Brussels / Athens (dpa) – In the pursuit of the rescue of Greece in the opinion of the European Commission, an agreement is feasible in the short term
The recent austerity. – and reform plan of the Greek government agree in broad outline with the offer of the three donors institutions, said EU Commission Vice Chief Valdis Dombrovskis of the German Press Agency on Tuesday in Brussels. At the same time, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras fell due to planned billion savings in his homeland under considerable pressure.
The euro zone finance ministers want to Brussels to have this Wednesday some (19.00 clock) on a compromise. The EU Council of Ministers confirmed the date for the emergency meeting. The panel of 19 national department heads come together to “finalize details of the Greek reform plan,” the Council said. Manages the intended agreement, the leaders might have been looking earlier information approve the plans at regular EU summit on Thursday and Friday.
On Tuesday evening Athens announced a surprise visit by Tsipras in Brussels on Wednesday. He wanted to meet with donors. In Athens, meanwhile, demonstrated on Tuesday night, several thousand members and sympathizers of the Communist Party (KKE) against the tough austerity measures.
From the perspective of the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the odds were increased significantly to reach an agreement in the Greek debt dispute. “Things move clear as approaching an agreement,” Valls said Tuesday after a meeting with ECB President Mario Draghi in Frankfurt. Athens had proposed serious and responsible measures in the recent austerity and reform plan. Still, the breakthrough was not but succeeded stressed Valls: “We still have work to do.” “With this proposal, an agreement is possible if both sides are working seriously in the next one or two days,” Dombrovskis said.
The acutely bankrupt threatened Greece had made his international donors in on Monday night new reform proposals, to get so far blocked aid money. The current utility runs on 30 June on the European side, and could now be extended again. The international donors have granted Greece two utilities with a total of around 240 billion euros.
The closer an agreement, the stronger the right Greek Prime Minister Tsipras is under attack from its own ranks. There rebelled the left wing of his Syriza party, and even the right-wing coalition partners threatened during the vote in the Athens parliament votes against.
Following an agreement with the lenders Parliament in Athens could with the voices of the opposition, the austerity program cheap, that will take almost eight billion euros over the next year and a half. At the same time while the ruling coalition could lose its majority. The chaos would be perfect. A concrete date for the vote in Athens is not yet clear.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said after the extraordinary summit of the euro zone on Monday evening in Brussels, although there was some progress. “But it has also become clear that still much work to be done, and that the time is very short.” Basis of the negotiations remains the position of the three institutions International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and European Commission, which are Greece already come against clearly.
From next Monday at the Bundestag might in his last Vote-session before the summer break on aid. Significant resistance to further help is available mainly in the Union Group.
The proposed by Tsipras measures are expected to contribute almost 7.9 billion euros in the coming year and a half according to data from the Athens government circles, but in the second half 2015, nearly 2.7 billion. Necessary is a comprehensive program that Greece economically “viable” doing, urged Tsipras. In particular, he called for a restructuring of the debt: an extension of the payment period and a redeployment of EUR 27 billion debt by the ECB in the European Stability Mechanism ESM
The German stock market gained thanks to the proximity to continue.. The Dax extended its gains on Tuesday, standing at 1.46 per cent higher in the afternoon 11 627.88 points.

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