Should the leaders of the euro countries, the breakthrough in the crisis in Greece? From Athens come optimistic signals. The latest to Hellas-crisis N24 Live Scores
23:55 clock. “They want to humiliate us”
Before Parliament in Athens on Sunday thousands of demonstrators by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asked not to give in the negotiations with the lenders in the country. The people sang, waving Greek flags and banners reading “No to the Euro”, “The people can not be blackmailed” and “The country is not for sale”. Many were supporters of the ruling party Syriza.
“They want to humiliate us,” the 65-year-old former teacher Yiota Kananakari said to the address of the creditor. “Why else would they insist on all the action? We will not have it any longer.”
According to surveys, the majority of Greeks, however, is to remain in the euro zone. The prerequisite for this is expected to reach an agreement with the lenders on reforms and additional aid flows be
22:30 clock: Juncker & amp;. Co aim to strengthen deposit insurance monetary union
The five presidents of the EU institutions want to do with the creation of a common deposit insurance and other measures in the euro area less vulnerable to crises. Refer to information from Sunday a multistage model which should be immediately tackled and completed by 2025.
The first step to summer 2017 through various measures competitiveness in the euro-zone countries strengthened and the economic policies to be coordinated more closely. To complete the banking union while also creating a unified deposit guarantee is proposed. The chairman of the Euro Group should also receive more competencies. The creation of a permanent President of the Euro Group – the Council of Euro-finance minister – is excited. On this point as well as in a separate part of the euro area countries in the European Parliament the proposals are similar to a Franco-German paper dated May
The European Commission will then present a White Paper in the spring of 2017 where the next steps are set out, which also provide for legal changes. The report of EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Council President Donald Tusk, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and the Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem to be discussed with the Heads of State and Government at the EU summit on Thursday. Click here to update the ticker
21:35 clock:. Greek central bank warns of “difficult Tuesday”
The head of the Greek central bank, Yannis Stournaras has, According to insiders, leading bankers from banks warned they should be prepared for a difficult Tuesday, if no agreement would be reached on the Euro zone summit on Monday. Stournaras had convened on Friday a meeting with leading bankers, to discuss the escalating crisis. Previously, cash outflows from banks had risen to more than a billion euros a day.
Stournaras did not speak at the meeting on the imposition of capital controls, said two leading bankers told Reuters. But he had made it clear that the situation would be serious. “If there is no agreement, Tuesday will be a difficult day, and then would have decisions are made, we were told,” said one banker, who took part in the meeting. It had gone well to logistical issues such as the supply of cash and the placement of ATMs. . The Greek banks can ensure only through emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) the European Central Bank (ECB) their solvency is currently
A second banker who attended the meeting, said: “If there is no is agreement on Monday, God knows how then looks Tuesday. Not even the ECB is not sure how it would go. ” A spokesman for the central bank confirmed that the meeting took place, but did not comment on the content
21:00 clock:. Oettinger barely there looks scope
European Commissioner Günther Oettinger sees the Greek debt crisis barely room for further concessions from the donors towards Athens. “Our margins are largely exhausted,” he said in the ZDF program “Berlin direkt”. “All in all, we have built a very solid package for Greece.” The euro zone countries are also very flexible in terms of the necessary savings in Greece. “I think for us to show that we really want a compromise and not expected by the Greeks that they grovel,” Oettinger said.
Green Party leader Anton Hofreiter went into the ARD program ” Report from Berlin “assumes that there would still be no agreement at the summit in Brussels. “All parties are domestically weak and therefore play poker until the last second,” he says. “But this weakness and this fear of compromise, which makes a total of Europe now weak.”
20:05 clock: Thousands march in Athens for a break with Euro partners
Thousands have in Athens demonstrating against austerity and for a tough stance against creditors of the bankrupt threatened country. The demonstration outside the parliament building in Athens under the motto: “Against the austerity (the tough austerity measures).” Participants chanted “Stop the privatization.” Some called for the withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone and to “break with its creditors” on. At the rallies were sympathizers of the government of the left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, the Trade Union of Civil Servants (ADEDY) and numerous organizations of extra-parliamentary left. In addition, the right-wing populist Party of Independent Greeks (Anel) was represented, who ruled together with Tsipras’ Syriza the country since January.
19:04 clock: Tsipras drift with donors
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is before the summit of the euro zone on Monday with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Euro Group Jeroen Dijsselbloem, ECB chief Mario Draghi and IMF chief Christine Lagarde meet. This was announced by his office in Athens. Greece funders wanted come together on Sunday to work on a solution to the debt crisis, according to insiders. It was not clear at first whether the required for this new proposal from the government in Athens already existed. French President Francois Holland declared in Milan, Greece has passed a proposal to the Commission and to the extent he did also to the institutions
18:11 clock:. Varoufakis: “On the way to agreement”
Greece’s finance minister Janis Varoufakis has given optimistic that an agreement with the lenders is possible. When asked if he was convinced Varoufakis said: “However, we are on the way to an agreement.” Details he did not name
17:36 clock:. Renzi holds an agreement for possible
Before the special summit of the euro-zone countries to the Greek crisis has become the Italian prime minister optimistic about a possible agreement with Greece expressed. “In my opinion, there are all the conditions for an agreement with Greece”, Matteo Renzi said, according to the ANSA news agency during a meeting with French President Francois Hollande at the Expo in Milan. This possibility one should not miss.
Hollande stressed that one should now lose a second. A Greek exit from the euro zone is a positive situation for anyone. As regards an agreement with Greece, he was “neither optimistic nor pessimistic”
15:42 clock:. Tsipras lays Merkel and Juncker new Greek proposal
The Greek government has to own Information Germany, France and the European Commission presented its proposal to solve the debt crisis. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras phoned to on Sunday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Francois Hollande and President Jean-Claude Juncker, said in a statement the government in Athens. The proposal is a “for all beneficial agreement that brings a definitive solution and a tackling of the problem does not move,” the report said.
Different data was reached on the content of the phone calls. A Greek government spokesman said Tsipras had his interlocutors presented proposals Athens to the information required by the creditors austerity measures. Further details were not known. An EU-employee, however, said in Brussels: “The work on new proposals goes on At this point, however, no new proposals have been submitted..” There had been several phone calls in the morning.
So Juncker had contact in addition to the interview with Tsipras also with Merkel and the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde. Employees Juncker had spoken with representatives of the European Central Bank (ECB). Parallel to the calls informed Tsipras on Sunday his cabinet. The day before there had been several hours to consultations demanded by the creditors austerity measures in the seat of government. Tsipras will travel according to his office on Sunday night to Brussels
14:26 clock:. Schäuble insists on reforms in Greece
One day before the special summit of the euro countries, Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble on Sunday again called for reforms in the heavily indebted Greece. They are a prerequisite for the success of the stabilization policy, Schaeuble said in Rasdorf where him the Point Alpha Prize was awarded for his contribution to the unification of Germany and Europe. “Where reforms not only decided in Europe, but have also been implemented, our stabilization policy works in recent years”, said Schäuble. This had happened in Ireland, in Portugal, Cyprus, Spain “and in Greece also, as long as there reforms have been implemented”.
At the same time Schäuble warned of a softening of the common European rules. “Because if we look at what we have agreed, can not leave, then grow no confidence in Europe,” warned the Minister of Finance
13:05 clock:. Austrian Finance Minister expects open Hellas banks
Austrian Finance Minister Hans Jörg Schelling does not expect that the Greek banks will be closed beginning of the week due to the massive outflow of capital in recent days. He assumes that institutions open in the next few days its switch without problems, Schelling said on ORF on Sunday. It is important that the European Central Bank (ECB) the Greek money houses ready place emergency liquidity as long as they are solvent. Because no bank in Europe could cope with such a withdrawal of deposits, which it gave in Greece over the past few months. That’s why it was important that such utilities as long run as possible
11:58 clock: Feverish discussions in Athens – Tsipras appoints cabinet meeting a
One day before the special summit of the euro. States in Brussels to run the deliberations in Athens at full speed. For Sunday lunch Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called a cabinet meeting, according to government sources. He wanted to teach his ministers about the positions Athens. The day before there had been several hours to consultations demanded by the creditors austerity measures in the seat of government. Insider did not exclude that Tsipras travels to Brussels on Sunday evening
11:25 clock:. Athens Denies Report on pension cuts
Athens has denied a report on reductions in pensions and civil servants’ salaries “The pensions are secured and paid to the date on which they must be paid,” said the head of the largest Greek pension fund IKA, Giannis Theonas, on Greek television MEGA on Sunday morning. “The German newspapers conduct their own policies.” Vice Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas said on state television ERT1: “I do not know where these facts come we will pay pensions and wages normal..”
09:47 clock: CSU financial expert does not see any realistic chance Hellas-agreement
The CDU / CSU in the Bundestag Finance Committee chairman and chairman of the CSU SME Union, Hans Michelbach, sees no realistic chance for a more successful negotiations in the Greece debt crisis. He warned on Sunday in Berlin at the same time against “rotten political compromises” at the upcoming EU summit. “Only an economically sustainable solution is feasible,” he said. The Greek government accused the CSU financial expert, she was doing it to a destruction of the euro stability pact and a pooling of Greek debt. He urged the European Central Bank, in view of the persistent refusal of the Greek government to stop the implementation of existing agreements, the emergency loans for Greece immediately
08:33 clock:. Meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Monday brought forward
The planned for Monday meeting of euro zone finance ministers on the Greek crisis to take place two and a half hours earlier. Discussions are now already at 12.30 clock (CET) start instead from 15.00 clock, as Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem told about the short message service Twitter. To change he called first no reasons. The prime minister and leaders of the 19 euro countries are to meet later in the same building on Monday at 19.00 clock
07:25 clock:. Athens has to salaries and pensions for June shorten
Greek pensioners and civil servants must adjust to the fact that their salaries for June not be fully paid off, according to a media report. The reported the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” with reference to internal calculations of financiers. Thus Athens lacked the end of the month from 2 to 3.6 billion euros – tax revenues have fallen dramatically. Consequently, the government can not then settle not only the overdue rate of 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund. You should also cut pensions and salaries. The expenses for this subject the end of June at 2.2 billion euros.
Even an agreement with Athens donors in the coming week on reforms to the cuts would not change anything, the paper continues. Since the reforms still only be decided in the Greek parliament and five national parliaments of payment of the final program funds of 3.7 billion euros would have to agree, Athens will be no earlier than mid-July liquid again.
06:17 clock : France’s Finance Minister Sapin – Grexit would catastrophe
France’s Finance Minister Michel Sapin warns of withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone (Grexit). Such a move would be a disaster for the country clammy, Sapin said in an interview with the newspaper “Le Journal du Dimanche”. Everything must be done to avoid this scenario. The consequences would be difficult to predict. Athens must present to solve the debt crisis “solid” and “serious” proposals. “We have to find an agreement that allows Greece to return to growth and investment,” added Sapin
+++ The reports of 20 June +++
. 22: 13 clock: US Treasury warns Greece against consequences of Euro-retirement
In the debt dispute between Greece and its international creditors US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned the government in Athens before a withdrawal from the euro. Such a move would be “connected appalling decline in economic performance” with a, Lew said on Saturday the US television network CNN. Above all, he will meet the Greek people tough. “I call on all sides to flexibility,” said Lew
20:40 clock. “Markets see Greece as a special case”
The Austrian central bank chief Ewald Nowotny sees the euro zone today much better prepared for a withdrawal of Greece than two years ago. At that time it had still given the acute danger that “a collapse of Greece would have a negative impact on other Southerners,” Nowotny told the “Kurier”. “Things are different today: The interest on the government bonds of Italy, Spain and Portugal are hardly gone up, not least by the monetary policy of the ECB”, Nowotny added, who is also the executive body of the European Central Bank (ECB). “The markets see Greece as a special case, the cost of a Grexit for Europe today would be much lower than two years ago..”
18:09 clock: Varoufakis – Merkel faces crucial choice
The Greek Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis has appealed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make the Greek crisis a decision. “The German chancellor is on Monday before a crucial election,” Varoufakis wrote in an article for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (FAS): “In an honorable agreement to enter a government that has the ‘bailouts’ rejected and a negotiated solution aiming . Or follow the sirens from their government, encouraging them to cast the only Greek Government overboard that is principled and can bring the Greek people to the path of reform. This election, I very much fear, they must meet. “
Varoufakis was convinced that now everything depends on the summit on Monday, according to the FAS-advance notification. He also further signaled willingness to compromise: “We are on our side come up with the decision to Brussels, further compromise, as long as we are not asked to do what previous governments did: new debt to accept under conditions little hope provide that Greece can pay back its debts. ” But he did not give details of a compromise offer
16:57 clock:. Schulz warns Athens strongly against breaking with Euro Zone
EU Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD) before the government in Athens warned the further consequences of a break with the euro zone. The “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (FAS) said Schulz: “What does not work: from the euro retire, unable to repay its debts, but expected that the funds from the EU budget continue to flow merrily.”
Schulz put so close, the paper said that Athens could not stay in the European Union when it leave the euro zone. He stressed that he would do everything to prevent it from coming to. EU member states are entitled to so-called balance of payments support, if its arrears reach alarming proportions, and they can not refinance itself on the capital market. This instrument is limited to members who are not in the euro, and can not rely on the protection ESM. Legally States can emerge only from the European Union; an exit from the euro zone is not contractually provided
16:14 clock. Thousands demonstrate in Berlin against refugee and Greece Policy
For World Refugee Day in Berlin have several thousand people for Solidarity with Refugees and demonstrated against the European policy Greece. In the district of Kreuzberg, they gathered for a rally. Speeches were the journalist Jakob Augstein and Greece deputy minister for social solidarity, Theano Fotiou.
Also in other cities were people on the street to demand a more open policy on refugees. In Berlin’s Kreuzberg district came to the police together about 2,500 demonstrators. Then they wanted to go together to the Brandenburg Gate. The protest under the slogan “Europa.Anders.Machen.” had organized an alliance of left groups. Besides banners about the anti-globalization network “Attac” held signs with slogans such as Participants “haircut now” or “Humboldt Forum for initial reception” high. “We are demonstrating for a Europe of solidarity and peace,” Fotiou said. “For a Europe of peoples, not the bankers.”
15:07 clock: Greece According to a minister announces new proposals for special summit on
Greece wants at the Euro-summit on the debt crisis submit new proposals. “We will try to complete our presentation, so that we come closer to a solution,” said Alekos Flabouraris, a close aide of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, the television channel Mega. “We do not travel with the old proposal.”
Probably there would be on a Saturday night a phone call between Tsipras and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. He is among the optimists who believed that one zubewege to a solution to the crisis, Flabouraris said. On Monday
a Summit of Heads of State and Government of the euro area is set
14:44 clock:. Gabriel defends itself against accusations in populism Grexit debate
SPD party leader Sigmar Gabriel has been accused of his own party populist conduct in debt dispute with Greece. At the party convention on Saturday in Berlin the SPD-MEP Simon Peter saw him criticized newspaper for a post in the “image”, Reuters learned from a participant of the party convention, which was held behind closed doors. The Greek government policy should not be argumentative mixed with the German workers and their families, Simon had said and demanded that populism had on the doorstep of the Willy-Brandt-Haus, the party headquarters ends.
Gabriel have rejected the accusation, reported one participant. Who does not aufgreife the mood of the people in the country, concern only for the further spread of resentment, Gabriel had told
13:27 clock:. ECB will not let the country’s banks fall – believes Athens
The European Central Bank can not afford a bankruptcy of the Greek banks to Greece considers. The ECB would know about the domino effect, the collapse of the banking system would trigger, State Minister Alekos Flabouraris said Saturday on Greek television. Greece is on the verge of bankruptcy. The Greeks evacuated in recent days, more and more money from their accounts from. The European Central Bank is located According to insiders, not sure whether the financial institutions to open on Monday. The Governing Council therefore increased the emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) for Greek banks. On Monday the ECB will discuss the scope of the emergency aid again after Reuters information
12:59 clock:. Calling from Juncker and Tsipras Saturdays
Prior to the crisis summit on Greece to apparently a telephone call between European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras bring progress. As the Greek State Minister Alekos Flabouraris on Saturday said on television, a conversation between the two leaders was planned in the evening. “I expect that there will be one. However, it has not yet initiated,” he said. He was of the opinion that it is moving towards in the dispute on a solution
12:33 clock:. Grexit would be “disastrous signal”
According to SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel Gabriel warned of a euro exit of Greece in front of dramatic consequences for Europe. “A withdrawal of Greece from the euro would be a fatal signal,” Gabriel said on Saturday after participating in the non-public information SPD Convention in Berlin. Nationalism was in any case already everywhere in Europe on the rise. A failure of the negotiations in the debt drama would reinforce these trends: There is a risk of a “European disintegration,” warned the Vice-Chancellor. This Monday a special summit of the euro countries to Greece held in Brussels
11:20 clock:. Söder accuses Greek government rejectionism before
Bavaria Finance Markus Söder (CSU) has the Greek Government before the special summit in Brussels on Monday accused a refusal. “Even if proposals are made, one has the impression that the Greek Government does not want to wait and that Europe gives way,” he said on Saturday the German Press Agency in Nuremberg. . However, it can not be that in the end pay the European taxpayers alone to the problems of Greece
“My confidence in this government tends to zero”, said Söder overlooking Athens The chances of success of the special summit he skeptical.: “I hope that the Greek government sees in the final meters, what is at stake at the moment I do not feel”
10:46 clock:.. Merkel and Tusk dampen hopes for Greeks Summit
Before the crisis meeting in debt drama about Greece German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Council President Donald Tusk warned against exaggerated expectations. “The summit on Monday may be only a decision-summit, where a decision basis is present,” Merkel said in Berlin. If by then vorliege no basis for decisions, the meeting will only one “counseling Summit” – and we must continue to wait. Tusk said, referring to the meeting convened by him of State and Government of the euro countries in Brussels: “The summit will not be the last step.” “We need to free ourselves of all illusions that there is at the highest level a magic formula”
09:01 clock:. Portugal – Euro-zone would have closed on a Grexit react
EU leaders need the words of the Portuguese Prime Minister a common response to a withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone. It would be unwise not to take such a scenario into consideration, Pedro Passos Coelho said. For the euro area is crucial that they react together and closed. This should be prepared by the European Central Bank and the individual central banks. “That is completely clear to me.”
08:08 clock: Economy Weiser – Grexit would not shock for Germany
Peter Bofinger, a member of the Advisory Council of the Federal Government to assess the overall economic development, sees in the event of withdrawal of Greece from the euro in the short term no serious consequences. “In the short term it would probably have no great impact -. Neither Germany nor on the global economy as a shock after the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008, we would not have to worry about,” Bofinger said the “Passauer Neue Presse”. At that time, the markets were completely overheated, but today the situation is another. “Probably would on the capital markets, the interest rates for countries like Italy or Spain to rise as speculators would turn back to these countries. But that could be overcome with the help of the ECB,” he predicts.
07:22 clock : US calls for Greece and donor countries to compromise on
The US Greece and donors called for a compromise in the debt dispute. “We believe that there is a need for Greece and its international partners, to take steps toward compromise,” government spokesman Eric Schultz said on Friday. Both sides should work out a credible reform program, “which can lay the foundation for long-term growth in the euro area”
+++ The reports of 19 June +++
20.: 20 clock: Greece and Russia to build pipeline
Greece and Russia want to start in the coming year with the extension of the planned gas pipeline in the Turkish stream EU country. For this, the two governments have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in St. Petersburg, Energy Minister Alexander Nowak told the Interfax news agency, according to. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras wanted at the International Economic Forum in the Neva metropolis by the Kremlin have talk about the joint gas project as well as the Greek debt crisis.
The new line should be completed in 2019, Nowak said. The pipeline will continue to flow to Southeast Europe annually up to 47 billion cubic meters of gas. The danger of bankruptcy government in Athens expects this million revenue through transit fees
19:27 clock clock. EU Budget Commissioner praises Athens
Despite its financial problems Greece has, according to the EU budget Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva always paid its EU contributions and deserve economic support from the European Union. Georgieva said the EU member country could count on the support of the State Union in tackling the economic crisis. Although the country has to scrape together to service its debt, the money that it had transferred 1.13 billion euros this year its contribution of 1.83 billion euros to Brussels
18:50 clock:. Putin and Tsipras are planning depth Cooperation
Russia and Greece want to set up a roadmap for the further deepening of economic cooperation until November. The decision of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday in St. Petersburg.
The agreement between the two countries on the joint construction of an extension of the planned Black Sea pipeline Turkish Stream was for a good condition, Tsipras said the agency Interfax According. In Putin’s international economic forum in the former Tsar’s metropolis Russia and Greece had made the line deal perfectly. The major project is to the Greeks in the future fill the empty coffers with transit fees and open Russia a new gas supply route to Southeast Europe
18:05 clock:. “We are now in the middle of a big storm”
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras traveled against the backdrop of difficult negotiations with creditors Athens to Russia. Before a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin Tsipras said at an economic forum in St. Petersburg: “As you all know, we are now in the middle of a big storm, but we are a maritime nation that knows how to navigate through storms and no. afraid to drive new seas and reach new ports “, Tsipras added
17:56 clock:. Tsipras and Putin are not talking about financial support
If the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at his meeting with the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, according to the Presidential Office in Moscow not talking about financial support for his country
17:51 clock:. press Greece worries Dax into the red
The Dax has run out of steam at the “Witches’ Sabbath”.

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