The Greek Government must take a hurdle on the way to a third aid package again. Time is short – on August 18, the Agreement shall be approved by the Parliament in Athens. And massive price falls on the stock market to make the situation any easier. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Greeks adopt austerity measures and reforms.
- Athens sought new assistance from the IMF.
- negotiations with the EU partners run in Athens.
- Greek stock market loses after the reopening of 23 percent
The facts:. After several delays negotiate Greece and its international creditors again over new grants. The Troika is unloved since June 2014 for the first time in Athens. By mid-August the final agreement on the reorganization of the Greek budget should be available. On August 20, Greece must transfer 3.4 billion euros at the ECB. Tsipras announced meanwhile to a debt relief in November. Meanwhile, European Commission President Juncker expects an agreement with Athens in the coming weeks. Suddenly speedy elections
against their president seem likely:. Submit want Syriza rebels own program
22.59 Clock: The breakaway Syriza MPs want to submit a counter-proposal to the program of their party leader and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. “The decision to accept the creditors’ program was imposed on the party by the leadership that has been decided in any democratic process”, the Syriza MPs Costas Lapavitsas told the newspaper “Tagesspiegel”. “We need an economic program that provides an alternative model for the bailout and hope to publish some documents soon,” the spokesman for the 32-breakaway Syriza MPs.
said the program will include the write-off of debts, the abolition of the austerity measures, the nationalization of the banks and stop the privatization. The program could however “not be implemented as long as Greece remains part of the monetary union,” Lapavitsas told the newspaper “Tagesspiegel”. The planned third aid program was “impossible to implement”. The No Group grow further. “I do not think the fight with the pure voting is over,” Lapavitsas said, referring to the parliamentary decision on the program
Official:. Fraud flourishes in Greece
21.48 Clock: In the euro-crisis state of Greece tax evasion is apparently still widespread. In 5264 inspections of companies and freelancers 1089 tax evaders were discovered within one week. This is clear from the report published on Friday by the Greek tax investigation. “Unfortunately, the tax continues to flourish,” said a senior official of the Ministry of Finance
a blatant case’ve recently been on the island of Rhodes. Inhabitants of the location Maritsa had three tax inspectors chased with threats, as these during a village celebration wanted to control multiple sellers. They were able to escape only with the help of the police, the official said.
Athens wants with proceeds from privatization investment fund
21.01 Clock: The Greek Government intends to use the proceeds from the privatization of state property for long term investment. The Finance Ministry in Athens said on Friday it had reached agreement with the international lenders on the structure of the new fund, which is to organize the privatization of state property.
The requested from the lenders funds to replace the funds Taiped, which was founded in July 2011. According to the Ministry of Finance is said to have a “completely different logic and function”.
There should be more of a “fund for public investment”, as there was about him in Norway or Australia, the ministry said. With a “horizon of 30 years” he should be also long-term. To not state-owned rushed to sell below value, the fund
will also have the option to delay privatization until the “economic circumstances are more favorable.” According to the Ministry of Finance, the funders agreed also to the goals scale down considerably in the privatization process. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects therefore to 2018 only a revenue of 1.5 billion euros and the European Commission proceeds of 2.5 billion euros
Frontex:. New refugee record in Greece in July
17.40 Clock: The number of arrivals in Greece refugees has reached a new record high in July. As the EU border protection agency Frontex announced in Warsaw on Friday, came at least 49,550 migrants in Greece. For so many people had come to Greece in the EU as in the entire last year, in a month, it said in a notice published in Warsaw. The Greek Coast Guard estimated the intercepted in the Aegean Sea in July refugees even at 54 899. The Aegean perform important smuggling routes to Europe.
The United Nations (UNHCR) refugee commissioner for Greece, Giorgos Tsarbopoulos, spoke of a dramatic situation. The authorities and the relief organizations were overwhelmed, he said at the radio. The registration of refugees is extremely difficult, given the high number of new arrivals and the sometimes chaotic conditions on the ground.
A total of almost 130,500 migrants were loud Frontex to late July discovered at the external borders of Greece – five times as many as in the same period last year.
negotiation progress until next week expected
15.30 Clock: In the negotiations on the third aid package for Greece stands at another direction decision. According to data from EU circles should it be known whether a timely agreement can be reached before 20 August until early next week. If not, the preparations would soon be driven for a further bridge financing, as pending for Athens on August 20, a repayment of 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB).
Experts from the 28 EU member states should be informed on Friday evening in a telephone conference on the state of negotiations, which are conducted by the European Commission and representatives of the ECB, the ESM and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) , “We do not expect any decisions,” said Commission spokeswoman Mina Andreeva. It is more an information and ideas
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Greece is still in a deflationary firmly
11.51 Clock: puts Greece because of its economic crisis firmly in deflation. In July, consumer prices fell compared to the same month last year by an average of 2.2 percent , as the statistics agency Elstat announced in Athens on Friday. It is already the 29th consecutive month of falling consumer prices. When deflation is a persistent downward spiral with falling prices. It is considered a danger to the economy because consumers and businesses to delay spending and investment in expectation of further falling prices.
Greece interest rates paid on time according to the IMF
10.39 Clock: Greece period prescribed interest to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) paid. It involved a total 186.3 million euros. This was reported by the Greek State Radio (ERT), citing a spokesman for the IMF in Washington on Friday morning. The next installment to be paid by Greece to the IMF is due on 4 September. Then it comes to good EUR 307 million.
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Time is short: Berlin warns sloppy makeshift solutions Athens
Friday, August 7, 7.43 Clock: The federal government warns not properly design the new rescue program for Greece for the current time pressure. Emergency should rather two or three weeks to negotiate longer to end up having to have a sensible program, cited the “Handelsblatt” on Friday a government representative. Instead, however, there is a tendency absolutely to close a quick agreement and exclude some particularly contentious issues in the negotiations .
The European Commission urging the rapid adoption, it was noisy the newspaper in negotiation circles. You argue with the risk of new elections in Greece . The European Central Bank (ECB) makes pressure because she was interested in a rapid recapitalization of Greek banks.
On August 20, Greece must transfer 3.4 billion euros at the ECB. Therefore, the aim is to go to pay the first tranche of aid. Whether this succeed, will emerge over the weekend, it said, according to “Handelsblatt” in the context of the creditors. Should the representatives of EU, ECB, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the euro bailout fund ESM with some of the government in Athens next week on an agreement, the euro zone finance ministers would advise probably on Friday on the outcome. For this is a conference under consideration, it said.
On the 17th or 18th August onwards, the Bundestag could vote in a special session on the result . On August 19, the euro zone finance ministers would release the disbursement of the first tranche of aid.
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