Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ( right) | © Julien Warnand / Pool / AFP / Getty Images
- The donors and especially the International Monetary Fund should have rejected parts of the recent Greek reform proposals. Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras speaks of an unprecedented process.
- The financiers are obviously not mutually agree more. The IMF raises the other partners to great resilience.
- Tsipras traveled to Brussels again, where further discussions with the heads of the three institutions held.
- In the evening meet in Brussels once again the Finance Minister.
- Marlies Uken has the crisis of Greece policies analyzed here critical. Six Arguments for and against the Grexit You will find here all the reports on the debt crisis here.
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- Marlies Uken
What kind of media in the run-Lex building in Brussels: dozens journalists and cameramen stormed in, reserve jobs, to report on the meeting of the Euro Group. Rarely, the Euro Group has experienced so much stardom.
- Mark Schieritz
Interestingly, the IMF is in a working paper to the result that spending cuts the economic burden more than tax increases.
- “26668″ Mark Schieritz“31.5″“33″
From Parliament circles is to listen: Schäuble can not negotiate a debt restructuring. He needs to loudly ESM treaty, the mandate of the Bundestag.
- Sybille Klormann
In the evening, the finance ministers want again about Greece- Crisis negotiate – but “so far there is no basis for discussion,” reads from negotiation circles. Still, the three funders institutions have not agreed with the Greek authorities on an agreement in principle for an austerity and reform package.
- Zacharias Zacharakis
testimony in red: The Wall Street Journal has put parts of the negotiating papers online, and at first glance it is clear that donors still some changes demand. In red color the proposals are either ruled out or completely rewritten.
- Marlies Uken
the IMF to keep on board, is probably one of the biggest challenges in the talks this afternoon between IMF, ECB, EU Commission and the Greek Government. From Berlin government circles reportedly: “For us, a solution without the IMF is inconceivable that we have always repeated with constant kindness and said.”
- “26655″ Sybille Klormann
Tsipras’ announcement, the financiers did not accept the austerity proposals of Greece, the markets has enabled restlessness: The DAX fell by 1 percent to 11,427.40 points after , in the meantime he had lost even more. The euro zone benchmark index Euro Stoxx 50 lost 0.86 percent to 3594.86 points. The benchmark index slipped Athens by as much as 4.4 percent.
- “26641″ Marcus Gatzke
worth reading, though sometimes a bit overstated text: Athens is only the worst symptom of a much larger disease within the Euro project. After all, the single currency does not pay for the normal Europeans between Ruhr and Rome , Aditya Chakrabortty writes in Guardian .
- Marcus Gatzke
The unit labor costs have fallen significantly:
- Marcus Gatzke
Greece has failed or deported many reforms in recent years. But was really done anything? The labor market is, according to industrialized countries organization OECD now less regulated than in Germany:
- Zacharias Zacharakis
The Greek press, the measures that are supposed especially the IMF requires of Greece still circulating. The most important from the list:
– Reduction of military budgets to 400 million euros, not 200 million euros, as Tsipras has so far proposed
– income over VAT must be higher (1 percent of GDP)
– abolition of the early retirement
by 2022 – abolition of the supplementary pension for poorest pensioners (EKAS) by the end of 2017 and not as suggested
2020 – increase in health taxes for pensioners
– deletion of the Tax Benefits
for some Aegean islands – the Company to be sure less heavily taxed (not from 26 to 29 percent, more than 28 percent), does not appear to accept the donors also provided special tax
. - Tilman Steffen
The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the donors International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and the European Commission are not one hundred percent agree. The fund accuses the partners, too lax to deal with Greece. It reported the Süddeutsche Zeitung .
- Tilman Steffen
Our reports today: the hope for a speedy solution the debt crisis is smashed, reports editor Zacharias Zacharakis Athens. Marlies Uken has the crisis of Greece policies analyzed here critical. Six arguments for and against the Grexit can be found here. Further reports on the debt crisis can be found here.
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