Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Athens makes new reform proposals. They bring movement in the debt dispute. “I am convinced that we come to a final agreement later this week …,” said European Commission President Juncker confidently. Chancellor Merkel is reserved.
According to the new reform proposals of Greece hopes for an agreement on the Greek debt crisis is still growing this week. EU summit Chef Donald Tusk praised the Euro-special summit in Brussels, the most recent austerity and reform offers Greece as the “first real proposals in many weeks.” This would pave “the way for an agreement as soon as possible,” said French President Francois Hollande. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) increased again the pressure on Athens. Although they said there was a “certain progress, but it has also become clear that a lot of work to be performed, and that the time is very short.”
Merkel said she hoped, that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday night more of the Euro Group would announce results. Basis of the negotiations was the position of the three institutions that were Greece already come against clearly
Juncker: “I am confident”
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, however, drew a mixed record of four hours Summit debates and criticized lack of results. “The meeting was good for the process, but not for the result,” she said. The 48 hours are now crucial. “We can not help a government that does not accept their responsibility. An agreement is necessary for all of us.” IMF chief Christine Lagarde said the new proposals Athens are non-specific, it was still room for negotiations.
The euro zone finance ministers will discuss on Wednesday for the second time this week on Greece. “I am confident that the Euro group next Wednesday will produce results,” said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. On Thursday, the regular EU summit with 28 heads of state will then come together. Juncker said: “I am convinced that we come to a final agreement later this week, for the simple reason that we have to reach an agreement this week.”
At the summit, the euro agreed heads of state and government with Athens on the Greek budgetary targets for the years ahead. The reported diplomats in Brussels coinciding with the Athens government. The so-called primary surplus, interest payments and redemptions will be hidden in the should, in the current year amounted to one percent of the economic output and in the coming year two percent. The primary surplus is an important factor in the restructuring of the budget.
No pension cuts
The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had practically new proposals for tough tax increases and savings at the last minute. The measures are expected to contribute five billion euros in the coming year and a half. Athens is according to government circles now ready to increase VAT in the tourism sector (hotels, taverns and cafes) to abolish most early retirement and to demonstrate the rich in the country with a special tax.
companies, in 2014 more than EUR 500 000 profit made, special income tax to pay. A real estate tax, which wanted to abolish the leftist government actually should remain. Owners of yachts, luxury cars and swimming pools to dig deeper into their pockets. The government also wants to reduce military spending by 200 million euros. But it should not give pension cuts.
Merkel: “Advice summit”
Without result in the afternoon a meeting of euro zone finance ministers came to an end, which was to prepare the summit. New proposals from Athens were only “very, very short time before” received, said Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem. Therefore, Chancellor Merkel spoke of a “consultation summit”.
Greece is required to submit a comprehensive Refor mList to get 7.2 billion euros from the current assistance program, which are currently blocked. Time is short, because the country is about to go bankrupt. Athens must pay to 30 June EUR 1.6 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A possible extension of the program or a payment of previously blocked aids must still approve, among other parliaments and the Bundestag.
emergency loans increased again
The European Central Bank (ECB) increased meanwhile the emergency loans for Greek banks again significantly. But these loans make money withdrawals by the Institute yet possible. Euro group chief Dijsselbloem said that suggestions from Athens were “a welcome step”. Skeptical showed against Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), the missing reliable offers from Athens. “We have so far received no substantive proposals”, he criticized
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Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said. “It is a bissl more successive received in a European Union. ” EU Parliament President Martin Schulz said he was confident that a solution was possible and said, “.. The European institutions (…) have moved, hand outstretched It is now up to the Greek government to accept the outstretched hand”
Tsipras: “Social hardness avert”
Greece calls according to media reports, in turn redeployment and reallocation of the country’s debt. In addition, there should be an extensive investment program to ensure that the Greek economy was growing again
Tsipras said in Brussels. “It’s time for a real and viable solution that would Greece allow the return to growth, in the euro zone , with social justice. ” In Greek, he added, his government is trying to enforce necessary structural reforms and fight tax evasion and corruption. However, it applies to avert social hardship – Tsipras called pensions and wages, and rising energy prices for consumers. “These are for us the key to the agreement.”
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