The schedule for the Greek bailout is closely: yet this Wednesday, the finance ministers are basically in some of the Euro Group on the extension of the aid program, on Thursday, the leaders could then lashing the deal at the EU summit.
However, the Europeans have this perhaps too little to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) thought. Its representatives stand in the negotiations appear to cross. Several newspapers reported on Monday intensified among creditors. While the European Commission and the Euro-group welcomed the reform proposals made on Monday in Athens in principle, to be dissatisfied with the list of IMF. The fact promised measures are too vague and relied too heavily on tax increases rather than spending cuts.In the EU, the tough stance of the IMF encounters apparently incomprehension. “The IMF seems to a deal not to be interested,” cited as the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” an EU diplomat.
Tsipras is on Wednesday surprisingly traveling to Brussels
The Greek Government had submitted new proposals for reform on Monday. They provide, among other things, a reform of VAT, tax increases for companies that suppressions of early retirement and a gradual increase in the retirement age. Overall, the Greek budget will be so relieved to 2.7 billion euros in the current year, 2016 will be even 5.2 billion euros. (The entire proposals has put online the Greek newspaper “Kathimerini”.)
The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras wants to travel on Wednesday shortly to Brussels to meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, ECB chief Mario Draghi and IMF Director Christine Lagarde meet and to convince them of his proposals. The meeting in Brussels was to begin at noon. From 19 clock then meet the finance ministers of the euro countries in order “to finalize the details of the Greek National Reform Plan”, as stated in the announcement.
The euro zone finance ministers were already last Thursday and on Monday come together – without results. Now time is running out. On June 30, the support program for Greece runs out. Agree Greece and the donors until then to an extension expire at least 7.2 billion euros aid.
Greece needs the money urgently to repay all about debt. Also on 30 June, nearly 1.6 billion euros to the IMF due in July and August billions more payments are on the European Central Bank (ECB) on (see chart).If there is an agreement on an austerity and reform package on Wednesday, part of the aid money could at least be possibly paid quickly. Of the 7.2 billion euros 1.9 billion euros come from borrowed Winning the European Central Bank (ECB). This money could flow relatively quickly, it said on Tuesday in Brussels. Decisions to admit it yet.
In general, the extension must agree with the utility several European parliaments, including the Bundestag. The creditors also demand that Parliament in Athens approved the plans
Many last chances -. Quotes for Greeks Crisis

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