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Even with 63 years in retirement, and without discounts? Since 1 July last year, it is possible. Nearly 280 000 workers have since opted – and there are even more. With 560 000 applications, the institute expects Employment Research (IAB) by the end of 2018. This poses problems Many farms.
11.4 percent of companies have already cases where employees from the pension with 63 make use or want to use in the coming years. Especially great is the longing for an early change in retirement in the public sector. Almost every third authority is affected by the early retirement of employees, the labor market, researchers have found. Also among the workforces of water supply and waste disposal companies and in industry, the demand is high. A relatively minor role played by the pension with 63 against it in the restaurant business, in the media and in the arts and entertainment sector, reported the think tank of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg. These were “young industries” in which relatively little older are employed
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While most of the vacant posts, the companies want to return as soon as possible newly occupied, in about 30 percent of cases are the jobs but put to the test and may be mined. In less than a quarter of cases, the companies are trying to keep the employees in question with higher wages, bonuses or even promotions. The pension with 63 allowed longtime employees with 45 years of pension contribution, to go without pension reductions in pensions. This is important, but only for workers born between 1953 and 1963. In addition, the discount-free retirement per year gradually increased by two months. Employees of the vintage 1955 as receive the discount free pension until 63 years and four months. with dpa

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