French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Berlin want to explain the Greek crisis finally a top priority.
In the again intensifying debate on the solution of the Greek debt crisis, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is on this Monday evening in Berlin with French President Francois Hollande and European Commission President Jean- Claude Juncker met. According to EU representatives also wanted Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), launched as a representative of the creditor institutions on the talks. Whether after the meeting a joint statement would be published, was still open.
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For months negotiating Athens exasperated with his creditors on the terms on which the threatened bankruptcy of state pending loans amounting to 7.2 billion euros to get paid. This Friday, in turn, is a repayment to the IMF amounting to more than EUR 300 million. According to a report of “World” Athens is but apparently his creditors: As previously reported the newspaper in its edition of Tuesday morning, citing the environment of participants in the negotiations, signaled Tsipras, also on pension cuts and want to talk a later retirement age. But a concrete proposal there were not. As it was said, the donors were working ahead of the meeting in Berlin on a compromise proposal.
Tsipras himself declared to the negotiations, that there was still no agreement so far, “is not due to the supposedly implacable, uncompromising and incomprehensible attitude of Greece”. It lay rather “at the insistence of some institutional actors on absurd proposals and a complete indifference to the recent democratic decision of the Greek people,” he wrote in a commentary for the French newspaper “Le Monde”. His Government had already made concessions to the creditors, said the leftist government. So a series of privatizations had been decided that his Syriza party had originally rejected.

ECB president Mario Draghi on his arrival in Berlin in the late evening.
ECB president Mario Draghi on his arrival in Berlin in the late evening.
Also, a reform of the tax and the pension system have agreed to Athens. But rather than reliance on austerity measures that the country had driven further into recession, his Government would also implement reforms to increase revenue, Tsipras wrote. These included a special tax for the super rich, the stronger fight against tax evasion and the sale of broadcasting licenses. Succeed no agreement, Greece threatens incalculable consequences up to the exit from the euro zone. Against this scenario, Juncker warned in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” on Monday: “This idea that we have fewer worries and constraints if Greece delivers the euro, I do not share.”
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