-rate employees of Deutsche Post a shortening of the working week of 38.5 hours to 36 hours -. At without loss of pay. This looks like the post as “sticking point” on. “We can not accept that,” said Klasen. Especially since you do not know what would demand Verdi from starting off in the latest two months wage bargaining. The wage agreement of the tariff-workers expires at the end of May.

background of the conflict is that the company is planning to outsource the parcel delivery in 49 regional companies and pay them worse than before. The union announced an action before the Labour Court Bonn. By transferring a permanent job is, according to the Post, especially employees who have been temporary contracts at the parent company, are also provided.


Located in the Easter business: warning at Post and strikes at Amazon – ABC Online

Monday, 30.03.2015, 19:14
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If you still want to order Easter gifts or decoration that could get into trouble: At several sites online mail order company Amazon employees stopped work – and from April 1, also employees of Deutsche Post could strike

The union Verdi increases in the Easter season the pressure on. the German post office and the online retailer Amazon. Verdi wants to call their members from 1 April to nationwide strikes at Deutsche Post. Numerous customers of the Group could therefore wait at Easter in vain for their packages. Since Monday, employees also are at five locations in the Amazon walkout. The strike will last until Tuesday there still loud Verdi. All about the strikes and Easter in the news ticker of FOCUS Online

The post assumes that there will be announced by the strikes “to delay individual shipments.” “You can never completely prevent the impact,” said spokesman Dirk Klasen post. When and where strikes are to take place, Verdi will announce at the last minute.

With the warning strike, the union’s call for reduction in working hours without loss of pay will lend weight. “More smoke grenades at the negotiating table, we do not need,” said Verdi negotiator Andrea Kocsis

Post. “None whatsoever reason” for strikes

Management of Deutsche Post has, however, there was already presented a wide-ranging approach to the working week. “There is therefore out of the negotiations is absolutely no reason for strikes,” said Post-Human Resources Manager Melanie circle. The next trial date had been scheduled for April 14 in Berlin, the social partners.

Verdi asks for information on their 140,000-rate employees of Deutsche Post a shortening of the working week of 38.5 hours to 36 hours – without loss of pay.

This looks like the post as “sticking point” on. “That would mean that workers would work 2.5 hours less, but still earn the same salary. We can do so simply do not accept that, “Klasen said.

Amazon strikes at five sites

The union also announced an action before the Labour Court Bonn against the planned spin-off of parcel delivery in 49 regional companies with lower tariff conditions. By transferring a permanent job is, according to the Post, especially employees who have been temporary contracts at the parent company, are also provided. However, they should be paid according to the rate of freight forwarding and logistics industry. So then they earn less than the parent company.

Affected by work stoppages in Amazon were on Monday the locations Bad Hersfeld (Hesse), Leipzig (Saxony), Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate), Werne and Rheinberg – (both North Rhine-Westphalia)

Tip: Order Until Tuesday night

“Who ordered with standard shipping until Tuesday evening, you can be sure that the goods are still on Saturday arrives”.! promised Amazon spokeswoman Anette neighbor. The company is working with various partners, including with Deutsche Post DHL.

According Amazon in Munich in total less than 830 employees accepted the early shift the strike call. According to Verdi in the morning about 400 workers involved solely in Bad Hersfeld in the walkout

union. Will not the customer liable

Verdi is certain that there will be a delay. “We do not want the customer liable, only Amazon bring to abandon the blockade,” said Verdi spokeswoman Eva Völpel in Berlin

Verdi wants Amazon to move to engage in collective bargaining -. Of the good conditions of the individual and selling. The company refuses, and points out that the payment of employee orientation at the upper part of the logistics industry.

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Greece: Tsipras government reform shows list – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Little time? At the end of the text’s a summary.

In the Finance Ministries of the euro States outweighs the frustration on Monday. “Again, there were few concrete,” says a representative of a Member State to reform the list that Greek officials over the weekend spent hours negotiating with colleagues from the ministries of finance other euro countries. “The progress is incredibly slow.” Now the Greek Ministry of Finance has a part of the list made public, it negotiated in Brussels. It is obviously an attempt to counter the accusation, you hardly make concrete offers. Nearly 4.8 billion euros hopes the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras from the privatization proceeds as indicated, and new taxes.

This is not according to insiders from the environment of the Greek government, however, to the full list. The property tax approximately by which the Greek government occupies a comparatively large amount of money, is not mentioned.

The currently known suggestions of the Greek Government as follows:

  • 1.5 billion euros wants Greece by privatization are taking 700 million less than originally planned. Moves Athens at the port of Piraeus. This will now be sold mostly to Chinese investors. The Frankfurt airport operator Fraport will take over 14 regional airports. The government also plans to sell a government-race betting company.
  • Nearly two billion euros is Athens looks to the fight against tax fraud and the driving in unpaid taxes . EUR 725 million the state wants to take over the tax amnesty for hidden assets abroad, 600 million euros to bring the already valid law allowing installment payments of tax due. 350 million to bring the fight against VAT fraud, EUR 250 million is expected from the curb rampant gasoline and cigarette smuggling.
  • The future tax revenues intended to nearly 800 million euros increased by the tax collector to be better equipped. This should bring 225 million euros. 270 million euros is hoped that as a result of a receipt lottery: You should bring Greeks to reclaim VAT receipts from dealers. Other, not further described tax law changes should bring 300 million euros.
  • For licenses for online bookmakers of the Greek government wants 200 million euros additionally taking. Additional licenses for private TV stations to flush even 350 million euros in the state treasury.

These proposals are not executed. This also lack details about the assumptions on which they are based. After all indicates the Athenian Treasury that it expects only 1.4 percent growth this year. Previous calculations were still pending from the double value.

In addition to the revenue the government wants Tsipras but also increase spending – and adopt social programs, the abolition of the donors had already agreed with the previous Conservative government. The reintroduction of the 13th month pension for ex-officials below the poverty line, they estimated at 600 million euros . A more social power for poor households would more 82 million euros cost.

“The overall framework must be right,” said Merkel

In principle, they do it: At the EU summit just over a week ago had a round to German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) Tsipras conceded to replace action from the old aid package and additional money, such as for social spending – as long as they would be sufficient to finance. Finally had to “the overall framework right,” Merkel reiterated on Monday.

In any case, the new proposals delay the possible release of further aid money, because the representatives of donors must reckon with entirely new. Whether the proposals but actually bring the estimated revenue, examine the officials in Brussels and Athens now in the next few days. That being said, some diplomats also disrupt the fact that the Greek government wants to tap into additional money above all sources but makes no proposals for deeper structural reforms.

The accusation not to take long-term measures, Greece tries to counter with some announcements. So promises the government to limit early retirement and to guarantee the independence of the statistical office. More comprehensive proposals to redevelop the rigid labor market or the heavy losses pension system, but missing.

Easy Money does not bring in the Greek banks bad loans can also outsource the proposal a “bad bank”. Thus, the government wants to appear to regain access to the 10.9 billion euro, which has its bank rescue fund HFSF referred back to the European rescue fund EFSF in February. For this purpose, including Germany, an Act of Parliament would be in several euro countries needed.

Given these hurdles working in Athens, according to “Iefimerida” already working on a Plan B: If the suggestions in Brussels continues to be well received, to write to the Treasury already on a second list

. In summary: The Athens government released the list of reform proposals, on which it is negotiating with donors. It contains in bullet point form, especially measures to adopt higher taxes. Structural reforms and spending cuts appear practically non-existent.


+++ +++ Easter 2015: On these highways threatens Jam at Easter – ABC Online

Monday, 30.03.2015, 19:32
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The Easter Festival 2015 is imminent. Everything about the weather at Easter, the travel and Easter traditions you already experienced in the Holy Week at FOCUS Online.

  • Verdi threatens strikes at the post office
  • strike at Amazon on Easter Monday
  • Easter travel wave puts traffic on German motorways

Live storage card for the Easter traffic

Amazon affirms: Deliver despite strikes on time

19:29 Clock: online retailer Amazon secure in spite of the for Easter Monday (March 30) and Tuesday announced strikes a on-time delivery for up to Easter. “Who ordered with standard shipping until Tuesday evening can be sure that the goods are still arriving on Saturday,” said Germany boss Ralf glue the “Bild” newspaper. This applies even if the union Verdi should expand the labor dispute to locations abroad. “28 distribution centers in Europe and a consistently low, partly dwindling participation in strikes in Germany make us certain that the customer will not feel anything,” said adhesive.

The union workers in Bad Hersfeld (Hesse), Leipzig (Saxony), Koblenz (Rheinland-Pfalz) and Rheinberg and Werne (both North Rhine-Westphalia) again called on Monday and Tuesday to strike. “The workers also prove the Easter business a long breath and demand their rights with vigor. They demand a living wage agreement, the reliable and good working conditions guaranteed to them, “said Stefanie Nutzenberger from Verdi’s National Executive Board.

The union wants to force Amazon to engage in collective bargaining, and this is one of the better conditions of retail and mail order trade. The company rejects this and points out that the payment of employee orientation at the upper part of the logistics industry. Because Amazon does not come around, it comes from the spring 2013 strikes again.

Video: Recipe for Easter – Easter menu aus Tirol – appetizer

This is at the Easter scene

18.32 Clock: Easter scene comes on Easter Monday: Wotan cloud Möhring calculated as the Commissioner Thorsten Falke in the field of refugee activists , which “Bad Easter Bunnies” and a fundraiser for Refugee Relief Mug – of course at Easter and also in easter bunny costume. Funny is this not be: It comes to a hostage situation, the tapering more and more – and Falke colleague Catherine Lorenz is among the hostages. Prospects for Easter scene has been around in the ARD

At Easter threatens congestion on German motorways

17.12 clock. If the eggs do not want to look under the car seat, the great highways should be avoided over the holidays. Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland and Thuringia begin the school holidays . Students in Bremen, Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate got already released in mid-week.

Therefore, subject to long travel times in the metropolitan areas of Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne, Stuttgart and Munich, and on the following routes. Most densely become the market after ADAC details of Monday afternoon on Thursday, on the morning of Good Friday and the return traffic on Easter Monday. A traffic jam chaos is not to be expected.

In the southwest of the Auto Club expected congestion on the Highway 8 between Karlsruhe and Stuttgart in A 81 between Stuttgart and Singen on the A 5 ​​at Karlsruhe and on the A6 between Mannheim and Heilbronn . The popular tourist destinations are in the south, but is also towards the North and Baltic Seas expected to travel.

A 1 Hamburg – Bremen – Dortmund – Cologne
A 2 Berlin – Hannover – Dortmund
A 3 Oberhausen – Frankfurt – Würzburg – Nuremberg – Passau
A 4 Kirchheimer triangle – Erfurt – Dresden
A 5 ​​ Kassel – Frankfurt – Karlsruhe – Basel
A 6 Kaiserslautern – Mannheim – Heilbronn – Nuremberg
A 7 Hanover – Würzburg – Ulm – Füssen / Reutte
A 8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Munich – Salzburg
A 9 Munich – Nuremberg – Berlin
A 10 Berliner Ring
A 61 Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – Ludwigshafen
A 81 Stuttgart – singing
A 93
Inntaldreieck – Kufstein A 95 / B 2 Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen A 99 Bypass Munich

strike on Easter weekend? Labor dispute at the post office comes to a head

14.18 Clock: Verdi raised in the dispute with Deutsche Post printing Verdi announced on Monday nationwide. ” strong> warning strike from April 1 and shared also with that we have submitted to the Labour Court injunction Bonn. “The employees expect the employer takes their interests seriously and negotiate constructively about our call for a reduction in working hours without loss of pay. More smoke grenades at the negotiating table, we do not need,” said Andrea Kocsis, Deputy Verdi’s chairman and chief negotiator.

Verdi calls for a reduction in the working week of 38.5 hours to 36 hours without loss of pay for the approximately 140,000 employees of the Group. The relevant collective agreements are terminated 31 March 2015.

A spokesman for the Postal expressed his lack of understanding about the strikes. “There is no reason to strike now.” The next trial date had already agreed on 14 April. In addition, the Post has issued a policy that provides a very extensive flexibility in working hours. The call for full pay, the Group could however not currently meet. This would amount to a pay increase of 6.9 percent the same. “But we do not yet know the receivables to the terminated end of May wage agreement,” the Post spokesman.

The union also runs in arms against the establishment of a comprehensive network for packet delivery in 49 newly established regional companies , The Group is contrary to the existing contract to protect against outsourcing. Post sees no violation. “We have not broken any contracts. Then we’ll see what the court says,” a Post spokesman commented.

Lower Saxony calls faster end of the mass killing of chicks

13.51 Clock: Lower Saxony Agriculture Minister Christian Meyer has asked to stop the killing of male chicks quickly. Although the research program on sex Heritage mood in the egg is a step in the right direction. “But with announcements and pure research contracts it is not done on this issue,” the Green Party said on Monday. The state government in Hanover demands nationwide laying on a date.

Lower Saxony wants to stop the killing of male chicks from laying hens within three to five years. “This reprehensible practice can not continue. Animals are not disposable commodity,” Meyer said. After the Federal will be decided on a specific prohibition of killing chicks until after the end of a two-year research project.

No Asparagus for Easter

Monday, March 30, 12.14 clock: Easter will probably still have to manage without domestic asparagus: Due to cold soils, the delicacy decorates. The Chamber of Agriculture expects only a week after the Easter holidays with larger harvests. On April 9, will be officially opened this year’s season. In the changing temperatures with cold nights it was unlikely that the season for the more than 400 asparagus plants begin as early as last year, said Ralf Great Thankfully, asparagus consultant at the Chamber of Agriculture.

At the time, the end of March been the cutting asparagus in North Rhine-Westphalia fields on the go. Who wants to bring this year early asparagus on the table, must rely on modern technology: Only the rare fields that are using waste heat, such as power plants, heated, asparagus already sprouting.

Video: Easter – last minute Easter

Agriculture Minister Schmidt wants chicks shredding up to 2017 end

Sunday, 30 March, 18.00 clock: Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) wants to end no later than two years in the mass killing of male chicks in Germany. “From the end of 2016, the first ‘killing-free’ hatching eggs coming onto the market. My goal is that the chick shredding 2017 stop but to the economy needs help,” Schmidt told the “Bild” newspaper (Monday Edition). The technical process was close to completion.

Schmidt announced in February, to provide a timetable for the end of the so-called Kükenschredderns to Easter. So far, male chicks are killed after hatching, since they are of no benefit economically. This affects about 40 million annually chicks. Animal rights activists have been protesting for a long time about it.

Schmidt said, should run all tests of the technical process positively, “must be as soon as possible purchased in the hatcheries the appropriate devices, so there will be no more shredding “. The new method is to make visible already at the egg, whether this will develop a male or female chicks. This is to prevent that male chicks hatch at all.

As Schmidt said he does not expect any significant price increases for consumers. “.. The method that we promote is the cheapest price for an egg will rise to a maximum of one to two cents”

Video: # Muslims4Lent: Muslims fast with Christians – This show young Muslims, what do you really think of Christianity

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German Post-emptive strike – Verdi threatens Post strike – Frankfurter Rundschau

March 30, 2015

An employee of post moves to Berlin from letters. Photo: AP

The labor dispute between German Post and Verdi is getting worse. Numerous letters and packages could fall by the wayside before Easter. In addition, the union handed a lawsuit against the Group A.

In the wage dispute with Deutsche Post, the union Verdi has threatened before Easter with strikes. You will be calling their members from 1 April to nationwide strikes in the logistics company, announced on Monday in Berlin with Verdi. “More smoke grenades at the negotiating table, we do not need,” said Andrea Kocsis negotiator. The union is demanding a reduction in the working week of 38.5 hours to 36 hours without loss of pay for the data according to their 140,000 employees of the tariff-mail. When and where strikes are to take place, Verdi will announce at the last minute.

In addition, the union complains claims to be in the labor court Bonn against the planned outsourcing of parcel delivery in 49 regional companies with lower tariff conditions. The Post wants to outsource many of delivery for less pay in small regional companies.

“We must adjust to the fact that there could be the first warning strike from April,” she had post-human resources manager Melanie Circle already the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Monday) said.

With the spin-off will post especially employees who have been temporary contracts at the parent company, offering a permanent job. However, they should be paid according to the rate of freight forwarding and logistics industry. So then they deserve worse than in the parent company. The bodies are circuit in the regional companies still “better dimensions than what competitors offer.” According to the Post more than 4,000 employees have signed new contracts.

The German Post has presented at the start of collective bargaining with Verdi on March 19, surprisingly, a concept to reduce working time. The Verdi’s call for full pay clutched the management of but. According reacted angrily the union. The next hearing date, the social partners had scheduled April 14 in Berlin. (AP)


Federal Statistical Office: Inflation Picking Up – tagesschau.de

Date: 03/30/2015 16:54 clock

In March, consumer prices rose again slightly. In particular, fueling and heating as well as rents have become more expensive. The Federal Statistical Office speaks of an inflation rate of 0.3 percent.

Consumer prices rose again in March. Goods and services cost an average of 0.3 percent more than a year earlier, the Federal Statistics Office reported. In January, the prices were first dropped 0.4 percent since 2009, before they dressed again in February to 0.1 percent. For the further rise now ensured more expensive rents and services, including heating and refueling were not quite as low as the last.

class="text-small"> Inflation is however more clearly below the target set by the European Central Bank. The ECB sees only at values ​​of just under two percent of stable prices

The rising inflation is the ECB’s located. <- - MediaCon!>: She has this month the purchase of government bonds started to approve with the flood of money the risk of deflation – to capture in the euro-zone

– a harmful for the economy decline in prices across the board.


+++ +++ Greece crisis: Federal Government is no reform list of Athens … – ABC Online

Updated on Monday, 30.03.2015, 14:05
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis ? Or is it already too late? The government of Athens has now presented a reform list. All information in the news ticker.

  • Athens submitted reform list.
  • Central bank: exit to Athens from the euro is not an option
  • ECB. Greek banks will no longer buy government bonds
  • . Rumors about resignation of Finance Varoufakis

Greek gambling company OPAP benefited from cost reductions

13.25 Clock: cost reductions have the Greek lottery and sports betting company OPAP after complete privatization brought a sharp rise in profits. The surplus rose last year by 41 percent to almost 200 million euros, as Europe’s number two announced by the UK market leader William Hill on Monday. In addition to new games, especially savings for the growth would have taken care of after the company suffered in previous years under the economic and debt crisis in Greece. Revenue increases by about 15 percent to 4.3 billion euros, costs fell by eleven percent. The dividend was increased by 80 percent to 45 cents per share

Federal Government is no reform list of Athens before

12.23 clock. The Federal Government is by its own account an announced by the Greek government comprehensive reform list not yet available. The spokesman for the Treasury, Martin Jäger, said on Monday in Berlin, so there is still no date for a meeting of the Euro Group, “This has to do with the fact that we have up to this point, no Greek proposals.” The euro zone finance ministers have currently no active role, because they were waiting on Greek proposals. “The ball is now in the Greek pitch,” said Hunter. He also stressed that before any payment of further aid a jointly agreed and Reform list should be adopted also by the Greek Parliament

Athens is planning new tax on fatty foods

12.05 clock. Can the specialty meat gyros contribute to the rescue of Greece? In the fight against the empty coffers of the State Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis reportedly planning a special tax on fatty foods – including for gyros. Foods high in salt or sugar content will also be subject to high taxes, as several Greek media reported over the weekend. The Finance Ministry has denied reports on Monday is not. Details such as the amount of tax was initially unclear

Athens wants to promote privatization – but intra-party dispute

11.27 clock. The Greek government wants government on the privatization allow companies do not sell. The state should retain at least a third of the shares of major companies, a senior government official said on Monday the German Press Agency. However, the management should take over the respective private investor, he added.

Within the Athenians left-right government, there is currently a dispute over privatization of the port of Piraeus. Deputy Prime Minister Giannis Dragasakis announced during a visit to China at the weekend, there will be a tender for the leasing of large parts of the Greek Mediterranean port soon. The Chinese shipping company COSCO had already expressed great interest in the acquisition. A little later rose Vice-Minister of Shipping Theodoros Dritsas caveat: It does not comply with the program of the ruling party SYRIZA to privatize strategic state-owned. It is expected that now Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras needs to resolve the intra-party dispute.

Greek debt dispute burdened markets

10.44 Clock: The threat of Greek default has depressed prices of government bonds of the country on Monday. In turn, yields rose. The return on ten-year bonds climbed slightly to 11.10 percent. Greece is currently trying feverishly avert national bankruptcy . However, as

presented by the government on Friday reform list is apparently still not the document on the wait donors. On investor sentiment also expressed that the rating agency Fitch downgraded the credit rating of the euro-state. The credit will be rated CCC, has so far weathered Greece at Fitch to B. “We are waiting further, but the clock is ticking louder still,” the analysts wrote Metzler Bank in a comment.

EU Parliament Vice Lambsdorff – emergency “Grexit” risk

09.15 Clock: The Vice-President of the European Parliament, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) has argued, if necessary, to accept a withdrawal of Greece from the euro. When the country was still unwilling to submit its partners on paper a list of credible and verifiable reforms, “you would have , where appropriate, a break, a Grexit risk ” Lambsdorff said on Monday in “Germany radio”. Then one must develop a plan on how to help the country after leaving the euro zone. “Greece is financially speaking almost on the brink,” said the politician.

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Greece committed to repay its debts

07.59 Clock: Greece has committed itself to repay its debts. Although put the country five years after the implementation of the first bailout of its donors further into the crisis and the animosity between the Europeans was more pronounced than ever, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis wrote in a commentary in the “Handelsblatt”.

From this “ Black toxic blame game” benefited but only in Europe enemies. “It has to stop.” Only then can the country – with the support of its European partners who shared an interest in its economic recovery – focus on the implementation of effective reforms and growth-enhancing policies. “This is essential to enable Greece finally in a position to repay its debt and to meet its obligations to its citizens,” Varoufakis wrote.

Varoufakis calls for more civility

06.15 Clock: Athens Finance Yanis Varoufakis has called on German and Greek politicians to no longer mutually insulting. One has arrived now at “open hostility” Varoufakis criticized in a commentary for the “Handelsblatt”. “Only benefit from this toxic black blame game Europe enemies,” he wrote. “It has to stop.”

Varoufakis defended to have advocates for early 2010 to write off Greek sovereign debt and to adopt any new loans from the European partners. “The fact is that Greece had no right to be, to borrow money from the German or other European taxpayers at a time when his government debt were no longer cope.”

In his view, was already been anticipated that the planned rescue policy, the income of the people would be so much break in, that the operation of the new loans would be impossible. “Five years after the implementation of the first bailout puts Greece on in the crisis,” said the 54-year-old

Video:. Stinkefinger debate rather than reform list

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